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Chatty Member
That’s a good point about the extension, that was last summer wasn’t it? Intrigued about where they’re off to. I’m thinking it must be a pretty drastic change to decide to move so quickly after doing the extension


VIP Member
The thing that gets me is my parents would be super embarrassed if I was 30 and unemployed but they seem to think she’s some sort of celeb and love it … weird 🤦🏼‍♀️😂
My partners brothers GF is like this, she does nothing.

Huge house and flash car bought for her by her parents and doesn’t work yet looks down her nose at those who are less fortunate. Like, you’ve only got that because of your parents; it hasn’t been worked for.

At least Alex had/has her social media following and used to work. She’s been born into privilege also but I do think she’s fairly aware of that.


Hey just came across this post. Could anyone tell me what Alex and her boyfriend do for a living? They seem to have so much money, their house looks expensive and the holidays and cars they go on too.
She’s in marketing and he’s in construction management I think
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VIP Member
i think she just has a really fast metabolism. Her mam is slim too and you can tell it’s natural. They’re both just slim framed too.

I’m totally fucking jealous!
oh god me too, i only have to look at steak and chips and I’d gain 5lbs - she has it 5 times a week !! (Imagine her insides tho from all that red meat 😱)


VIP Member
I was wondering about that actually. I’ve followed her for quite a while and I was shocked last year when suddenly Kieran appeared from nowhere and she announced they’d been together years.
I thought at the time she was keeping him quiet to boost her follower numbers but perhaps you’re right and they did break up for a bit. Weird when they supposedly own that house together though
I’ve followed her for years, he was on her page at one point then nothing. Just had a spy on his page and there’s no pics of her til 2018 and the claim to be childhood sweethearts! Al lads lads lads before that.
House is hers I recon, now they are doing it up that he lives there properly


New member
Up until maybe a year or so ago she never used to mention or acknowledge that there was a boyfriend and now it is rammed down everyone’s throat.

I find it odd.

It’s overkill.
She's overcompensating because of her reputation as a marriage wrecking slut. If there's a wealthy and/or semi famous man in Holywood you can guarantee Tiffany has tried a go on his dick. But because Ni is small we all found her out which has massively impacted her career as an instawhore looking for freebies. So now she's trying hard to be a wholesome professional

Oh I missed that. She does seem to really take bad comments to heart.
The truth hurts


VIP Member
I’ve followed her for years, he was on her page at one point then nothing. Just had a spy on his page and there’s no pics of her til 2018 and the claim to be childhood sweethearts! Al lads lads lads before that.
House is hers I recon, now they are doing it up that he lives there properly
When have they claimed to be childhood sweethearts ?
she was with someone else for a good few years before Kieron


Active member
She was modelling some clothes & had wrote affiliate in small writing in top right hand corner!