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Is he already from a wealthy background? His brother also attended Cambridge or was it Oxford

Feel like Amina Yonis on insta is trying to be the guy version of him now with her podcast, shes always got with skillshare and will be releasing a course, and shes also doing that self help stuff videos already
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can't even defend my arguments re: charitable spending

if you dislike ali abdaal bc you're jealous of him, just say so. There are plenty of worse celebs you can be spending your time on like Prince Andrew
Okay clearly I’m jealous of him and his life….. you’re on to me….
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To be honest he has probably read some marketing book that's changed his life or something and the technique is to show off how much money you are marking to get your audience interested / jealous and then start shilling for the products you are selling.

All of his "passive income" videos are ridiculous anyway and do not work unless you are a YouTuber. And he has a course on how to become a YouTuber so essentially all of his videos are designed to show off his wealth and then send you to buy one of his courses.
I'd wager he's trying to take advantage of the higher CPM that finance-related videos have. He's constantly mentioning Graham Stephan and trying to enter that niche only the difference is Graham has charisma and is well versed in matters of finance, while Ali just keeps regurgitating the same "learn to code" crap and "sell a course" bullshit over and over.

He just seems to be unaware of the fact that his validation stems from the sheer number of Indian/Pakistani viewers that will gobble up his shit without even blinking, and not from the validity of his advice.

I'd presume this was a piss take? Film and TV makers carefully plan every second and here's this fool watching and constantly speeding up because he's oh so clever and can watch things in tripple time, while missing lots of the small important things. Although some stuff is crap that can be watched sped up, but if it's crap you're not forced to watch it so why bother?

All this productivity stuff is absolutely crazy. Human beings not human doings.
He has 50 zoom calls back to back with "coaches" that are fleecing him for moronic hobbies, nobody got time for watching a show and doing human things. /s
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I also went to a grammar school and have a lot of doctor friends and my experience couldn’t be more different 🤷🏻‍♀️ quite sad you have that view of doctors
did ask your friends why they didn't become nurses, ngo workers, charity workers etc. activists etc. instead?
quite a coincidence that most grammar school kids in my school went onto become doctors?
they didn't get into the school bc they were kind, they got into it via 11+, which their parents tutored them/hired tutors for them for
and if their parents care enough about their education to tutor them for 11+, they'd care enough about their kids gaining stable,well-respected employment i.e. doctoring
a great deal of my classmates also became vets, lawyers and bankers
why those careers and not
1. charity workers
2. nurses
3. ngo workers
4. activists
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I also think if he was at a job closer to home maybe he wouldn’t have quit so soon, an hour each way in a car is horrible, plus I imagine he’s tucked a lot of the money away to pay his flat off!
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for some reason I don’t think I can bear to watch this when Ali has gazillions in the bank and is showing no sign of stopping ... has anyone watched it?

I think the thumbnail says it all tbh. 💰
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Chatty Member
nathaniel drew is writing a book and ali is helping him (?)

what's up with youtubers and book deals!
Probably a prestige/legitimacy thing.

YouTube is a visual medium and that is what these peoples expertise and craft is. I don’t want to buy a book by a YouTuber I would rather just watch more of their videos.
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Whenever he puts himself singing and playing guitar on his vlog it's so cringey and show offy. No one wants to see that. No one wants to be in the room when one person is singing and playing guitar. It makes people cringe and uncomfortable.

Ali's main problem is that he wants to be everything at once.

He wants the prestige of being a Doctor, so he markets himself as an ex-Doctor despite the fact he spent about 2 years working as an actual Doctor. He will continue to do this for years even though he will never practise again.

He wants to be a "digital nomad" and a famous YouTuber. This is what he is probably best at. He wants to be creative, make desk set up videos and educate people on his weird productivity systems whilst earning money from his channel and going on nice holidays. This is at odds with his other desires.

He wants to be a CEO of a tech firm like his brother or Elon Musk. But that's at odds with being a YouTuber and being a Doctor. He does it anyway and builds a ridiculous in person start-up style business but instead of inventing a cool product or service it's just a YouTube video farm.
He is selling a keyboard for over £100!
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I'm sure he believes he brings a lot to the table by replying with "oh", "nice" and... Ready for it?... "okay". I guess in that sense it is a unique podcast by having one of the blandest interviewers who has nothing interesting to say.
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Absolute bullshit scam. He's selling a secret to make $100k a year for $799. He is truly just taking the piss and is an absolute conman by this point.
The big secret is to "treat it like a business". He's now trying to monetise the delusion that he's running some sort of "company" that does "business" when it's just a bunch of starstruck yes-men buzzing around his boring ass like flies around shit, writing his videos word for word, filming and editing his crap, writing his courses, and basically waiting on him hand and foot like he's a cult leader.

His last main channel video got 56k views in 48 hours so maybe he should stop trying to sell a "winning" method when he's clearly losing while using it. Out of 3 million people, only 56k cared to watch that crap. It's an embarrassingly low engagement rate and it's clear even his audience is getting tired of this repetitive garbage content and the "muh business" crap.

Boggles the mind how someone with such declining view counts can make millions from a course teaching people how to youtube and businessify their channel. At least with snake oil, you had the power of suggestion and the salesmen weren't covered in warts and pustules from drinking it but now you actually have hard numbers that show his channel is neck deep in shit. And he has the gall to launch an $800 course teaching you to be just like him LOL.
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Dunno about stunning, she's cute I'll give her that. Although her choices in men instantly cancel out the physical appeal.

