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He needs to be making far, far more content if he wants to justify having a "team" around him.

Look at LinusTechTips. Obviously was a personal channel at first but its branched out into being one of the biggest tech channels on Youtube, bringing out multiple videos per week on many channels. There is tangible and visible growth there and I don't doubt every team member pulls their weight - it's not just a channel about Linus any more and lots of the other people on the channel are personalities and stars in their own right.

Ali's personal brand is very attached to him though. Angus and his other hanger ons will most likely make their own channels and try to copy Ali's formula when really he should try to be keeping them in his network.

That's why it is going to fail.
I haven't seen LinusTech. But I do think if Ali was just around people who he was having fun with, his vlogs would be more watchable. The Monaco vlog is a good example of how even being in a great setting to make an interesting vlog, you can end up making a really boring vlog because it seemed unrelatable and like an informercial for himself about how cool he is being in Monaco. Whereas a vlog like the vagabrothers did in Monaco shows that being relatable to your audience and having fun in your videos makes the vlogs watchable.
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Chatty Member
I wonder how many people actually take any of his advice and rules and thought exercises and apply them on a daily basis to solve problems.

I wonder if Ali does that.
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He is not cut out to be an author. Nothing wrong with that fundamentally if someone came to me and asked me to write a book with a nice advance I'd be very tempted to say yes but very quickly would realise it is a huge undertaking and I had nothing to say.

Ali is a vlogger and a podcaster. He thrives in that kind of medium. Why on earth anyone would think he has the ability to write a book is beyond me. It's not like he's famous for writing blogs or articles. The whole fact he's been working on it for over a year now and has got a committee together to write it just shows what the quality is going to be. Props on him for making sure it's well researched presumably but if you need these huge working groups to write it then it seems like it's less "Ali's book" but more "Ali's production commttee book".

The whole exercise in getting YouTubers to write books is just a money making exercise by publishing houses making money.
his book will still better than anything ruby/jade/grace produces
maybe they should have gotten a committee to write their books
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Genuinely think he is regressing as a person the more time goes on it's like he's turning into the version of himself he thought is cool at 12
Because he thinks he is running a start up and it was cool to vlog your daily life like Gary Vee back in the day if you were a start up founder.
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Why’s he gone anti Apple? Slagging off the newest iPhone and the air pod pro max? He was the biggest Apple fan boy not that long ago? Do we think he’s got some brand deal with windows coming up?
I think maybe he understood that there is no reason to buy new Apple product each and every single 6-12 months when they release new stuff, but hey - he is a productive and money guru, so who knows.

Money is money.

"How I productively monetized my YouTube chanel and become a living advertisement"
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Yeah, apparently he's responded/reacted to some comments from on here on his podcast with his brother? Might have to give it a listen...
Let us know if he’s honest about some of it, might have a bit more respect for him if that’s the case
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Ah, sorry I literally translated it from my native lanaguage. In Polish a "banana person" is a person from rich background which has plenty of cash, acts badly, shows off, and thinks he/she deserves everything, plus treats people like a c...p.
I promise, going forward, I'll check if this kind of expressions exist in English :)

In that case, Ali meets that definition - his last video is also about cash.
yeah, it's repetitive. Hopefully he'll have a vlog or something about going back into medicine part time soon
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Active member
Either way I just don’t think he’s comfortable with his sexuality, gay or hetro. He comes across as an incel and after doing research on it (thanks to this thread) that in itself is incredibly awful, he has mentioned a guy who is widely know for this sort of stuff too. Dating doesn’t fit in with his persona either as he “masters” everything but you can master relationships, they’re actual work. Someone mentioned that he might be more heavily on the ASD spectrum and that could be part of it (I’m not sure if he is any more on the spectrum than most lads)
It's not THAT awful, you'll find a lot of incels nowadays as social media continues to ruin women and men get their cues from unrealistic movie/tv show relationships. I'd wager a lot of people in this forum are incels as well. Which is fine, as long as there's awareness.

Any man should read about how to hold his own in a relationship since fathers are more often than not clueless wimps and are unable to offer any useful advice. However, some woman who feeds her husband broccoli with a blindfold on is not the solution.

I think he is gay and hides behind all this relationship stuff.
He's extremely feminine, childish and all over the place in his general demeanor and behavior, which prolly ties to the fact that he grew up without a father and surrounded by people who think traditional masculinity is something to be rejected. That's surprising considering he's surrounded by muslims but at the same time not surprising seeing as educated UK people seem to be quite demure and inoffensive.
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Conservative muslim who wants to control women.

