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Chatty Member
I sure hope he'd be in some sort of management role because, as we all know, Adam is a real badass who does whatever he wants all the time. I doubt he'd be receptive to a "manager" or "supervisor" or "boss" telling him what to do.

If he moves back to SoCal, he'll just go to Disneyland with Giggles every day.

The Disney / Celebration stuff in central Florida is pretty much a self-imposed limitation on Adam's part. Even considering his Universal Studios ban, there's also Sea World., there's LegoLand... does Busch Gardens still have the park with the cool animal park in Tampa? And that's just big theme parks. There's Kennedy Space Center. There are parks, there are beaches, there are museums. Then there are all of the smaller attractions and tourist traps that try to pick up the Disney scraps. A 5-second Google search turned up this list of suggestions:
Adam's been to only a handful of these. He has no interest in anything new at this point, and he has no incentive to try anything different because his fans will watch anything he does -- including watching him babble incoherently at the camera for 30 minutes -- and act like it's the height of creativity.
Interesting that you mention Busch Gardens. A quick channel search returns all of one video from Busch and just a couple from SeaWorld...and all are related to Halloween events.
Post these screen shots next year when he goes to DragonCon. He'll claim he never said he wasn't going.
Screenshot(ted) for posterity.


And what's the point of this douchebag response?

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I can't even with these sort of statements from him.

"quitting my job"

He acts like he left a fucking six-figure, exec-level Fortune 500 job to go chase a fucking pipe dream. 🤦‍♀️

This, and the "burning the candle at both ends" shit, just totally grinds my fucking gears.

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Oh Adam sorry you are not going to get anywhere near the views Bright Sun Films did at the same resort last year! (1.8 Million views)
Jake provides quality content and put's a lot of time and effort into his research unlike you.
Not sure why you need 48 minutes (I am not watching it), whereas Jake was able to do it in 24 mins.
I am sure @dirtnap101 will give the insight.


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Chey/The Beard seeing Adam's on his way back to California:

Going to get the hashtag #PrayForChey posted on all his videos, because here at Tattle, we stand with The Beard!
I don't know much about Chey, but I feel like he could do better.

Today's travel vlog begins with Adam complaining about his "long" travel day. He seems to indicate that although his flight isn't until later, he has his bags with him because he had to "leave the hotel" and he makes his way to the airport. Turns out his flight is at 5:10pm. He checked out of his hotel at 10am or 11am, and apparently he does not know you can leave your bags with the front desk and GO DO SOMETHING INTERESTING??? (Maybe even something no having to do with DragonCon, what a shocker!) Then go back and get your bags and head to the airport. Nope, Adam checks out, heads straight to the airport with his bags and just wanders and sits around all afternoon waiting for his flight. Un-friggin-believable.

As an aside, you can tell he hasn't used a lot of public transport in big cities if he thinks that Atlanta subway escalator is really that long. And of course he has to highlight that fact in his arrival vlog AND his departure vlog. He actually says the escalator is "iconic" :rolleyes:

"Someone left a big full of empty pizza crumbs down there" - thanks Adam, really compelling stuff.
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"I have a lot of time before my plane leaves, and they have all sorts of activity books, and chocolate bars" - is he having a stroke or something?
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Does he really think there's a huge difference between the airlines he uses (United, American, Delta)? Just pick one and get some perks - but then again he doesn't like any of the perks. Miles? Wouldn't know what to do with them, and he can't write off free flights on his taxes. Lounge access? Adam says the lounges aren't for him since he "doesn't drink soda anymore" 😂. He's probably afraid he would eat everything in sight because the food is free. And he says the seats in the lounge are only a "little" more comfortable looking than the seats at the gate 😂

"The small Delta plane is going faster than the big American Airlines plane I'm on!" - seriously, someone needs to check him medically
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And we can see from the view that he didn't go to John Wayne because he's staying at the Hilton across from Universal once again, so definitely Giggles incoming, yet another Universal behind the scenes tour, and YOU KNOW he will mention as he walks past it for the trillionth time: the Back To The Future stairwell :rolleyes::sleep:

And throw in a few more "it was such a long travel day" comments because he loves to whine about things he has complete control over.
Oh it's now haunt season so I guess he'll be doing that for the 10th year in a row as well. Maybe he will add haunt season to the list of things he's taking a break from next year.
Thank you for that comprehensive recap. You watch the Woopeats so I don't have to!

