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I guess as soon as possible, but I want to keep it off. I've lost and gained the same 2 stone for the last 6 or so years.
I’m currently doing the diet, I had 2 stone to lose. I’ve lost half a stone. And potentially may stop after the other half and try to lose the rest in a more realistic way. For me I’ve done it as a jumpstart to get me motivated.
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I've been doing it a while now and I try and do the following (I'm a bit sad I write it all down in a journal too to keep me on track!)....

8.30 - 10am - 2 x pints water or 1 x pint and a detox tea

10am - first pack (usually porridge or a ready made latte)

10am - 2.00pm - 2 - 3 x pints water

2.00pm - a 'meal' type pack ...... so spag bol, curry, pasta etc

2.00pm - 6.00pm - 2 x pints water

6-7.00pm - dinner (real food ! so meat/fish/veg/salad)

9.00pm - bottle fizzy water with one of the flavourings and either a bar or shake made into a mousse

I adjust the times to suit - so if I get up later it starts later in the day..... I try to space 4 hours between each meal....

Hope this helps ? Good Luck xx
Thanks everyone, really appreciate it! Makes it a lot easier to follow some sort of routine! xx
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Chatty Member
I’m mentally ready to start now as well

i am definitely eating at the moment for the sake of it. I’m fed up. Literally. So swollen and painful being so obese and tired all the time.

But once Xmas is done with I’m ready to start new year. Not going to do any targets on myself though so I’ll feel less pressure.
same here! i know what you mean by eating for the sake of it, couldn’t have described it better myself
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Hi 👋🏽
Started on Monday, weighed myself today and lost 2 pounds. Can’t help feeling a little disappointed, maybe I shouldn’t have weighed myself so soon?

Admittedly I haven’t drank as much water as I should be and I’ve also been going on the treadmill everyday.
Don't weigh yourself during the week! Only weigh and measure on the set day with your consultant as so much can change.

Plus 2lb is a huge loss (Google how much that actually is you'll be surprised) and its off...not on. Keep going you're doing great
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What is everyone’s favourite product?
Oh I have loads of faves ! there are only a few I don't like !!

I like all the porridge but if pushed I'd say Golden Syrup is my fave

My fav meals are the spag bol and the pesto pasta - not sure if you guys do it but my consultant suggested when you put the hot water into the mix leave it for 5 mins and then cook it - softens the pasta and it' much nicer

Fav bar was the Festive one and the Caramel Bites but my new fav is the Dark Choc Ginger

I love the pre-mix latte and the Choc Mint Shake made into a mousse.....

As sad as it sounds on weigh day I always have my 'fav' products as a 'treat' !!! So I have Syrup Porridge, Spag Bol and then a Dark Ginger Bar..... 🙈 🙈 🙈
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Happy New Year everyone ! Hope you all had a lovely Christmas/New Year and enjoyed some nice food....

I got back on plan last week though have struggled to be 100% this past week - I had gained 7lb.... I weigh tomorrow and hopefully most of that will have gone - I know not all of it as I've been 'picking' at stuff I shouldn't !! But last couple days been back on it 100%.... I've decided to do packs only for January (4 at the moment and then when my BMI drops below 40 - I'm a big girl!) I'll go down to 3 packs.... I want to lose the gain plus another 10lbs in Jan to have lost 50lbs total - then will have another 50 to lose !

Hope everyone is keeping safe and well..... xxx
Good luck! I had a really stressful Christmas so I lost weight without trying so ideally I only have a stone and maybe 2Ibs to lose. Just can’t make myself start yet.
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I would only ever do step 3 now, the losses are still great but you get some actual normal food too, the only thing about 1:1 that works for is the accountability. Also I bought loads of products then changed consultants as the women just wasn’t for me.
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How do you guys stop everything being so lumpy? 😭 all my shakes have little lumps in them it’s driving me mad haha
As the others have said, a blender but I make mine as a paste 1st with little water then slowly add water to it as cba to wash the blender constantly lol but otherwise definitely a blender 🤣
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I would say it’s so worth. I’ve just today fit in a skirt that I could do up only a week ago! The weight just drops off
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It is difficult! But most days I find the water drinking harder than the actual diet 🥲
The thing that helped me was the sugar free volvic strawberry water and tbh i do have squash now otherwise I'd not drink it because its vile plain 🤣
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Started yesterday! Day 1 complete, kept busy all day. Just met my friend out and just had black coffee (no-one knows I'm doing it!)
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Most of it is mindset - why you want to lose weight, and then your commitment to it. I like most of the bars and shakes fortunately. Wasn't a fan of the Savoury meals bar the chicken noodle one but I'm happy with the sweeter things I do have (cookie bar is lovely and I also love the peanut).

They'll never taste like their "normal" counterparts. The taste does become more familiar (its usually down to the level of vitamins/nutrients etc in them).
the mindset is so true…. I’m doing it because I’m fed up of being this size. I’ve got a 6 month old baby and refuse to let him see me hide behind baggy cardigans all the time.

I don’t have a very supportive consultant (never hear from her and she’s quite blasé about it all) but kind of feel committed to her cos I’ve bought loads of products already
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choc mint is my favourite but I never have mine as a shake, I always have it in a bowl with much less water, like a mousse. And I have it as a *dessert* after my tea. I'm on step 2 now so allowed a little food but don't always, some days I just have products. I'm on week 6 weigh in on Saturday, currently 1.5stone down 🙌
You can get "Mix a Mousse" from your consultant to turn the shakes into like an angel delight type pud too

I started today! It feels so weird not eating food 😂 I mean..I’m saving a lot of time not cooking haha.

what are your guys favourite shake flavours? I quite like the peanut crispy bars 🥰
I do love the Peanut bars. I prefer the breakfast Smoothie over the shakes but I like the ready make chocolate & latte shakes too
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