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Baba G

Active member
Since we're on the subject of Natalie, does anyone think that the falling out with BLAB had anything to do with her? Wasn't there some video that BLAB completely cut her out of? Maybe Adam is angry at them for not accepting her.
Yes, when they met her they cut her out of their vlog. Adam showed all of them hanging out in his vlog. Maybe it’s part of the reason, but, I think the apartment dump they did to him put the nail in their coffin for Adam.

No it sounds like KT called a bunch of people c*nts at the apartment complex and also apparently stole some childrens' toys. Why would Natalie make that stuff up? KT doesn't appear to have any female friends does she? I'm not saying Natalie is a saint by any means but BLAB seem to be a couple of assholes.
She probably wouldn’t, but, why now reveal more about the Adam/Blab drama? Months after it happened. Because the girl is thirsty for attention and acceptance and receives it when she opens her mouth to tattle. Again, she is just as bad as Blab and is an asshole to Adam for doing it. Adam clearly doesn’t want that drama around him. Did she get dumped by him recently and gives no fucks anymore (revenge) and that’s why she again started spilling more? Her endgame is what? It’s hard for me to buy that she isn’t doing it for self gain.
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Agreed, I used to always watch the videos with his dad, and I watched his dad's channel too. But now, knowing what I know, I'll pass.
So you hate Adam because of his Old School Preacher Father.. That makes no sense.. Or are you saying you will pass on the ones his father is in..


VIP Member
Can’t believe anything he says, I guess he wants to be a Star Wars man, Punk Rocker, Skate boarder, movie expert ? All the things his hot dog eating imagination can muster. Lol
I think movies were an escape for Adam growing up. While I love movies myself. He seems to have an unnatural affinity for movies (locations that most people don't care about barring the thought "I wonder where they filmed this movie (lets say his fave movie BTTF)?" I really don't care what house they used or what restaurant they ate at, etc. The only thing I did care about was The Exorcist stairs in DC (I live near DC, so been there, done that and they are really not exciting).

I prefer to call myself a music geek. As while I think people do have that fave movie they can watch over and over and over again (like his BTTF for Adam). Music is something that is something can relate to more (well depending on what kind of music people like. I prefer rock). While I know who Fugazi, Black Flag, Bad Brains and The Ramones are. I remember him doing a vlog where he mentions Minor Threat. I am not a punkster, but I've been around enough in the Rock world to know who they are and I am not interested. So if I am not interested, most people won't be either and I know who they are.


VIP Member
I watched most of his vlog from the Rays game at Wrigley in Chicago. That fills my quota of watching someone watch a baseball game for about 5 years. Exception being if he gets a celebrity to go again AKA Tom F Wilson. Was that after Chicago? Who knows but that was an exception to the rule. Lol


When and how long is Adam going to be in California for? And is he going to end up at the MLB all star game in L.A.?

Vloggie 127

Active member
He wants so so so badly to be inducted into the rarefied Disney "Media" elite circle (pfft), but Disney will continue to spurn him, he's just too stupid.
He's said in the past that he doesn't want to be Disney media. They have too many requirements and is too limiting what can be filmed.

Baba G

Active member
The stuff you say about Natalie doesn’t sound like something a ‘friend’ would say. But it does sound like something a fat, prematurely aging, sharpie eyebrow drawing, food fondler would say about Natalie.
Props for funny. Still not Katie.


Active member
Yay more baseball , as he should be able to see from the metrics nobody cares . That’s why they have 6$ tickets a lot of the times .

Nate's Top Button

VIP Member
I'm blocked, so I can't suggest it...but I'd love to see Willy and Donger ride the Mountain Goat Coaster. Maybe now that their idol rode it, they will too.


VIP Member
Just because she tweeted it doesn't mean it happened. Or that it happened with him. She is the perfect beard for him.
When he was with "Madam the Woo," he really did not seem to treat her very well (maybe because I'm a female. Like he would totally ignore her when she tried to talk to him. He would take her food, like fries, but god forbit she wanted to try something of his, like a lick of his ice cream, he would be like the little kid who would the whole cone to give it coodies so she would want to try it).

What the What?!

Well-known member
How many comic cons a week are there? Jesus a bunch should be called manchild cons
I guess that they are spaced out regionally so that locals to that region can attend?🤷🏽‍♀️ 🤔

Has anyone ever seen the Woo in person ? I’ve seen him multiple times at Disney or at a con and when he isn’t talking to anyone he knows he looks so grumpy walking around. Man if I had his money and made a job of YouTubing instead of some regular 9-5 I wouldn’t be that grumpy but who knows.
@beachlife007, I said hello to Woo in the Magic Kingdom on October 1, 2021, the start of the 50th Anniversary, and he was very approachable and personable! I am not a local. Of course that day was full of YouTubers and everyone else too!😜 A truly disappointing and disgusting MK day indeed!😡 Because Facts!😜

What bothers you all more: the constant repeats of locations/subject, or how low effort it is?

Just wondering because everyone is harping on him doing too much Disney, but I wouldn't care at all if he put forth any effort. He literally makes videos in the laziest possible way. Films mundane things for far too long, films the same exact shots and activities over and over, "hold on let me zoom in... *wrrrr*" (just edit that part out!), surface level thinking out loud, talks about how much some random stuff he bought was while filming down at a plastic bag spinning in the wind (nobody is interested in the price of random junk or snacks), still uses an old outdated camera, absolutely no effort in composition or cinematography (which is odd considering how into film he is), shows photos on his broken screened phone, and I could go on and on.

I love Adam's videos when he actually tries, but it's like 1 out of 25 videos.
@buzzw3rd, absolutely. Indeed and agreed! 😉😜
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Well-known member
Does he have a passport? He was so close at Niagara Falls and made no attempt to even do the tourist walk across the bridge.

I bet he has no passport.
If he did he probably would have gone to Toronto for the Rays games before Boston. And he never ventured into Tijuana while living in SoCal, though I don't blame him for that. I wouldn't want to be openly walking around with a camera or my phone out willy nilly there, paints a big target on you probably for problems.

Baba G

Active member
Was he ever punk rock?
Natalie posted those pics of his dick around the park? Wth is wrong with her? LOL.
Sure Jan….I mean Katie.
I am most definitely not Katie. The “Sure Jan” is overused on this site though making it ineffective at being a funny retort for questioning who I am. Not a Jan, or a Stan of either. Just spilling some tea, which is what this site is for. Cheers.
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VIP Member
Did he say he got sued over an abandoned place video or is this just a rumor? What state was this video in? His name is so generic though finding any public record of a lawsuit would be difficult at best.