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Chatty Member
Why is she covering his face 😭 is she acting like she’s taking him off SM because you just have to go from her story to her account and it’s all her kid 😭


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And does she care? Not how it looks😂
Course she Doesn’t ! Because she’s asked for advice before and ignored it all 🤣
She’s so self centred

The assumptions on her Instagram make me laugh too
“Marley is and easy child to look after, feed ect” and she says 100%
She can’t even feed him a good diet 🤣 she stuffs him with chocolate and marshmallows and shoves him with the iPad or in front of the tv - or gives him to her mum so she can go out places no wonder he’s easy if she’s not doing much with him🤣
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Honestly - the girl does my head in. I’ve unfollowed her on everything but she continues to pop up on my fyp. Considering blocking tbf hahah. But no - after catching up with these comments and checking her recent videos W O W. Anybody seen her latest???
“almost got arrested at the airport with 3 children” “police got called on us” BUT NO STORY TIME.
All for the views and attention - she’s so up herself it’s disgusting.
NO single mum on a part time costa wage apparently NOT claiming through the system has a car like she has and goes on the holidays she’s been on/constantly booking!
I reckon it’s all from family judging by her brother/sisters house. Potentially cheating the system too. Unless baby daddy is loaded and pays a fortune in maintenance. Plus where she lives is a really expensive part of the country to live in.
Her lips look foul tacky and too big for her face.
She goes on about wanting to lose more weight like it’s going out of fashion. She’ll be skin and bone if she loses anymore - perfect example to set to your child! And she wonders why Marley was born small. Wouldn’t surprise me if she starved herself whilst pregnant.
I’ve never hated on a tt mum like I have her but she drives me round the bend. It’s so unrealistic the shit she comes out with.
she uses the fact Marley is small and not speaking for attention.
At least Jade and Hani both work/have partners that work.
Honestly her content is shit as well and she has so many views, I don’t understand it at all 😂😂

AND can we please talk about her SHIT car seats! It’s like the video she did on the way to Heathrow, Marley was climbing OUT of it. She’s honestly deluded. She had a pile of comments telling her how to fix/sort the problem not too long ago and she still hasn’t sorted it. And comments on that video in question and she literally hasn’t replied to any of them.
Can’t even cart Marley around in that posh car safely
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I find a lot of people with restrictive eating disorders will “go vegan” in order to make it “easier” to restrict their diet and make it easier to explain away not eating.
I know this from not only first hand experience (I was “vegitarian” which made it super easy to not eat around others because they didn’t have an option) but through also watching family with ED’s so I feel like that plays a big part in her choosing that for the time she did
It just comes across that Marley’s diet is now affected by her eating choices/ED if she has one. Stuffing him with chocolate buttons and hot chocolate and Costa’s is not healthy. Whether she cares about the effect it’s potentially having on him due to her own eating habits who knows but his diet is absolutely appalling and that isn’t down to anybody else other than her and her parenting choices, it really does make me wonder how she ate during her pregnancy and whether that contributed towards Marley having to be born so early and being so little. Pregnancy is a hard strain on the body but especially one that is so small and having to work so hard

Back to the car seat fiasco…she posted her first car seat video asking for advice at the beginning of august…didn’t reply to a single comment of advice on that video and then low and behold the video on the way to Heathrow came up and the problem was still happening over a month later. Honestly if she ever had an accident and he was still climbing out the car seat like he is he would be killed. Long and short of it. She has all this money to flaunt on expensive holidays and cars and 26 pushchairs but not a half decent car seat? That allows him to be transported SAFELY. Again back to his safety. Just blows my mind


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I think taking the piss out of a child is just wrong on any level
After everything she’s been through with Marley as well. The operations, him being small, constantly getting ill, she literally posted videos of him being able to climb OUT of his car seat and has done nothing about it. Only changed his diet because of what’s been said on here and she has the fucking audacity to make comments about another child?? She’s sick in the head. She uses Marley for attention constantly always saying how little he is etc yet can you IMAGINE if someone started taking the piss out of him on her videos? Double standards Abbie, double fucking standards.
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Chatty Member
I wasn't having a go at you ♥ I get what you mean x
No I just thought I’d explain more incase it came off ignorant as a few had replied to the “SEN child” part.
I also want to add my concern comes from her making a decision super quick without much research and without thinking about her circumstances and how they may affect raising a puppy
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Chatty Member
I thought that as well! He’s an easy child because you fill him full of shit and snacks, barely spend any time with him as you’re at the gym twice a day and buying him an iPad to keep him quiet 😂😂
To add on to this as well I don’t know how many followed when she went to Turkey with jade but all the 2 kids drank at not much older than 1 was Fanta and milk 😬😬 and basically launched out of the way with an iPad so they could go on live the whole time. So yes it’s lovely he can say he’s travelled but he’s hardly had an actual holiday experience
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Chatty Member
Something more is clearly going on, why would she delete it for no reason assuming that social media is her main income for her excessive cash splurges.
Wonder if someone has reported her or social services or something.
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Anybody see her hidden veg dinner video? 😂 she said something along the lines of “Marley sometimes eats veg sometimes doesn’t so I have to hide it” well maybe if you didn’t feed him chocolate/crisps/sugary snacks all day and hot chocolate at bed time and baby chinos from Costa - he would!
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Slightly derailing from our Abbie here but That Meg who she was supposed to be going out with definitely fraudulently got her HA flat how can she claim to not be able to rent or buy when she is flaunting designer bags and expensive dresses I reckon she also claimed to be single also when she was wasn’t.
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I agree with the lives and stuff! They would sit on the balcony while Marley was sat in his cot watching the iPad
About changing each other’s child I personally don’t find that too odd if they were close mates , I feel once you have a child and look after another child nothing is odd about changing a nappy ect - if you send them to nursery a person who’s known the child 5 mins may need to change there nappy
But I do feel the whole holiday was really odd and was kinda all done for content and views
And regarding to marleys and Abbie’s eating on holiday it was horrific! she done a few videos of what they ate in a day and it was shocking
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I don’t follow any of them. But yes agree something more is going on 100%
100% agree with both of you. There’s got to be more to it. It was about time she actually put her son first though. And stopped with the constant attention and drama and content that would make any REAL single parent feel absolutely shit because they can barely afford bills/food while she’s booked yet another holiday
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I’ve been struggling to understand why he would qualify
I don’t think he would tbh, and I don’t think her car is a motorbility car, did you see the tiny Audi A1 she had before? I’m guessing she had it on finance and traded for a different one and maybe pays a little more.
as for the money situation I’m guessing she gets a lot of help from family and comes from a very advantaged background, have you seen her brothers house?! maybe even a bit benefits / some from work, but I personally don’t think she gets carers / disability money for Marley, he seems like a healthy child.
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