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2.1 million on Tiktok
177k on IG

Has a girlfriend he's just introduced to his followers. Seems the relationship started around March/April time. Has been going live on Tiktok with her and the way he's been talking to her has raised a few eyebrows and questions. Hence people asking for a thread...

So here we are.
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Jaimie Atkinson she is called.

Gorgeous girl, naturally, seemed very down to earth too. I think he was a little jealous of all the attention she was getting.

He seemed really irritated and sharp with her, then he would try to laugh and pass it off as a joke but you could tell she was embarrassed.

When he hit her (that sounds bad) she definitely felt stupid. He didn't apologise he just said well why did you have your head there. He knew her head was there, it had been there the whole live as she was reading the comments.
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He’s so sad that he reads the whole tattle thread. I’m glad you picked up on my comment when I said you have a lack of manners you small dicked prick.
Stop referencing tattle in your lives. I know your lives are fucking boring with you begging your fan girls to buy your merch. 🥱

His girlfriend puts on a weird voice though and tries to act stupid on his live. As soon as he is out of the camera she wants to be in. They’re almost fighting for the limelight.

Either way she needs to leave because his behaviour will only get worse. He’s a narc.
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Anyone else think he's potentially worried about losing 'fans' from having a girlfriend? Like all the women that obsess over him might unfollow so he's being weird in his lives with her. Like they've been together a while I think (at least a few months) yet he kind of 'hid' her away from everyone. I haven't seen them together or his lives so can't comment fully but that's the kind of guy I think he is unfortunately. I know he's said before he's really private as well and doesn't like sharing personal/private/intimate stuff but that's no excuse for showing her up! You can be affectionate and kind to someone without being the complete opposite and being a dick.
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So I'm not really a fan of him never have been something just never rubbed me the right way with him, don't personally think he's that good looking either BUT if what I've been reading on the other thread about him I'm glad I've never been a follower.

I've been in relationships exactly like that and it's not cute if his little fans are really brushing his behaviour off that's worrying. Abuse doesn't have to be physical and I don't think a lot of young girls understand that. If he really is putting her down the way others have said that's emotional abuse and he's actually gaslighting her into thinking his actions accident or not are her fault those are major red flags and I'm shocked that people are making excuses for him.
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I don't really mind Aj but when he used to go live with Eden a lot he's got a bit of a god complex as well. Eden would praise how much he read self help books etc. Aj would be like "I don't watch tv at all. Iv zero interest in all the Netflix stuff you all watch, I read, I meditate it's just a better way to spend your time" then he would go on about how he's already meditated and rammed an amethyst up his arse before 5am and going to the gym. Again not watching tv & being super mindful and peaceful. I get it. It works for some people. But even the busiest of people usually enjoy a tv show, film or a other genre of book. There's only so much of the secret and mediation on person can do 😂 I feel like he's got no personality. Is this quality time? Packing his shite hoodies? Cause I doubt she's allowed to watch Netflix 😂
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Just been watching his live and found his thread. He is talking to his girlfriend like shit and she seems so sweet. She was leaning on him and he told her to get off. Also keeps looking at her like she is mega irritating him when she isn’t doing anything wrong.
So this cockwomble came up on my FYP today on a live. I admit I used to follow as he seemed like a nice genuine lad, but alas the “fame” has gone to his head and I think if you look past the pretty boy face (marginally compared to others) then you can see what a nasty lil scrote he really is. I hope that his girlfriend realises that she deserves better than him. If my husband looked at me and spoke to me the way that AJ speaks to her, firstly I wouldn’t have married him but you wouldn’t see my ass for dust. We all know how thirsty the green haired monster… oops… sorry “orange” is for AJ, in fairness he is a step up from the ’Sprag‘ but I think they would be a perfect couple, so blinded by their own egos that they wouldn’t notice the others faults
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He definitely didn’t treat her right or appreciate everything she did for him. He seemed fed up of her most the time and like he wasn’t that into her at all and if that was the case he should of been honest with her rather than have her move all the way to Devon for him which like I said can’t of been easy for her. He must be blind and stupid though because she is stunning!! At least she can find someone who does appreciate her and suits her a lot better than him now.
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Thank youuuu!!!!
I do wonder if anyone else noticed it apart from us, I feel like we are just more awake and aware of things where as all these little besotted girls will think he's being a funny boyfriend 🤔 it's also worrying because these girls might get a boyfriend who does similar and they will think it's "love" because aj does it to his gf
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I’ve followed him for a while and people are way to obsessed with him. Bless his mods that actually think he sees them as friends. Nope you were just stupid enough to buy him gifts for him to even acknowledge you.

He hid Jaime for ages because he didn’t want to loose his fan base. That’s a red flag in itself but I’m sure he told her it was because of business. The way he speaks to her ‘get that order’ ‘bag’ use your fucking manners sweetheart.

He talks to her like shit. Can’t say you’re that private when you put your young kids on TT for likes. Also his little fans say it’s banter. No it’s not, it’s abusive. They always say about how much of a great dad he is. Yeah sure. He’s a bloody weekend dad but pretty much works from home so could have them more. He also treats coatsey like shit. It’s not banter he’s just arrogant and vile.
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I NOTICED IT TOO. I was on his live yesterday and he was just being so rude to her?? Something about it was just giving me red flags. he seems very controlling or something
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Just been watching his live and found his thread. He is talking to his girlfriend like shit and she seems so sweet. She was leaning on him and he told her to get off. Also keeps looking at her like she is mega irritating him when she isn’t doing anything wrong.
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See for him to have found this so easily I think he must be on here reading other people's
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I’ve been watching his live with his girlfriend for the past 15 minutes and I’ve never come across a more arrogant male in my entire life. I remember Eden being on live yesterday and she was saying how much AJ puts himself down and doesn’t believe in himself, i’m finding that hard to believe myself if I’m honest. He loves himself far too much. His poor girlfriend can’t even touch him or do a foot right without him being arrogant and talking to her like a piece of shit. She seems so lovey and he just doesn’t care or want her there. I don’t even think his good looking? He is full of red flags, she can do so much better. She is absolutely gorgeous.
What’s the whole spraying the deliveries with aftershave too? Are these people actually that obsessed? Ew.
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Oooooo I’ll have him ;)
Hes an absolute arse, the way he treat jaimie was disgusting. He's not my cup of he's looks wise but I see why some find him attractive but the boy was awful to that poor girl and in my opinion she is absolutely stunning and way out of his league she is so pretty and her personality is so fun and gentle too... From what I seen on lives and tiktoks anyway.
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Hang on has he fallen out with knobhead spragg?LOL!And whos's RS??,Im intrigued now.
Richard Sales. He basically said he used him. No Richard found his content and what people find funny.

Yeah, Dan Spragg said he woke up one day and was blocked all because he brought the same t shirt 🤣🤣.

AJ is so boring. Always topless he literally has no content. It’s boring.

The confetti one where his gf is always looking at the camera then the delayed scream 🥱.

You’re boring AJ, move on from TT.
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I think Dan did go through a short phase of dressing a bit like AJ then they stopped talking. Then AJ went on a ghost hunt with them 1 time but that's it no more talking again. I think for many of them during lockdown they went on lives and engaged with their followers and duel lived with others. In lockdown it helped many but now they've become boring only interested in pushing sales of their merch. There's others who used to be on a lot who now aren't that I feel are probably doing a lot better with their businesses etc
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They broke up a little while ago now I think he just seems busy with his business with his sister. I dont watch his lives now as its mostly him packing merch but he was always been quite honest about his mental health. It's ok and normal to have a blip and crash down I for one am glad to see a man being open and honest
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