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How’s everyone getting on?

I gained two pounds on Saturday weight in but I know it’s water retention. Woke up this Morning and stupidly weighed but those two pounds are off plus another. how our bodies fluctuate all the time regardless of what diet or cut down we do.

More between step 3+4 but exercising and doing min of 10 K steps a day. Mind getting through my water, safely, 4 litres most day! Plenty of veggies with my meal too. Getting the fibre in!

I’ll get round to taking measurements and might try monthly weigh ins. PT I work with said it’s either weigh everyday or not at all because our bodies change so much and I’m really understanding that now. as in don’t always get upset at What the scales Read!

You know the gain isn’t fat unless you’ve ate your calorie deficient plus an additional 3500 (since 3500 is needed to gain a lb in weight)

weird now I’m slightly getting older I’m actually starting to understand and not completely hate myself...

Anyway happy Thursday everyone!
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I 2nd this entirely! I also have quite bad problems with being light headed/feeling sick/tummy upset in most of my daily life and when I’m following cambridge I feel 100% fine. Almost as if I am genuinely getting everything I need from the products and I am never hungry. I would say if anything I feel better eating the products than normal food.
Totally agree with this too.... my tummy is much more settled ..... I don't feel bloated.... my skin is better... I sleep better...I find now I have much more energy - still like a lie in but once up I'm on the go all day.... I think because I drink so much water I'm hydrated so don't get headaches like I did..... the packs provide all nutrients so it must be that .....
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Active member
Amazing results on here well done! Definitely given me the push to give it a go, got nothing to lose but weight right lol 🤩
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VIP Member
thank you. What’s step 2? I’ve not even looked at the steps? Is it where you have a low calorie meal? What kinda things do you eat? I want to shift to having a meal once I hit four stone (hopefully Feb 🤞🏻🤞🏻) but never sure what you can actually eat?
Yes.... step 2 is 3 products and one meal - 200 calories ..... I find it helps having 'proper' food I've done just products in the past and got a bit bored so cheated with snacking (my down fall!)..... I have things like

Chicken, Tuna or Prawn salad
Hard boiled egg with salad
omlette with veg
chicken and veg
chicken kebabs (chicken, green pepper, spring onion, cherry tom)
egg and celeriac chips
steak with mushrooms/onion
pork steak and veg
chicken stir fry
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New member
Go for mixed Berry porridge, I like the soups and oat smoothie. Not a fan of the shakes. I like pesto pasta and chicken tikka. Put plenty of black pepper on it. 100% and it will work
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Is anyone else still following the plan? I’ve just restarted in a bid to shift some weight before Xmas. First week done and I’ve lost 5 & 1/2lbs so super happy with that! Struggling already this week though with wanted to actually eat “real” food!
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New member
Oh no sorry to hear you’ve been starving, well done for not giving up though!
At least you’re starting to know what will be best suited to you already, I guess it’s always a bit of trial and error in the first week!
Are the actual food replacement meals more expensive than the shakes?
My consultant charges the same for the meals and shakes.
The ‘step up‘ meal is almost double the price…I think that’s more like a ready meal
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VIP Member
I’m thinking of signing up this week . I have 3 months before I go away and would love to loose a bit of weight. How much weight on average do you loose a week??
I lost 5 pounds in my first week x