1, 2, 3 accusations for me being racist let's start.
Outside of being a Muslim he does seem like the controlling type, his poor children if he ever has them

he has a lot of issues to seek therapy for
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His entire business is just ridiculous. It is a small company making vlogs and courses centered around a single person which has expanded into an environment where they're having "leadership team meetings" and doing "employee surveys". It is a start up being run like a massive enterprise and they must be burning through their funding on takeaways and lattes. It is all an ill-advised vanity project so that Ali can pretend to be a CEO and outshine his brother. Difference is his brother actually seems to have done it the right way with an actual product and investors.

He has been commissioned to write a book but now it looks like he's got it being written by a committee of his employees. Nothing wrong with making a well researched non fiction book but there is no way it should be taking this long with the amount of help he's got in.

I can't think of anything less productive than building a company to help you write a book. Imagine the scenes if it flops.
Totally agree

In his latest content writer job advert he has listed you will be a ghost writer for articles/work when needed

So Ali does shit all really
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New member
A member of Girl Defined (a fundamentalist christian group) is pulling a hard Ali on Instagram by constantly talking about how she’s creating an online course about creating online courses. She went on a whole spiel about “how to be an expert” that reminds me of how Ali approaches his content as well. Experts don’t know everything but man all these people passing themselves off as experts in a subject they know nothing about is just so sad.
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Dee B

Girlfriend??! Who? Sheen?
It’s not Sheen, it’s someone whose identity he hasn’t shown. He first posted photos of an anniversary dinner (presumably 6-month anniversary?!) a few months ago, then he started talking more openly, also recently saying he hopes to be married within about a year and that Taimur’s got a girlfriend too.
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Chatty Member
He's still got sponsorships and the shitty courses. Although sponsors are getting stranger and stranger. First it was Brilliant and edu stuff, now it's mattresses and supplements. Like honestly how many UK-only mattress sales are gonna come from an Abdaal video? Almost convinced this is money down the drain for these companies.
I would imagine they have a marketing budget and will chuck out a few sponsorships to some creators and then see make the most sales and give them more sponsorships etc.

Marketing always seem to have overbduget at my job and end up spending it on backpacks and stuff for staff anyway.

The courses have got to be slowing down now no one has the moeny to drop £2k on a youtube course when energy and food prices are the way they are.
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Chatty Member
Whether or not Ali is neurodivergent or not is irrelevant (I think he is but he's very high functioning) but he is an annoying person with bad morals and bad videos.

He will likely be into NFTs soon.
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VIP Member
Dunno who you've seen use #AD in a thumbnail but that basically guarantees you won't get any views. The FTC requires youtubers to disclose in the description, in the actual video and via the "Includes sponsored product" option in the upload dashboard.
He's in the UK so has to adhere to ASA regulations rather than FTC:

Basically the viewer needs to be able to tell it's an ad before they click on the video to watch (ie. AD needs to be in the title/thumbnail). So many influencers don't do this :rolleyes:

You can report UK influencers here:
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What the fuck else would you do with a few million quid other than buy properties? Don't say give it to charity or help the needy cause that's some bullshit. Plenty of reasons to hate this clown but investing in real-estate is not one of them. Everyone and anyone who has a significant amount of money invests mostly in real-estate. You have to be pretty braindead to not invest in something as solid as real-estate.

Writing off expenses is what people who have a company do. I write off part of my utilities cause I work at home. If I could, I would write off anything and everything that's legally allowable. With the taxes I already pay for zero help from the state I can sustain at least 2 full-time state-employed paper pushers. Get real with this shit, you're grasping at straws. There's plenty of material to bash Ali for but this ain't it man.
Isn't the issue that he hasn't been open about his properties in the past? Much of his content is related to making money from productivity 'hacks', investing in stocks, or organising one's life better. I don't watch much of his content as I find him too annoying, but I went back to look at a passive income video he made two years ago and he didn't mention rental income as a source of money for him. And if he owns multiple properties I assume he rents them out rather than leaving them sat there empty.

When I see people making public social media posts asking for places to rent it always feels lazy to me. I get that trawling through estate agents' web pages/Rightmove can be boring, but it's something you should be prepared to do when you're looking for a new place.

I'm surprised he hasn't got property contacts he could ask if his search hasn't come up with anything.
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