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Active member
Ali is unable to find any substantial content ideas and decided to do summary videos of the books he reads?
Also, judging by the title, he is talking about self-love, right? He did the same thing in another video, where he included the words "love life" in the title and then proceeded to talk about self-love.
Either way, not gonna spend even 1 microsecond watching it.
He looks like a banana-guy from rich family, who doesn't know what to do in life and his biggest problem is that his M1 iMac has 7, instead of 8 GPU cores.
I'm probably misinterpreting you here/something lost in translation or different slang but are you talking banana as in an Asian person "acting white"?


VIP Member
Maybe it's just me but I can't imagine dedicating time to listen to some 20 year old with very little life experience, especially not one that chose to dedicate her time to Ali Abdaal.
I think Elizabeth could build a nice following/community of people of a similar age/life stage if she diverted from the Ali model and was her own person. But I don't think she will because her initial success has been while modelling herself and her content off him.
people in my grammar school mostly went into medicine
they were mostly very self-absorbed and obsessed with grades and had pushy parents
i guarantee u they went into medicine for the stability/money
if they wanted to help others, they wouldn't have went into medicine
they'd have gone to nursing, charity, ngos etc.

I just came across this guy through someone else and wtf? So he's a doctor, but his whole Youtube is about making money and how he's a millionaire or whatever? I have no qualms with people being ambitious and wanting to earn a decent living but that seems like a very odd mix of values. What a waste of a medicine degree space.


Well-known member
I don't want to be rude but his mums place doesn't look like the home of a doctor. It seems like its a tiny old flat? Idk where abouts it is but it looks so dated and old. It was seen in the Tesla video. From that video, I thought he came from humble beginnings and that's why he was so money focused.

Need to go rewatch it though as it was a while ago and I could be wrong
Believe his family lives in St Albans and his mum deffo has her own place he always mentions my mums house
Hey there Ali!

His vids are well produced and taught me a great deal about money and productivity

His old videos are, his new videos are not. They are boring and not produced by him at all, there is no soul to them any more and they are on a boring content production line from his studio.

Sure, he contributes to toxic productivity but living under capitalism, we have no choice but to partake in hustle culture to survive unless we have rich families to fall back on

No we don't? You can be productive and successful without hustle culture and saying people have to participate to get ahead is just making the problem worse.

You claim Ali is privileged but he comes from a single-parent family
Granted, his mum is a doctor, but his family's finances are about half as much as a family with 2 doctors, or 2 working professional parents

How do you know this? Do you have Ali's mums bank statements? Ali's mum working as a doctor could also earn far far more than a family where both the parents work in retail.

Also, Ali has done videos on effective altruism but not many people cared enough to watch it, which reflects badly on his viewership/wider society
Sure Ali could dedicate his life to charity and give away all his money to charity but nobody, including you would/do

Well no but I don't earn £27k a week like Ali does. I work 8 hours a day 5 days a week to pay my rent, save a bit and need the weekend to de compress. I wish I could volunteer more to charity but I spend most of my time at work because I don't earn £27k a week like Ali does.

You are using tattle life right now, which makes you more privileged than all the 3rd world people who can't even eat or the refugees fleeing ukraine
But are you spending all your money/time/energy on these people?
Are you giving away all your money to charities and poor people?
If you are not doing so, don't expect Ali to. He is not a moral role-model, so don't hold him up to these standards.
If you want a moral role-model, start watching Malala Yousafzi, not Ali the productivity/money guru ffs

This is just a dishonest argument.
but are you spending your disposable income on these poor people in poor countries or refugees from ukraine ?
if you arent, how does that make you a better consumer than ali abdaal?


Chatty Member
I think she’s just copied Ali with it, she used language he also uses (can’t remember and example) and then it’s interesting she’s leaving so who will he get to replace her? Because seemingly he makes money off them being there to help pay his mortgage
It's Cambridge, the rental market here is mad. He will get someone to fill the spot in about a day if he needs.

If not then it seems like he's got enough money to just pay other half of the mortgage himself now.

Just here to say

Chatty Member
I mean given that black people make up about 3% of the population of the UK, I don't think it's THAT unreasonable that he doesn't have a black person on his small team. I'm all for inclusivity but think this is a bit of a reach, and a bit america-centric.
I agree with you.

Although... UK is a very diverse country. Are they ALL British? Genuine question. You'd think an Asian or other European person would make the 🤩 dream team 🤩


VIP Member
OMG, Sheen must be the girl he is dating, how is she staying over his place and she is there when he is waking up? In her podcast video he said I'll cook for you, she came back for his birthday, and now shes waking up in his house during her birthday not sure if it was before or after her birthday. What girl would except that from her boyfriend?

Dont think any girlfriend would allow another girl waking up at her boyfriends place and him cooking for another girl and spending that much time with her
I dunno, they lived together. He doesn’t seem to have stable friendships let alone relationships. I’d bet she just was back in London for whatever and they hung out
He does these short replies on this friends videos too always commenting "Good stuff" on stuff Elizabeth or Sheen uploads. Not sure if it's supposed to be funny because everyone goes mad for it in the comments but if this is the way he speaks to his friends no reason why he' not having any success on all of his dating apps.

Honestly this devolution into money content is so weird because he's got so many avenues of video topics he could go down - study stuff, Tesla content, his journey to getting shredded (because he does look in shape), productive wardrobe tips etc.
Does anyone interact with YouTube comments the same way they would with a friend in real life or a romantic prospect tho? Completely agree on the other avenues he could go down, although maybe he thinks 'just hire a personal trainer guys' isn't enough for a video, because that's basically what he's done to get into shape.


Active member
Breaking news, Ali has found a way to inject Tim Ferriss's farts directly into his brainstem instead of just inhaling them with gusto. It's like Neo going inside the Matrix but instead of martial arts and altering reality, Ali just downloads Ed Sheeran albums and cringe quotes. After so many years he's finally achieved the mantra of his bible, The 4 Hour Work week. Now all the productivity hustler idiots who follow him will be frothing even more at the mouth, coveting his exotic adventures around the world. Believe in yourself and you too shall reach the heights of Alidom. Just gotta hire some soy 20-somethings to write an avalanche of Twitter threads, sell a useless course and badabing badaboom we're there.

It's pretty clear this clown is the kind of person on which travel has zero effects. In all his traveling vlogs he mostly sat in his room having Zooms or writing some pointless drivel in his many Notion docs or at most going to sit in a chair outside and... write more drivel in his Notion docs. Fuck learning anything about other cultures, hanging out with locals or exploring, bringing any cool stories back or actually doing something to grow as a person. Let's instead "travel the world" cause it's something he read in a blog post somewhere and it sounded like what he's supposed to be doing.

The more time passes, the more delusional and cringe this character gets. He's an Office character IRL and a bad caricature of what a human is supposed to be.


Active member
He is really trying to push this stupid Creatorpreneur word as much as he can huh?

It does not even come off the tongue nicely.
Something called "Creativepreneur" already exists. I guess he is trying to make a varied version of describing him. Must say, it's a bit cringe. just say creator/entrepreneur!

The bar is so low, and given Jack Edwards is his research assistant for the book…well I’m not expecting much 😅
Coupled with the fact that there are many productivity books out there. So, unless he comes up with something like the GTD concept like David Allen, I don't think it's much of a value.