I was going to mention this too. Her reply to this comment has really made me angry. So irresponsible. And makes her sound so thick. She’s actually suggesting that Surrey dogs are better behaved?! 🤣
Every single dog is an off lead dog except Missy but Missy simply cannot be as good as these beautiful socialised Surrey dogs due to that awful American trauma and will forever be held back (literally) while looking at these amazing English dogs acting like they’re extras in the opening scene of 101 Dalmations.
So even though she's back where she wants to be in England, she's still slagging off America! How must Kyle feel about that! Also if she'd really wanted a Sunday roast she could have easily made it when she was living in America!
It’s not the same without hard cider because Caroline can’t go a day without an alcoholic drink, a £100+ bill and mates she hasn’t seen since her early twenties who’ll be bored of her by autumn, is it?

She split her family up for this. Self absorbed arsehole.
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I am SO HAPPY to have found this thread, how did it take me so long?!?!

I’ve been following her a long while- I loved all her videos of what she was getting up to in the states and how different life is over there with young kids. I genuinely found it interesting and informative.

but fuck me, she’s changed! And not for the better! The is seriously unhinged (wouldn’t be surprised if she had a bipolar diagnosis in the future!)

Surrey is not good for her! She’s beyond privileged, beggy is an understatement- she’s desperate! Desperate for the products/ads, desperate for the #spons/gifted. She’s like a middle class Millie Mackintosh. Got the money in the bank, but wants everything for nothing.

Either her mum is a really busy lady- or she knows if you give Caroline and inch, she’ll take a mile. I don’t understand how Caroline and the kids can just come over and take over the house completely! It’s so disrespectful.

poor Kyle. I’d stay put in the states if I was him. England isn’t going to be the dream that she’s sold him.
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I think it’s hit home that she won’t be living the life her friends have as they simply won’t be able to afford it, they won’t have her mums house and she’s clearly sick of them already (as I would be too!)
She resents Kyle soooo much for being American and she hates America too!
She’s definitely drinking too much, she has a baby to get up for in the night if they aren’t co sleeping. (Which they shouldn’t be if she’s in the sauce everyday)
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is anyone going to tell her that the kids want toast and snacks after breakfast because coco pops isn’t nutritionally balanced and wouldn’t fill up a fly?
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But then she goes and spends $200 on absolute junk. I couldn’t believe the amount of greed while she was at the Irish shop, what’s with all the multiple bars of chocolates?!
And then bragging about flying home upper class with Charlie. This is a woman who pleaded poverty and accepted food vouchers from a follower.
And then they wonder why we come to tattle and need to discuss this. Oh be kind, why are these horrible trolls saying nasty things. It’s not- it’s stating the bloody obvious. If she was my friend and I bought her a voucher or got a meal delivered for her because she was saying they were a bit skint then told another friend oh we are upgrading to 1st class, I’d be straight on WhatsApp to our other friends saying wtf? This is literally what tattle is!
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She doesn't have the appeal now though does she? it was quite interesting seeing her take on life in the US because she was British appealing to a British audience but it doesn't work now.
Content ideas instead of demonstrating her complete ignorance and self awareness

- cook a roast because you couldn’t get meat and potatoes in the US
- frozen rose recipe for the patio drinking sessions
- rank Greggs pasties from shite tier to god tier
- supermarket homeware section hauls seeing as she’s redecorating her mums house
- take Charlie shoe shopping for that quintessential Clarks experience
- pack an M&S picnic and document alfresco dining in the Cobham microclimate

I’d watch all that and ignore the aggression in the comments
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She’s truly unhinged 🙈! And now I won’t get to see her UK transfer unravel, because I’ve been blocked - gutted 🙈😂
She was done with Kyle once she had her contentbabies. I think she wanted all her kids to have the same dad and Kyle was just the guy who knocked her up first. In hindsight, I'm sure she would choose differently if she could because she wasn't living in Dubai to pick up an ordinary middle-class guy – she wanted to marry rich and failed.