On another note, she does (did?) yoga so suddenly the clown is into acroyoga. Probably saw other Instagram couples doing it so obviously it's step one of building a vloggable relationship. She's into Mandarin so now suddenly he's learning Mandarin. The jokes just write themselves. The clown is applying his idiotic frameworks and goofy philosophy to building a relationship according to what youtube couples do in public and on IG.

It's baby's first Lego set.

Funniest part is he's kept her hidden for months and keeps alluding to doing a "reveal" video. Fandom truly is a mental disease if people are on the edge of their seats waiting to find out who Ali Abdaal's girlfriend is... Like a kid bragging to his schoolmates that he touched some girl's tits for the first time. Remember this guy is almost 30 years old. Holy shit.
Fucking hilarious write up mate, good job.

Who thinks he going to come to the realisation that he wants to spend more than 10% of his time with her.

Or she wants to spend more than 10% of her time with him but he won't budge.

This is gonna be fun.
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Chatty Member
He's done a fucking jazz piano course. Bet he does not have any music grades at all and you'd be betteer spending your Skillshare membership on a few weeks actual piano lessons with a proper teacher.

Probably is so deluded that he thinks he is actually providing value wiith all his little tidbits of "genius" that he's sharing on Twitter and putting out on his course selling platforms.
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Honey, he is a bad person because he is so focused on the topic of money, he forgets that in real life, not everything is about the money, and his prescriptions for passive income are not ideal for all of the people. He is a bad person, because he is spining round, and round (like a record) with this kinds of topics.

You can make a clickbait content and have lots of views, but the content just can be tasteful. See @hollowcrown point
Sweetheart, we clearly just have different views on morality. I don't really see how running low on ideas makes you a bad person, just unoriginal, it's fairly obvious that financial advice isn't one-size-fits-all, and his brand is currently around being a millionaire so him talking about it is hardly surprising. Focusing on success and finances is a common first/second generation immigrant experience, which I highly relate to, and it takes a certain amount of privilege to dismiss it as a sign of low moral character. Again taste is a matter of opinion and I don't find the money videos distasteful, just boring, repetitive and clickbaiting. Deciding to switch his brand? His decision and something that's obviously not going to please everyone, including me, but doesn't make him a bad person.

Tasteful/ethical sources of passive income would be sustainable stuff like:

- Online shop selling digital art, website designs, fonts etc.
- Selling courses like his UKCAT or Skillshare sources
- Selling a book, or music, or a game you've made.
- Money coming in from investments (NOT crypto)
- Money from Patreon / Twitch subscriptions

Ones I am eh about because you are potentially selling people stuff they don't need and it's wasteful but it depends what the product is.

- Sponsored sections on YouTube videos (eg. Skillshare/Brilliant/Manscaped/NordVPN depends what product it is but I am absolutely sick to death of all of these so just skip through the sponsored sections of everyone's videos now)
- Money from ads on YouTube
- Exploitative courses like the fiasco of raising the price of his YouTuber course at the last minute.

Unsustainable/unethical sources of passive income:

- Dropshopping (see Oliur who goes on about this constantly. It is rebranding low quality crap from China and selling it at a mark up. People who do this are literally killing the planet with the high carbon factories in Far East and shipping it over in huge containers on giant polluting boats). This extends to:
- "Merch". Decent quality merch is fine but crappy low quality YouTuber merch is just an extension
- Buy to let investments (buy your own house I have no problem with that and live in it, but there is a huge housing crisis going on in the UK now. Rich people buying up second or third properties, carving up the rooms to rent out for massive profits is the worst and anyone who does this cannot be forgiven. Biggest class issue in modern Britain right now so if you perpetuate that you can go to hell)
- Crypto/NFTs this one is obvious.

Ali has essentially gone off of his brand of being a studious and relatable, yet successful and intelligent doctor to just being another productive Youtuber worshipping at the altar of capitalism. Yes he probably is a Tory and may have been one for a while, but the manner in which he's flexing his income is incredibly distasteful, especially in the current climate of the UK. As mentioned earlier there is a housing crisis, people are still on furlough, and his colleagues in the NHS are being given pitiful pay rises after an unprecedented year in the pandemic. Can't imagine how furious I would be coming back from a 12 hour shift mid-COVID to see Ali flexing about his $28k of Apple products in the past year.
Could count him subletting/renting out (idk if he owns his flat or rents) the other room in his flat as being a landlord idk. The environmental impact of crypto is something that has only been on the public conscious fairly recently and we're still working to fully quantify its impact but I'd agree that diversifying away from it would be the environmentally responsible thing to do. Think he's said in the past he won't ever do merch cause it's a largely ineffective way of making money. Probs leans economically to the right but socially to the left and has described himself as a lefty in the past, although labour have been losing Muslim voters by the boatload recently. Like I've said taste is a matter of opinion, and I've thought the way he's prefaced lots of his videos has been enough to mitigate the clickbaity titles but in some of them I'd agree with you there.
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I’m so glad I’ve found a thread for this idiot, I’ve reported him to the ASA for his lack of disclosure, with the amount he made off skill share no wonder why he doesn’t give a fuck!!
Probs just me being thick and I also have t watched him much lately but what lack of disclosure? Generally or a specific video?
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