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Adam probably should have narrated his own audio book, since Cameron is basically just his wish fulfilment character. It's obvious without even reading the whole novel.
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So how do we think Adam will react when the book is released and he doesn't become an overnight success and get picked up for a movie deal??
I think he will live off the suck up fans and wannabes for a while. And any exposure he may get. Then it will quietly get forgotten like all his other things and it'll be back to wdw

I do wonder if he thinks this is his way out of wdw vlogging
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Chandler Bing

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Gary’s been saying he wants to go for ages right? But I guess Adam’s not having it and he’s the one paying so….
Did Adam ever drive out there during his time in Epcot? Why do I think he did at the very beginning of his first contract and then never again?
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Just catching up on the video finally.

I gotta say, as bad as his author photo looked on Instagram, it looked even worse in situ on the dust jacket.
He said he went to Next to buy a couple of new jackets for the shoot but he appears to have ended up in a lacy cardigan. I wonder what process he went through to decide that was the photo. The angle doesn’t work well for him either, his YouTube photo whichlooks like it was taken at the same time is a bit better.
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I'm not mad at him for reading (or anyone who reads) a lot of one genre. But after a certain point you have to branch out and at least try an adult romance. Constantly reading about teenage characters just becomes weird after a certain point.
Especially for someone who claims to be a writer.
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VIP Member
The bully character is barely present so far. He doesn't feel like a menace or real problem in the book at all. At least he has a physical presence in the book, unlike the mysterious George.
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I mean, I try to be kind because I was a late bloomer as well....which is a strange thing to say because my soon-to-be-ex-husband and I had been together for five years when I was Adam's age...but what the hell is wrong with Adam that he doesn't want to have any kind of adult romantic and/or sexual relationship. I know he seems to want the hottest jock on campus to sweep him off his feet, a la Heartstopper, but we know he's on Grindr, so it's not like he's a complete naif.
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well… exactly what we thought

“profanities touch her lips” what??
Oh dear. I have really thought about that sentence and I still do not have the first clue about what he was trying to say. And maybe times have changed, but when I went to school we were not on first name terms with the support staff.

I can’t read the pages in the second photo, but the left and right justification seems all over the place and is irritating me.
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surely he has hired an accountant to help him keep track of the various income streams and making sure all are declared and the correct tax is being paid. Is he putting aside a pension? Investments? Anything other than disney cruises and author cosplaying?
The amount he spends, and living in a expensive part of the UK I'd be surprised if he is financially savvy enough for savings and investments. And we all know he ignores advice so may not even have an accountant
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VIP Member
If Adam wasn't Adam, I'd say at least it's written by an actual gay man. But Adam can't bring any insight or experience so it's just going to end up being him living his fantasies while ripping off other IPs (e.g. Disney meets heartstopper)
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So I found some websites and did some digging on what he would be making from his book on Amazon.
Based on his sales ranking he is selling 180 books a month.
So I wonder since it isn't released yet whether that is the number of presales
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VIP Member
Problem is as he has self published its even less likely to be turned into a tv show or movie. No agent or publishing house to push you and your work forward, and the book itself will likely have a more limited audience
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The "Don't forget to lock the door Cameron" is giving Gary C's parents list of how to live whilst they're away. How long until Cameron forgets to turn taps off and needs instructions on how to use a washing machine? 😂
I was thinking the same, I wonder if that would’ve clicked in Gary’s mind as he was read this literary masterpiece that his best friend is likening something in his life to the experiences of a teenager? I doubt it.
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At the very least Adam should have cut this into two separate vlogs. Keeps his channel active and his audience engaged. Nobody is sitting and watching him for almost 3 hours straight. Ugh
I've seen people post that they put his vlogs on 'in the background'

Similarly the number of posts I see of people 'catching up' on Disney vlogs (especially this weekend when the weather has been glorious) is ridiculous. Between that and binge watching crap on Netflix, do some of these stans just have nothing better to do!?
I like a long vlog too, but does depend who's it is and how good it I'd in terms of editing and storytelling.
I'll happily watch an in depth YT video for a long time, vlogging tends to be tedious and headache inducing, especially when the camera work is shoddy!
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What's fascinating to me is Adam is moving away from just being this annoying disney vlogger we see on youtube, to some ego maniac that is just fascinating and frustrating to follow and see what he will do next. There's obviously issues there and the older he gets and the more he expands his 'business', the more it shows.

Also, he is not only taking this 'break' when he should be promoting his book, but also when he has just been signed to an agency. Imagine being signed and then saying 'I'm taking two months off'
To be fair at least he is trying, can't say the same for any of these other Disney vloggers. Even Victoria is apparently a travel agent now but has failed to post about it.
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