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So she’s going after a stranger the day before court because they pointed out she has a DVRO? Fucking hell.
Marcia, Sian I’m begging you to actually be a friend and get this maniac help. Fucking loser.
On one of the lassies photos she's literally just commented with the lassies name 🤷🏻‍♀️
Think she knows what she's called, Alice.

But Alice isn't a bully remember.
Or is it today what she's said in the past, that she didn't bully anyone who didn't deserve it?
Cause newsflash, commenting with their own name (which you and your minions have asked for) and commenting with a basic fact, is not trolling you nor is it bullying like you suggested Alice. What you are doing is both. And it's not deserved.
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She really thinks having kids means you cant work. Almost every mother works when their children are small. Mothers do what they have to to contribute to the household. Alice is just a freeloading loser.
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So according to Malice we’re all lazy cunts like her. No, luv. People work to make a living. People work to support their families. They’re not parasites like you.
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I think it speaks volumes about Alice that she thinks that bullying someone who is friends with quite a number of proper journalists is a good idea.
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Chatty Member
I agree, Alice should be arrested for bullying and trolling. We do not do that here, we discuss in a civilized manner what Alice has done, we do not bully her or troll her, and we certainly never say hurtful or hateful things about the children. What we say here, stays here, we do not go and spread it all over sm. The same cannot be said about Alice Evans.
Ok this will be unpopular but I don’t think that’s entirely true. Some things have been said about the kids that it think were pretty awful. And talking about Alice’s death is pretty over the top IMO. I am under no illusions about the abuse towards I and B. But I do think sometimes it’s goes too far in this thread and I’d be lying if I said that some of the things posted didn’t make me uncomfortable.

With that said, the accusation that there has been anything pornographic or sexualizing about kids or that there have been death threats is just not true.
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Narcissists are so wearingly predictable, aren’t they? Zero capacity for change. Same old insults, machinations, threats and DARVO. It’s excruciating to see a middle-aged woman behave like this.
She reminds me so vividly of my ex. He used to make horrific, racist comments about BIPOC, because he knew that such rhetoric upset and disgusted me. If he were ever called out on his behaviour, he started with the ‘but YOU do X’. If he embarrassed me - I remember an evening at an exclusive London club when he managed to piss off an entire table of people within thirty seconds of arriving - it became that I embarrassed him. Deflect, deny, da-duh.
Since I don’t use Instagram, if she tries to find and doxx me, I’ll be on the phone to the UK and BH police faster than Usain Bolt and have her done under the Malicious Communications Act. As ever, she’s spectacularly uninformed when it comes to the law. Accusations of paedophilia against us are also actionable - no First Amendment protections for her there. I once upon a time felt sorry for her, given how publicly she unspooled and how rapidly - watching her train of thought falling off the rails and bursting into flames was shocking - but she deserves no mercy. No pity. She destroys everything she touches, and she’s wrecking those girls. I feel worst for Ella, who has been groomed and manipulated and isolated, who is contacting the worst sorts of online filth unsupervised: what kind of life is she going to have?
You have a court appearance today, Malice Dear. Perhaps concentrate on that, rather than contriving spurious allegations against those whom you spy upon, who do not contact you, who have no relation to you, who have no desire to ever meet you? Or, you know, do the unthinkable and actually try for some gainful employment? Screaming [Aliice CAPS] ‘BUT MY BAYBEEZ NEED ME! I CANNOT WORK BECAUSE I AM A MOTHER AND MUST MAKE SURE THEY ARE BREATHING DURING THE NIGHT AND YOU’RE ALL PAEDOPHILES AND I’M SCARED!’ won’t cut it. Never has, never will.
Pathetic. Just utterly, risibly pathetic.
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Not all hero's wear capes! I love the fact she DGAF and is posting it in her stories 💅
Also mAlice just constantly writing bollox in her comments section, the same shite over and over! It's almost like back at the start of things 🤦🏼‍♀️
She's defo shitting it about today! I'm just annoyed with the court for having the hearing so late..RUDE 😉

She's got fake eyeslashes on in the top one 👀 nothing wrong with wearing them btw, but honestly what a waste of time, putting on makeup just to post selfies 🤦🏼‍♀️
Sarah has picked up the baton from Craig.
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Well, aren't you in for a treat!

From the glossary in the wiki:

EDDIE CIBRIAN - Extremely handsome Hollywood actor. His name was invoked by Alice in one of her rage text messages to Ioan (which formed part of his DVRO application), where she unfavourably called him a "random mediocre actor", alongside Josh Duhamel. For some unknown reason, she wrote his name in all caps. Tattlers are unsure what Eddie ever did to Alice to deserve this.

View attachment 2920555
Thanks for inspiring my new profile pic. It's always been one of my favourite parts of the Malice back story.
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I like how her main minions go on about how Alice is innocent. and if she had many victims there would be police reports (there are, yknow, from the two that got a RO against her!)

So Harvey Weinstein was innocent then? (obviously rape is worse than the cyber bullying Alice has been practicing for 20 years but thats besides the point)

People dont usually report cyber bullying, as Alice correctly said because the police doesnt do anything about it. And because victims often prefer it to go away (one of her victims, Ella Newton, said something like this) So the whole argument that there has been no other police reports is moot (how would we know anyway?)

And while we are here Alice harassed a innocent woman last night on her feed. proving in real time that everything is true (and it's not only cyber bullying, she provingly, there are videos yknow, abused her own kids emotionally too)
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Remote court appearance finished and she’s straight back to arguing on social media. She really is just something else! We don’t know what’s happened at court today but it can’t have been good for her. Yet her first priority is back online to argue
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Ella is interacting with the porn account iirc on tiktok too. It's a bigger issue than the X account she doesn't use.
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I love that both Bianca and Alice liked this - Alice must convince herself very hard to think that this is not her
Screenshot from 2024-05-06 15-54-23.png
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My theory is she’s a lazy cunt who thinks her ex husband owes her. He doesn’t. Signed Dr Mimsy x
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Chatty Member
Wrong Alice.

Two people reported your abuse which is why you have a DVRO.

The court documents also suggested you’ve verbally abused your kids too.

Just a reminder 😅


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Here is some more info on the Hoarse Whisperer/MITH situation which happened in February 2019.

Hoarse Whisperer revisited it in March 2021:

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Here are some of the tweets about it from the incident in Feb 2019.

Lupine, the abuse fetishist, is commenting under his old account:

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Thread title suggestion, inspired by Hoarse Whisperer (and edited for length):

Alice invents fictional slights and gaslits people to engender sympathy

Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 18.26.17.png
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