Simon Harris Gossip Forum

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  1. IcanSpellBéchamel

    Simon Harris #7 Twagic

    Thread title courtesy of @HotesTilaire and nominated by @Aliceboo. You both win a 30 second slot on the Jewemy Vine show. Simon Hawwis is still "cweating*" content and doing random £500 Morrison's shops for chawity. Would the charities prefer the £500 so they can provide targeted help to...
  2. lilykestrel

    Simon Harris #6 Even the Duke of Marlborough only charges £4.99 for a tea towel

    Congratulations @RandomFishOils (nominated by @Lazarus). You both win a hilarious (*) napkin teatowel (*) citation needed Simon's back. He said he can't talk about the shenanigans. The contract with ECC as ended, but Essex is United lives on. His Twitter is still gone, but Facebook prevails...
  3. lilykestrel

    Simon Harris #5 Mr Harris, who was a popular figure on the internet

    Well, it's all been kicking off hasn't it? Recaps please. Congratulations @Jelly Bean (nominator) and @mchops (quoting Essex Live), you both win a low-engagement Facebook page and a GoFundMe of your choice. ETA: Wiki here
  4. VielleFemme

    Simon Harris #4 He lost 5 stone, and gained 457 thousand pounds

    Well, no one else was going to do it, so I've created a new thread, using my own thread title suggestion - soz, but it had the most likes. Can someone else do a recap on the repetitive, obese, scamming wanker?
  5. W

    Simon Harris #3 pratt numpty - global authority on building materials

    Winning thread title by @CookieZippy, censored because Tattle doesn't allow swearing in thread titles. Recap: Simon continues to be lazy, greedy, beggy, unfunny, etc. etc. Still spending hours a day on Twitter, still comes up with nothing original. Still tilting at the windmills that are Barry...
  6. Yesweknowyouhavekids

    Simon Harris #2 You don't have the popularity or clout you think you do Simon

    Thanks to Jellybean for thread title Recap- Simon is still a humungous virtue signalling bellend with a few standard ‘jokes’ . These involve Easter/Christmas being banned, flags being illegal on St George’s day and anyone who discusses anything he feels isn’t lefty enough ‘anger wanks’ He is...
  7. Yesweknowyouhavekids

    Simon Harris: Man behaving dadly

    He’s been around for a while and I know I’m in the minority but I really get self important narc vibes- any else?