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Did anyone else think his eyebrow area looked really odd on the last vlog . Never noticed it before also why doesn’t he put his hand under his chin in photos . He looks like a daft Pratt doing it .
Oh don't get me wrong, even now vlogging would be seen as an achievement...if it was any good. But with adam what skills does he have? He can't edit aside basic join clips together, there is no storytelling and thought process therewith his videos. Half the vlogs are ride and show footage (often poorly shot) and much of his videos are out of focus. An employer would want to see examples of his work and I just don't think his would hold up against people with degrees in the subject, or most other content creators. These disney vloggers aren't really pro vloggers, they are home movie makers that upload their holidays to YouTube. Compare Adam to other youtubers/content creators and Adam and Co are amateur hour.

He's been doing this for what, a decade now? And his vlogs have barely evolved from when he started.

Yeah I get wanting to branch out but the problem is he has no staying and persevering power. Like all his merch and books before. It either gets too hard, gets boring and he is on to the next. It's quantity over quantity.
Adam doesn't even need to be really good at editing if he had personality and good story telling

Take Casey Neistat, he's a film maker and Youtuber with 12m+ subs, so he does know what he's doing in terms of editing. His daily vlogging for years at a time was/is very rough and ready in terms of edit quality etc (which is totally understandable given he was running a business etc). What sells it is Casey himself; his personality and story telling is really good, and that draws people in!
I'm so behind the times with the Taylor Swift thing, I've only just found out the reason for the friendship bracelets. I certainly hope this 30 Yr old man doesn't start swapping them with young girl fans.
I've not a clue, please clue me up!


VIP Member
Don't have the receipts but I'm almost certain that on one of the old threads her socials were posted and she did live there and she went to school in Banbury. Sticks in my mind because my first roommate was from Chacombe but went to a different school. He is a compulsive liar.


VIP Member
To be fair, Disney haven't actually confirmed it isn't available internationally. All the "proof" is from random conversations with customer services via chat who are generally trained to say no if there is anything they're unsure of. Until there's an official press release saying it won't work internationally I'd take it with a pinch of salt.
I thought that too, but then I swear I saw something with a Disney statement confirming it. But I could be wrong


VIP Member
Anybody seen Big Boys on Channel 4 (series 1 also now on netflix)? This scene just makes me think of Adams future (him being the older guy and replace cats with Disney)

Starts at 1 min



VIP Member
Ugh he's going to do some event with the vilest, griftiest people in Disney vlogger land like Brummymummy. I've yet to see any young people or any events aimed at young people.
I assume she's probably going to the book launch he was talking about a few weeks back
According to whom? “Convenient theories because I don’t like Adam” magazine?

I was on call over the weekend, and I ended up having to police an argument between two queer teenage boys who are admitted to the hospital currently. When I was deescalating them and checking on them in their rooms afterward, I noticed one of the two had several volumes of the Heartstopper graphic novel on his bedside table.
I believe TikTok is skewing some people’s perceptions as a lot of older people gush about YA over there. It definitely is hitting the younger queer demographic, it’s just they’re not quite so vocal about it I don’t think.


VIP Member
Possibly, because he clearly isn't enjoying it anymore and seems to be chasing deluxe experiences to either get through it or show off
Yeah , plus the truth must be dawning that it's a flatlining niche with little room for growth. Although if he was a better businessman he could have monetised his following a lot better and a lot longer ago.

Plus, as stunted emotionally as he is, he may be feeling that he is getting to old to do disney forever


Well-known member
I see he gifted Jack Edwards his PR package who off course was gushing over it and the freebies, but wonder if he will actually read the book and give a proper review or if he just likes getting free stuff
where’s Jack posted about it? Hiding Him seems quite different from his usual pretentious/literary vibe he goes for


VIP Member
He has spent a fucking fortune on this book.
In fairness he doesn’t come across as badly as usual on this vlog.