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VIP Member
oh oh ohhh oooh ade, I'de love a pink door :rolleyes: :D ooooh owww oh ohh shutters lol ooh oooh awww shove your sausage roll in my charcuterie ade,, oops I mean, look at these fireplaces!
Lord god wish she'd shut up with her twee sexual voice. 4 minutes into the vid, can I watch or listen to any more perhaps i should switch sound off, it might be interesting:D
No amount of sound off will save you from the dinner!
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So I've watched/listened to the whole thing and there was of course no new information, just the same retelling of what an awful day their moving day was 🤭

Apparently it was both the best day and worst day of her life 🤣 "everything went so badly wrong" except it didn't really, in the grand scheme of things. It was probably stressful but labeling it as the worst day of her life is a bit much 🤣🤣

Mentions again that Ade is working on her accounts while she is "playing with journals". At least she's not delusional about that!

Also said something nice about her sister for once!

View attachment 2693571
She definitely had room to write "forth", so does she actually think the saying is "back and 4th"?? 🤭🤣🤣

Stand out & inspirational quotes from Lisa:
"What's your favourite type of glue? I seem to be getting on quite well with glue sticks lately"

"Love using stickers"
That looks like it was written by a 10 year old 🤣
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Her face when talking about why they moved…. To get away from people…., you know full well she was talking about his mum and dad and then to actually talk about her own mum like that! Going to be a fab Florida holiday again with the fam…..
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I actually found a recipe on Pinterest but changed everything and didnt follow a single step. I chopped the courgette up and cooked it in my blackened pan along with some mouldy🤣😭😅😝😆😂🤣🤣 potatoes (I cut the super mouldy parts off, don't worry!) Then added a tin of chopped tomatoes and a big spoonful of mayo from the cupboard! It was soooo cosy and amazinggg!
Too funny, can you journal it😝😆🤣😭😅😂
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VIP Member
What was that bit about an upset in Germany? Was she saying she’d been triggered by the trip back or did she fall out with her German family? She seemed to be getting on famously with them in the vlog.
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She's always saying she doesnt have a sweet tooth but makes endless cakes, she eats full fat 'charcuterie meats & cheese, is always eating lots of bread & drinks endless pepsi max 🤷‍♀️ & lord knows how much more Ade eats with his huge stash of M&Ms, full fat coke, & cans of American spray cheese 😬
How she thinks she eats healthily is beyond me....she prob thinks because she cooks from scratch that's healthy food! 🙈
He was almost foaming at the mouth at the sight of all that shit from america, her too. Giant bags of lays crisps full of salt and fat. Generic unhealthy crisps but wait they have the word lays on them instead of walkers so they must be magnificent. Shocked herself aint she. Oh well that content for next year sorted, you should read the comments she got, poor lisa, the only person in the world with problems. She never replied to a single person. Using them for cash.

Autumn Moon
So sorry you have it but thank goodness you found it Lisa! I can totally empathise. I recently realised I had hypertension after 4 months of nosebleeds. After giving up sugar my cortisol was lower but with the demands of work over the last 8months it went through the roof although not as high as yours! So I understand that pressure of self-employment- you take time off or slow down and there’s no money back up to that. But after seeing my diastolic so high I started slowing down. Because what’s the point if the worse happens? But yet, we still don’t have a business solution right? So I get this tug-of-war you’re likely playing out in your head & I feel for you. I have lots of natural remedy knowledge if you’re interested, just drop me a line. Take care of yourself xx


anne j
So sorry to hear the you’re not well, take care xxx💕💕


Kim Nixon
The blood pressure thing is terrifying. I’m in a similar position and have medication take care of yourself Lisa and concentrate on your priorities x


Annmarie Demotto
Dear Lisa and Ade, take the time for yourself and look out for one another. Life is so short and we’re only giving so much time to enjoy it with our family and friends. Take one day at a time and take it for you. Don’t worry about vlogs or making social media the most important thing. We’re here to love and support you anyway that you need. Take your breaks and look out for yourselves. Sending love



Thinking of you Lisa and sending love your way. Take care 🤗🤗xx


Samantha Clegg
I echo Annmarie's message, don't worry about putting out videos and stuff, take time to spend with Ade, lock the front door and don't answer it, it'll all still be there when you're feeling up to work again. I was really ill about 18 months ago & my job is quite stressful but that was when I discovered your channel and it totally saw me through the bad days, so you help so many people yourself without knowing it and now its your turn to step back as you need to. We'll all still be here, and if you ever need anything, do a shout out and I am sure there will be lots of us who care and can rally round for things. So sending over huge hugs, take it easy & just do the things you want to do!! Take Care Lisa


Jennie Harvey
Be Kind to yourself Lisa and take the time you need to look after yourself. We love your videos and we can always binge watch them as I'm sure alot us do. Take Care and spend the time that you need. XXOO


Julie Cavanagh
Take care off yourself. I too suffer from blood pressure. The Dr always told me it was weight related. I lost 35 kgs but still need to be on the meds. I think sometimes it can be hereditary regardless of how fit or how well you eat. Lucky your dad was over and decided to do all your measures. Take care.


Alease B Roy
Lisa, please take of yourself. I also suffer from high blood pressure. It could be hereditary or stress related. Sometimes we may think we aren’t stressed, but we really can be. Make sure are getting enough sleep as well. Big hugs my friend!


Melanie Van Do
Oh my...maybe that's why you had headaches. It could be hereditary and/or stress Mine is really low but I have tachycardia for which I have to take medication to control it. It's good you found out it is treatable. I think you will have to watch your sodium intake. Take care dear.
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Chatty Member
Does the UK still have these stringent food standards after Brexit? I’m genuinely asking, not being pejorative
Yes we do, they were made UK law during the transition period. We still sell food products to Europe so have to keep the same standards. The US did want us to change some of them to do a trade deal but the UK said no...
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I see ades trying to eat his entire bodyweight in a day! Esp american ones with the word lays on them🥴🙄 ugly starbucks mugs, more corporate slavery.....we must buy, we must consume.
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VIP Member
I bet she was absolutely fine to post a video on Sunday too, but just didn't to add extra suspense and worry from her sheep with her community post
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