Now that she has the children and they're all back in England, I don't think she'd be bothered if things ended with Kyle. It would certainly give her plenty to talk about on social media (you know she'd go hard on the 'single mum in Surrey, raising three kids, abandoned by horrible American dad' angle). She has so much resentment towards Kyle and his family and friends that I think she'd take pleasure in ruining his life.
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“My sister has a membership to Hampton court palace…so we may get one too”. Imagine having to play catch up to your sister all the bloody time
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Thanks I’ll try there tomorrow!

It’s out of stock on their own website, and usually none left in Asda when I go! I did ask about stock in boots and they said sometimes the stock doesn’t match their records because they are being stolen
This was in Tesco today, (in leafy Surrey believe it or not!) because they are being stolen. It just made me sad. If people are having to steal to feed their babies there’s something very very wrong 🥺


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Because she prefers to include a clip of her being like: “naw don’t touch it! Don’t even thin aber touchin ittt!” Each time, with her zitty face in full shot
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she has no plans of leaving that house. She’s going to take it over and hope her mum either dies or moves out.
Wild she’s painting the room and changing furniture 😮 she could make it more ‘kid friendly’ just adding accessories and bedding! Deffo planning on staying there for the long haul! The poor mum. I bet Caz is such a bully
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It's a good job there's no comments section on Zillow listings as Caroline wouldn't be able to help herself. "Actually, there's no neighborhood spirit. And you can't walk anywhere."
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Poor Charlie, having to wear one of Sophie’s old nighties- why??? He’s literally the forgotten child. Sophie is at preschool, she’s taken Olivia to baby sensory and Charlie just tags along. Where’s the effort put into finding something just for Charlie??
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What’s worrying is, that she’ll fake having pnd to try to justify her behaviour and play the sympathy card.
I know there are many of us on here who’ve suffered from pnd and other MH issues, and for someone to pretend they’re suffering when they’re not is appalling.
I said on the last post, that I wondered if she did have it, but I honestly don’t think she has. If you’ve had it, even if you don’t want to admit it or can’t recognise it in yourself, others will. Kyle came over, and even if she was masking, he’d recognise it. Plus, she lives with her mum, so surely she’d see a change? Which makes me think this is her true personality.
I think she has always been the “mean girl” and probably had friends at school, because she was intimidating. Then she moved to Dubai abd then America, and “British girl” persona took over and she realised in it. Now she’s back in the UK, she’s nothing unique and the mask has slipped…
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Jesus Christ, has she lost it completely?😳 can’t believe her management let’s her tell people to fuck off. She can’t be well
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Why does she constantly look like she gets ready in the dark ? Does she think scruffy is a flex? When was the last time she brushed her hair ? Also, she will 100 % vote Tory in the GE 😂 there is no hiding your true colours little miss middle England snob
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The phrase 'It takes a whole village to raise a child' is grossly misinterpreted by our Cazza. She thinks it means hanging out with your mates, drinking and gossiping while all the kids run feral. :ROFLMAO:
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That dinner looked rank, well the kievs looked OK.
And was that the choco pops spilled and dried onto the gorgeous stone worktop? And other shit?
Her poor mum, imagine coming home from a hard days work to see the breakfast still there, while her unemployed daughter sits about then stinks the kitchen out with garlic and oven chips 😵💫🥴
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It’s quite incredible, I’ve gone from ‘finding her’ a couple of weeks ago (max) and thinking she was a breath of fresh air, to wondering why she picked this as a ‘career’ when she clearly can’t ANY form of even positive criticism/help.

If I was being even half as rude as this to comments on my SM (I post about four times per year!) my friends and family would be contacting me to ask if I was okay or even calling me out in the comments. She is increasingly coming across as an absolute horror, even to the most well-meaning comment.

I’m honestly just a bit gob-smacked!
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