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I don't believe that ali never faced discrimination. Has he never had one classmate/stranger/passerby say something rude about Muslims/foreigners/immigrants to him?
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He's taking some heat in the comment section of his latest video.
Glad to see people speaking up and it's not just the usual onslaught of adoration from the fanatical knobheads. Unfortunately there are way more of those, enough to drown out any negative feedback. Still, that video has 400 comments, out of which 200 are spam bot replies. Absolutely pathetic, nobody wants to even bother engaging with this content. The fans just watch every video, hit Like, some write "amazing video" and move on. Almost like bots in a way.
He needs to read the room. Noone needs to know about his finances when millions in the UK are living in poverty with the situation getting worse.
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So according to the Steven Bartlett podcast, Abdaal is a creator, entrepreneur, came first at Cambridge and is a productivity expert

Steven did not even say he was a doctor!
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I'm new on here, can someone start a thread on Faye Bate another popular med student who is growing really popular
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Around 5:35 he mentions he has base model of the new iMac 24,5, but in the next weeks he will receive a fully spec-bumped version.
I mean, really?

How productive it is to again setup your new computer and spend so much cash on electronics?
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I've only briefly seen Ali in Ed Hope's videos, but even then I didn't really warm to him. I kind of felt like he was playing up the stereotype of 'bumbling British medic', which just doesn't feel legit to me - he may have changed by now though.
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His entire business is just ridiculous. It is a small company making vlogs and courses centered around a single person which has expanded into an environment where they're having "leadership team meetings" and doing "employee surveys". It is a start up being run like a massive enterprise and they must be burning through their funding on takeaways and lattes. It is all an ill-advised vanity project so that Ali can pretend to be a CEO and outshine his brother. Difference is his brother actually seems to have done it the right way with an actual product and investors.

He has been commissioned to write a book but now it looks like he's got it being written by a committee of his employees. Nothing wrong with making a well researched non fiction book but there is no way it should be taking this long with the amount of help he's got in.

I can't think of anything less productive than building a company to help you write a book. Imagine the scenes if it flops.
You mean when it flops. The only thing funding this entire endeavor is PTYA and there honestly can't be that many people willing to pay 1500-5000 to learn youtubing from this guy. I'm 99% convinced he's gonna burn through the base of devoted brainless fans at some point. He's not even good at youtube, he just makes up these random systems with goofy names attached to them that makes it sound like content production just becomes automated. Easy to talk about automation when you got a half dozen people buzzing around you like flies around shit, taking care of everything from writing your "jokes" to holding the camera. No other youtuber on this planet with 2x-30x the sub numbers of Ali needed these systems until now but lo and behold, suddenly channels with 1000 subs are spending thousands to internalize Ali's crucial systems. It's all a scam and these people are idiots for paying so much just to hang out with this doofus. They're at fault here really. Same people who are gonna buy the book and proceed to spam the internet about how much Ali's book "changed their lives", even though his life is an example of a fake miserable existence.
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Yeah it's a mystery to me as well, I think the sheer fact of seeing one of their own have this success blinds them to the fact that he's indirectly shitting on his roots. They're still hoping he's a muslim and has kept a remnant of his culture but it's pretty clear he wants to be white and acts like it. He throws the occasional crumbs with some quote from the Quran that gets everyone all giddy before returning to his wannabe high-class white posh British nonsense. I'm an immigrant as well and know what it's like to be poor, which is why his complete lack of self awareness in regards to outsourcing irks me like crazy. I guess higher education has brainwashed him into the old British classism way of thinking which sorta coincides with India's old caste system.
Ehh, For me it's just a way of thinking or life experience. In 2014 I worked in one outsourcing company in Poland. I was a junior accountant and earned back then around 350 GBP net per month. The company agreed with the client to lower the prices of the services, and they've moved all positions from Poland to India. For my position they've employed 3 Indian people... This gave me the broader picture how exploited in terms of wages Asians are. So I can't understand how you can be and Indian, and praise another Indian/Pakistani that he's so clever to pay 7$-10$ for the task he should pay 30$-40$.

His comment section is full of Pakistani/Indian people writing him how amazing and inspiring he is.
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The stats are out there if you search. You sound like a racist. Typical racist saying black people are involved in 99% of videos online beating or robbing places. I guess its their fault also that black women are dying during child birth and post natal at alarming rates right? Guess there's no stats for that too right?

Get lost
I don't care if you call me the big scary word that terrifies everyone. I'm not offended. Nor am I racist but who I don't care about convincing you otherwise. In your mind you've taken the high ground already so enjoy that little hill.

You were the one who decided to suddenly go bleeding heart with that moronic statement about black people... As if any productivity book out there would specifically address that issue separately? You crazy bro? You want a book specifically made for brown people who supposedly encounter racism in school? It's one thing to hate on Ali for being a despicable worm but your demands of nonfiction literature are batshit insane. Stop bringing race into everything then using self-righteous masturbatory statements as a counter. Thanks for the natal death rate example, I'll grant you that one but parry your argument with affirmative action in universities. Don't cry too hard please.
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I really do wonder what he needs that big of a team for. Twelve people and counting, isn’t that right? I feel like he dug his own grave by outsourcing to that many people when the improvement in quality or production isn’t showing. He used to have much better backgrounds, lighting, and even camera work. He had a video before where I commented that it was like he was manufacturing authenticity because of how wonky the camera work was; it was like he was trying to give a homey vibe or something.