it’s a difficult diet but I think it’s definitely worth it!
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That's fantastic WELL DONE !!! I'm on Step 2 and have lost almost 2 stone in 9 weeks...... I'd like another stone off by Christmas...... you'll do 12lbs easy ☺☺
thank you. What’s step 2? I’ve not even looked at the steps? Is it where you have a low calorie meal? What kinda things do you eat? I want to shift to having a meal once I hit four stone (hopefully Feb 🤞🏻🤞🏻) but never sure what you can actually eat?
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Active member
Anyone else get a horrible headache in the first week? I’m only day 3 but I can’t shift this headache at all
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VIP Member
Amazing results on here well done! Definitely given me the push to give it a go, got nothing to lose but weight right lol 🤩
Absolutely. It is tough on the lower steps but remember it's not forever, you'll step up and learn better choices/portion control etc.....and remember that water! Drink to shrink lol
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I am really fussy and have only been doing it 3 weeks but o I have only had shakes, smoothies or bars. I haven't plucked the courage up to try any of the savory meals yet. My favourite shake is the chocolate mint which I have hot. I loved the lemon bar and I like the mint bites x
why don't you just buy a couple of the meals to try.... ? First couple of weeks I just bought 1 of each thing to try and then if I liked I bought more the following week.... my fav is the spag bol..... tip my consultant gave me was to put the hot water on it ... stir it then leave it for five mins before cooking it .... makes the pasta swell and is really nice...... the choc mint is nice in a mousse too .. feel like a treat..... :)
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I've had the syrup porridge and chicken and mushroom soup. I just think they have a funny taste. Going to try the mac cheese tonight. Maybe the sweeter ones will be better. X
The oriental soup is good, the chicken and mushroom one is the worst, veg soup is also fine. Chicken tikka is ok I have it with cucumber. The mac and cheese I couldn’t stomach but the pesto And the Bolognese is ok. I’ve also tried adding the mac and cheese (half pack) to half a pack of Bolognese and that’s not bad. The apple and cinnamon porridge is actually ok. The water flavourings are a good send too!
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3-3.5 stone.

I've never actually done a VLCD before, I've done SW and WW.

Oh I see. I think therapy is always good for anything like this. With Cambridge they tell you to aim for 1 stone a month on step 1. I think if you’re doing it more than 2 months you defo should look at alternative first. I’m not bashing Cambridge it works wonders, but there is a huge majority that put it on and or end up in a revolving door.

In fact 3 of my closest friends I met through the Cambridge fb group. Only 1 has been successful in keeping it off, and that’s cause she sacked it off and went to Munro fitness and the rest of us do gym and whatever else. I have a nutritionist and gym, mostly cause a lot of food now makes me boat and come out in eczema.
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I definitely couldn’t do just liquid, I struggle enough with the meals. Yeah I do that with the pasta or it’s rather chewy! I haven’t tried any of the ready mades but I wasn’t a big shake fan. The water flavourings which I was reluctant to try has been a game changer for me and I have them when I’m not dieting too
I couldn't do this if it was just liquid.... On LL I didn't like the bars so it was all liquid..... ! I love the Raspberry & Elderflower flavouring the most .... have it with fizzy water in the evening like a 'treat'..... ! Before when I've done like SW on weigh day it was always a 'cheat/treat' day ... I do this now but have my fav packs .... surprising myself how dedicated I am ! Are you having a meal or all packs ? I have a 200cal meal too...... .losses are a bit slower but almost 3 stone in 3 months which I'm happy with :)
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I'm the weirdo that likes most of them..... ☺☺🙈🙈😂😂 Only ones I don't like are the goulash and the shakes (except choc mint and strawberry)....

The latte ready made drink is nice with extra water and heated up and then I froth it up... feels like a proper latte......
I liked all the flavours when I did it, I used to have the choc mint with hardly any water, made into little balls and frozen.... was so sickly and rich with a black coffee, like real indulgence 😊
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I want to try the pesto pasta and macaroni cheese but something tells me they’re not going to be nice 😭 I’m having the fava beans later and a chocolate and mint shake!

the porridge reeeeally filled me up though. I had it with a cup of tea and I don’t feel hungry whatsoever! So maybe it’s getting easier 😭 plus my consultant is my close friend so she gives me a stellar discount 😎
The pesto is nicer than the mac. Just don't expect them to taste like the full fat/normal versions and you'll be fine lol I miss fava beans so much now they've discontinued them 😪
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VIP Member
Is anyone else still following the plan? I’ve just restarted in a bid to shift some weight before Xmas. First week done and I’ve lost 5 & 1/2lbs so super happy with that! Struggling already this week though with wanted to actually eat “real” food!
Remember the lower steps are just short term steps. They're tough, absolutely but once at the higher steps then normal food comes back into it ❤. Keep going you can do it x
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Chatty Member
how much weight have you lost? I’ve decided to try this in the new year. Bought the stuff and am going to start 1st January. Want to lose a stone!
So I have very complicated medical issues which means I lose weight incredibly slowly... so only a couple of pounds but I also go to the gym 5 times a week and train with a pt so do lots of weights so I am building muscle too. A lot of people lose a lot more but i find slowly off means less likely to put it back on quickly
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