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He knows he's in shit so probably thinks there is not much point stopping the grift at this point.
It’s like a new Begging Bowl also someone confirmed in a video on one YouTube channel that Gofundme refunded them so there is evidence from the Truth Checkers Video and now someone via a comment

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Also seemed to encourage his followers to hound people on his behalf too.
I was one of those people he hounded on twitter for calling him out

I love how half his videos show a selection of BBC DVDs in the background when he's usually slagging off the BBC. Just telling his moronic fans what they want to hear while doing something else (such as getting vaccinated.
He does watch the BBC in the past The was something on and BBC was on his tv but wasn’t to do with the bbc his rant
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Yeah I know that. But from the sounds of it, he wasn’t out in the bushes watching him so was it the videos that he made that are classed as stalking or was there more contact?
The Crown Prosecution Service describes stalking as:

Stalking is not legally defined but section 2A (3) of the PHA 1997 lists a number of examples of behaviours associated with stalking. The list is not an exhaustive one but gives an indication of the types of behaviour that may be displayed in a stalking offence. The listed behaviours are:
(a) following a person,
(b) contacting, or attempting to contact, a person by any means,
(c) publishing any statement or other material relating or purporting to relate to a person, or purporting to originate from a person,
(d) monitoring the use by a person of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication,
(e) loitering in any place (whether public or private),
(f) interfering with any property in the possession of a person,
(g) watching or spying on a person.

I would think B and C were Belfield's main crimes. The police use the FOUR acronym to describe behaviour that's considered stalking, which seems to sum up Belfield's tweets and videos about certain people:

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Presumably that’s also what Belfield said?
Haven't a clue, I used to work in IT, it's very easy to hide behind an encrypted VPN. As far as I'm aware Belfield posted publicly under his own name, that's what got him into trouble.
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bloody hell, he committed a crime that has a recommended sentence - it’s not been pulled out of the ether. Anyone who has spent any time, even on jury service, can tell you that’s just not how it works.
But isn't it one of the first crimes of its type? So there's no precident to go by. Just sayin'. I'm no fan of his. Just quite interested in the case.
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Gloria Rostron

VIP Member
The judge is also reported to have applied the 'civil standard of proof when making the restraining orders'. In other words, the judge was satisfied that, despite the 'not guilty' verdicts on the charges relating to the 4 women, they had indeed felt significantly harassed and there was substantial evidence to warrant some protection for them.
I am surprised that there is that option. Considering Alex will need to take care to avoid them, for example, if he walks in to a restaurant and they are there, he will have to leave and go somewhere else. It does not seem fair considering he has been found not guilty for harrassment of these people.
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I watched his first short video and when he said “I was his first….stalking victim”, I did think he was going say “gay lover”
I couldn't watch Allen's videos, all the pregnant pauses in the first one got on my tits. Can anyone précis what else he had to say?
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Gloria Rostron

VIP Member
From the transcript it sounds like Alex thought submitting the fact might have an influence on the sentence, same as when he claimed to be sorry for what he'd done. Maybe when Alex is released in 2025 you can ask him why he thought it relevant to mention. As part of his defence it seems like he might have claimed that he can't be homophobic as he's gay himself.

View attachment 1583254
Thanks for the link.
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His fans seem very easily led, they seemed to believe he was in court suing the BBC and police when he was on trial for stalking since that's how he's been framing it this whole time. Even looking at the comments on Twitter this afternoon it looks like many are convinced the whole justice system is corrupt rather than he's guilty.
Usually by his die hard fans witch hunt, conspiracy etc

Also everyone should check this from 2016 Iain Lee posted on his YouTube a caller called Andy which is Alex Belfield Called Iain on TalkRadio over 72k views and has shocked a lot of people


Still having his bank details in videos for the court updates on Day 16 there was a few during the trial he advertised the bank account in the video description
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Why the hell are they being sent home at 2pm each day? Surely they should stay until 5pm? The less time they spend deliberating, the more days it will take!
Childcare issues, apparently, which is understandable when it is the summer holidays. It's also understandable why deliberating is going into a third day at least when there's a LOT of evidence (emails, tweets, transcripts from YouTube videos, police interviews etc) to go through and discuss (three and a half weeks of evidence from the prosecution, although Belfield only submitted about 15 minutes worth of evidence in his defence).
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