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Had my weigh in this morning - lost 4lbs and got my 2 stone award - 29lbs so far :)

Today I've had :

Breakfast - Golden Syrup Porridge (so nice !)
Lunch - Pesto Pasta
Dinner - Chicken skewers with salad
Evening - Dark Chocolate Ginger Bar (so good !)

Only 2.5 litres of water today !

Was lucky to try the new products as my Consultant had them when I went this morning...... Also have the choc hazelnut to try - will make it into a mousse tomorrow I think .....

Feeling focused but need to up my water again....
Well done 👍🏻

my consultant mentioned some new products! Exciting.

don’t think I even hit 2lts today, so impressed with your water 💦
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Managed to survive day 1. Stocked up on volvic thanks for the tip! How much did you loose if you don’t mind me asking and how long did it take x
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It was my 2nd attempt at CWP. I changed consultants and this one helped me properly step up through them all so was easier to follow
That's amazing well done. Can I ask how long it took to get to your target weight?
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I started in January and was at target 1 by March, then reduced it and got there in May...and stayed there ever since. I lost just over 2 stone (started on step 3 as I go gym)
That's brilliant well done! I've a lot more to lose but I'm starting calorie counting first to see how I get on actually trying. If not I will go back to Cambridge
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There is book that all the girls on the fb group used to chat about to do with food habits, I can’t remember the name it’s pink. I have a copy I will find it and let you know when I get home. You might all like that.

Also, to the ladies on it for the long haul, defo try Callanetics. It’s a 70’s exercise routine but it’s so small and gentle and the girls who lost 10st plus, all raced about it. It tightened the skin and also helped get rid of the ‘pouch’ you can get the dvd on Amazon.
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Maybe just a few reasonable priced pieces if they are much too big.... I tend to just wear leggings and a top at the moment - my tops are all baggy but I got some smaller leggings for a fiver from Asda (before lockdown!)....... x x

ETA - I also have clothes I'd 'grown out of' because I'd got so big which are now starting to fit again too :)
Yes that’s a good point, I need to go in the drawers to see what old stuff might fit.
I hate my legs - where I carry most of my weight so never wear leggings!! Need to get to the point I can and not be paranoid.
It’s always the place you hate the most about your body that’s last to lose the fat isn’t it?
I’ve lost nearly 9 inches off my waist - I want that off my legs 🤣
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VIP Member
I’m really struggling with drinking enough water. Anyone have any tips? I’ve set an alarm every hour to drink a pint..
I try and have 2 pints between each pack..... some days I drink loads others I struggle - I think because it's cold..... I drink it out of a pint glass so I can 'glug'..... someone suggested to me to have not ice cold - so either just tap water or warm water..... I have the flavourings sometimes too that helps....
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VIP Member
I did it in the past for 7months no cheating at all. I'm currently on my 2nd journey on it and 12weeks in with no cheating. I love the feel good factor I have when I'm on it, plus losing weight every week is so inspiring. A good consultant helps no end
Thanks for the advice. You've got amazing willpower, fair play! 👍
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Guys I need help. I’ve swollen off closing in near to starting weight. Why do I panic at cutting down then seem to eat worse then before a diet !!!!
It's all mindset .. . And it's really really hard .... my Consultant has really helped me with my mindset but it'll always be a battle as I've spent a lot of years thinking a certain way .... but I'm teaching myself that there's not going to be a shortage of food on a mass scale anytime soon, food won't change my bad mood/anyone else's mood/make me feel better & the quicker I keep plodding on losing weight the better each day will be .... a constant struggle but absolutely worth it
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I’ve been back on this and lost 1 stone 1lb in two weeks! My partner is deployed, with 9 weeks on Thursday til he’s back. Wonder how much I can loose by then??
Brilliant! Well done, 9 weeks ..... easily lose 21lb as a minimum in that time I'd think 😊


Chatty Member
God I need to get back on to this. I struggle so much with food. Tried calorie counting as I fell off Cambridge about 4/5 months ago. I cannot for whatever reason eat normal. I’m wanting to eat Anything everything all the time

It’s a tough one on money but I suppose really if I was smarter I’d realise money I spend not on food and takeaways cover Cambridge products so I got to get my head back in the game.

I’m getting fatter by the minute and I can really feel it on my knees. Omg I need to motivate myself !!!
this is like a carbon copy of me!

i didn’t start when I said as I found it too hard to a) not eat when I took the kids out in the holidays and b) hide dieting from them when they are at home all the time.

Definitely starting Monday though when they are back at school and I can get into a better routine.


Hi 👋🏽
Started on Monday, weighed myself today and lost 2 pounds. Can’t help feeling a little disappointed, maybe I shouldn’t have weighed myself so soon?

Admittedly I haven’t drank as much water as I should be and I’ve also been going on the treadmill everyday.


VIP Member
Managed to survive day 1. Stocked up on volvic thanks for the tip! How much did you loose if you don’t mind me asking and how long did it take x
I lost 1 stone 9lb in about 2/3 months as I had a holiday etc in-between lol that's all I had to shift back off from lockdown. I'm back up to needing 4lb off again but I've also just scoffed a muffin 🙈 I was step 2 the whole way through now I'm Step 4. Definitely need to get back into the post Xmas swing of it.

I also exercise now so had some weeks of "weight gain" but was all water retention where my muscles went into shock 🤣🤣 hadn't moved since I was about 15 exercise wise. I've kept that going since September (started CWP in June/July time)


New member
For the past 2 weeks I have started and broken it. Today I was with my consultant and while I was waiting for her I was chopping on jellies. I just can't stay on plan. Going on holidays in 21 days. I need help how do I stick to it.


VIP Member
I'm the weirdo that likes most of them..... ☺☺🙈🙈😂😂 Only ones I don't like are the goulash and the shakes (except choc mint and strawberry)....

The latte ready made drink is nice with extra water and heated up and then I froth it up... feels like a proper latte......


Active member
Jesus Christ I've literally just made the Thai green noodles 🤮 I had to throw them in the bin, how are people eating them. Im Literally gonna have to just stick to the bars and reluctantly the smoothies 😭 tried the berry porridge todya and consistency was ok but I'm not mad about fruit in porridge so it was a bit too bitter for me. Maybe I'll try another flavour
Oh no! I don’t like any of the meals or bars either. I stick to the shakes and smoothies. Latte, Chocolate and Banana are nice.