His hotel check-out nonsense is baffling. Sure, sometimes I've just gone straight to the airport with many hours before my flight on occasion, but I have my reasons (I am an aviation geek who likes hanging out at airports, and I swear a gin & tonic just tastes better at the airport bar... and sometimes I just want to avoid having to rush at the last minute.).

I've occasionally asked for early check-in or late check-out privileges at hotels, and even without any sort of loyalty status (I'll get to that in a moment), I've usually been told "yes". But for Adam, his whole livelihood is about filming interesting locations, you'd think he'd squeeze in such a location in the time available rather than just dick around in a hotel room or at the airport. But since his dipshit fans will tune in to watch him film a "big bag full of empty pizza crumbs" he knows that he doesn't even have to try anymore.

But beyond that, he is in total control of his travel schedule. Why would he select such a late flight when he knew he'd be checking out of the hotel that morning??? ATL and LAX are two of the biggest airports in the country. A quick search shows that there are >60 flights connecting the two airports daily (that number approaches 100 when all of the LA-area airports are included). He could have chosen any flight time he wanted, so why pick that one?

His refusal to join airline or hotel loyalty programs is equally asinine. There are truly no downsides to such programs, and the benefits really add up quickly for someone who travels as much as he does. You don't even have to pick one company to pledge your loyalty to -- sign up for all of them, and continue to travel as you usually do, earning points for each program as applicable along the way.
I wonder if he's one of those conspiracy theory nutjobs who might be worried that "they" will "track him" if he signs up.
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Before this new Disneyland DVC stay, he kept saying "Staying in Anaheim for a series of days." We knew he was going to be staying there, he knew he was going to be staying, no need to do the stupid "Ohhhhh, where will I be staying next?" mystery game with us, you telegraph your upcoming plans to everyone anyway, so why bother?
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Let the over-explaining commence. Things over-explained in this video in order to make it to 30 mins:
@dirtnap101 thanks as always! I actually tried to skim through it, did not last long. The things I wanted to point out.

Adam: I never latched onto the Angels. (Why would he need to bring this up? Oh wait! because Adam has been lurking on here)

He blames his social anxiety on his poor interactions with fans ( Once again lurking on here and on reddit most likely in response to Natalie's former co-worker describing him as an A$$ when meeting him in person. Adam, nice try. Molly from Mammoth Club uses the same excuse to treat her fans like crap, the same fans who help her earn $30,000 a month on Patereon - actually several of these vloggers use this an excuse)

So the conclusion from all of this is he is not going to change anything as usual: Disney Parks, Road trips, Conventions, Walk and Talks, California Woopeats) in 2024! :sleep::sleep::sleep: Awesome.
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Sometimes weight loss isn't such a good thing. Take John Goodman for example. Dude lost a ton of weight and now looks about 150 and appears to be suffering from some obscure medieval disease. But Mr. Woo is the wise one here, shoving fried, greasy, heartburn inducing crap down his throat. Great way to plug the wrinkles from the inside. And with his stork legs and pear-shaped hips and gut, he just reeks of one who has discovered the fountain of youth. Simply cover the exterior of this mess with Dollar Store tatts, and a fine role model is born for all the world to give a big thumbs up.
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Such riveting content 🤢🤢🤢

“Hey, buddy, they got a new invention. It’s called a napkin.”