But yeah, even Graham Stephan was confused over why Ali would need the staff he has and why he would need the apps and softwares he uses. Now, Graham isn’t really a good benchmark since that man is frugal to a fault, but it’s saying something since Graham has three channels and a podcast while only having two employees. He even used to struggle to keep the third employee busy.

Ali, I don’t know. He’s trying too hard to be a legit guru, I guess. He’s taking things too by the book with his very impersonal Twitter threads and all since he’s doing that very corporate thing of packaging his videos for other platforms like blogs and Twitter. That works for corpos, but it works less for YouTube personalities who people follow for—you guessed it—their personalities. And I’m hardly assuming any of these because these are from his own advices - like before, he mentioned that one viable job to put yourself out there is to offer services for writing where you’ll reach out to youtubers to turn their videos into blog posts or Twitter threads. It’s fairly logical then to conclude that that’s also what he’s doing and what he’s paying someone from his staff to do.

I guess he’s not putting all his eggs in the YouTube basket. He’s really trying to turn himself into an authority or an enterprise by touching base on different platforms, but he’s just going about it in a very bland and blatant way.

That said, I do enjoy some of Elizabeth’s content. She actually has insightful and thoughtful things to say.
He recently started hanging out with Ben Francis and thinks he is a big business man himself.
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But he receives a lot of praise about this content. Someone in this thread mentioned that he may be an inspirational role-model / example from his ethnic / religious background. Maybe that is the key to his increasing number of subscribers and him not having huge drama with the viewers?
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What's her ig?

She's gorgeous imo. I think this is the most "normal" thing Ali has done. They seem to have a lot in common. Both went to Cambridge med school, and are into youtube. Should she marry him, No but if she likes him and enjoys his company, what's wrong with that?
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Team retreat day!

Can't believe he doesnt want to be a vegan lol, all the guys he obssesses and fanboys over are all into plant based eating, something huge with tech folk in silicone valley, surprised he isnt jumping on the bandwagon
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Also you totally called it with his audience. One of his vlog videos he goes to a meet up of his fans and they're all of a similar cultural and ethnic background to him.
It was obvious after checking the comment section and his social media a few times. 99% of people replying have names that are obviously Indian/Pakistani. Therein lies the secret of Abdaal's success. There are just a lot of Indians and Pakistanis around. Let's see him put that in a course and sell it.
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BetterHelp is so awful. Lots of YouTubers I like also have sponsorships with them and it's so disheartening. Aside from unethical privacy practices, they don't even vet their therapists. Here is a compilation of some awful experiences.

Cannot wait for the day there is a Netflix documentary about betterhelp, they are awful and there some horrific stories
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Isn't the issue that he hasn't been open about his properties in the past? Much of his content is related to making money from productivity 'hacks', investing in stocks, or organising one's life better. I don't watch much of his content as I find him too annoying, but I went back to look at a passive income video he made two years ago and he didn't mention rental income as a source of money for him. And if he owns multiple properties I assume he rents them out rather than leaving them sat there empty.

When I see people making public social media posts asking for places to rent it always feels lazy to me. I get that trawling through estate agents' web pages/Rightmove can be boring, but it's something you should be prepared to do when you're looking for a new place.

I'm surprised he hasn't got property contacts he could ask if his search hasn't come up with anything.
Pretty sure he made an entire video touring his newly purchased rental apartment a while ago. One would conclude he didn't stop at just a single property.

If he's been silent about it recently he probably knows he'll get dunked on by those in his audience who are anti-renting and he's doing all he can in the scummiest way possible to not become the target of any kind of group. Large part of his success is being so neutral and unpolarizing that he somehow became one of youtube's golden boys. Let's not forget he plays the leftie angle constantly to endear himself to his audience but he handles his finances in the most righty way possible. Not sure taking marriage applications via email qualifies as leftie either, that sounds like some pakistani-specific shit.

Regarding his posts, I wouldn't qualify that as anything other than engagement farming. He could obviously ask one of his London friends in private but then you don't get dozens of "OMG ALI YOU'RE COMING BACK TO LONDON??????" replies. When something looks moronic and nonsensical on social media, it's probably just attention seeking.
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Whatever we may think about Ali, he is the only productivity youtuber who openly admits he does YouTube for the "prestige", easy money and to boost his ego (in addition to his genuine love for teaching and making videos). That's actually refreshing to hear. Let's face it all youtubers are narcissists and love the sound of their own voices, love having an audience who put them on a pedestal and glorifies them, etc. Deep inside they all are deep into the celebrity culture and want to be a "celebrity" (having an audience who admires them endlessly). Not saying that everything else that brings them to the platform is not valid (love of making videos, love for sharing tips etc etc), yet narcissism, ego boost and celebrity status is DEFINITELY there...and none of them admits it besides Ali.
Jade, Ruby, Nasir (kharma medic), Holly Gabrielle, Jack Edwards, Vee etc all act like these perfect polished version of themselves, who happen to make videos for "altruistic reasons only and to help people, etc etc". Sure they do, but let's not pretend they do not love the sound of their own voice and are not addicted to the adrenaline boost of their audiences glorifying them, recognizing them and treating them like ultimate celebrities. Ali at least openly admits all this is part of the reason why he
does YouTube and he does so totally unapologetically. This is refreshing to hear.
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