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You can see his saggy Moobs through this corny t-shirt. He may have lost some weight but he did nothing to improve his body/form/muscles. A couple of 5 lb arm curls didn't do squat, and he obviously never does bench, or pushups, or any other myriad possible activities.
He just showed up to the open house. There was no info on what he told them he was there for, the only thing he mentioned was that they had no problem with him filming. He did say that he initially thought about contacting the realtor for a private tour, but then he saw that they scheduled the open house so he just showed up to it. I assume since he was walking around with a camera on a small tripod that he must've actually said something to them and isn't lying about that. Normal prospective buyers, even if they wanted to film, would likely do so on their phones like normal people.

The question is, what did he tell them? Did he pose as a buyer who just wanted to film the interior so that he can review later for details while he thinks about making an offer? Did he admit he was just there as a fan of the movie and wanted to look around? Did he tell them he has 700k subs and that filming the inside for his vlog would expose the house to his audience? He did show the handout they gave him at the end of the video. But I'm sure the other attendees were weirded out by the unkempt, sharpie tattooed oddball walking around whispering to himself holding a 10 year old camera on a stick.
Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer, Jerry, and George all pretend to be interested in buying an apartment just so they can use the bathroom. Did Woo tell the agent his name was Adam Pennypacker, wealthy industrialist, philanthropist, bicyclist...?
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Mr Pewtey

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I skipped through most of the vlog, especially anything with Adam shirtless, but I did hear him describe the hot tub as “the greatest thing he’s even seen in his life.” 😐
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What a bummer! But at least Adam has cherised memories of the Rays successful run through the ALDS and ALCS three years ago to capture the American League pennant. Passioniate Rays fan that is he, that's all he talked about back then, right?

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For sure Adam has always been a lifelong Rays fan so please everybody give him some space....he has never ever rooted for ANYONE ELSE!.... Oh wait...
darn (1).gif
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I guess he does not know punk then. The only single punk I know is Henry Rollins. But I know he dates. Alot of the most punk of punk bands, most of them are married or at least were married (life happens unfortunately). So David, if most of Fugazi are married or at least at some point were married and they are wayyyyy more punk then you will ever be. Why can't he at least be in a serious relationship?
He'd say it's his career that stopped all of that. He needs to be free to travel and do what he wants for his channel to be a success. A significant other would simply be a drag on that, no matter how supportive they might try to be. Who would put up with the BS that is David's life? Hi honey, I know you have to work, but I'll be gone all month spending over 10K watching baseball!"
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Mr Pewtey

Well-known member
I couldn’t bring myself to watch today’s vlog but I can probably sum it up this way:

“WHAT THE HECK?!!!” x 100

I guess he left Mamma Woo back at the hotel so she didn’t have to meet his porn star “just friend”.
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I hate to reference a Freudian slip because it is nice that he's taken his mom on the trip and is spending time with her, but at around 29:40 he is showing photos on his phone and says "took a photo of another couple that was out here, and they returned the favor and took a photo of us", which is pretty odd wording.
Even worse, just before he talked about the other couple, he mentioned skinny-dipping to his mother since they forgot their bathing suits and could not go swimming at the waterfall site with everyone else. :sick::sick::sick::sick:
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He was complaining there's no place to hang your clothes. All he had to do was slide the mirror, it's behind it.

Even Jojo found it. Lol
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This is great news about Woo’s video being taken down. I guess that means he doesn’t get the ad revenue from that video (which got a lot of views). It also might mean a “strike” on his account. Three strikes and he’s out, I believe.
This one had HUGE view #s too. You're right. EXCELLENT news.
Orange County, CA goes a step further - if you want to search by name, you need to pay via purchasing "search credits"
Oh, that sucks. :cautious:
Hmmm, interesting! Honestly if I was that homeowner, I would have reported the video too. It's beyond insulting for a 50 year old man-child to not only continue filming your private property after you let them know you didn't consent, but for them to put that video on YouTube and earn money off of it.
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We need to get people to barrage the comments sections of every video with -

"What happened to Cousin Eddie's video, Adam?!" and see how the jackass responds.
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