
VIP Member
This whole woe is me we have no money cause America thing is really grating on me and her latest story about her follower sending her a voucher for food.

Let’s just be clear this is not a struggling family that can’t afford food. All she ever does is brag brag and brag some more about how much money she is spending on stuff and now all of a sudden she’s worrying about money. Nope. That follower probably needs that money more than poor poor Caroline.

I’m actually so furious at this new narrative when she’s never been shy about showing off her money.
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Stars so entitled. I want my kids at the school my friends kids go to. Boohoo you don’t always get what you want but they won’t get shot! Thought that was what it was all about.
I used to really like her but she’s beyond irritating now.
im just here to watch her life fall apart in the uk.
her marriage is defo not going to survive the long term.


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For goodness sakes, she’s missed the point entirely. The vast majority of people are not complaining about the NHS or the people in it, but about how the service has been underfunded and decimated to the extent that care is often negligible. Often for the purpose of lining the pockets of the pals of the Tories.
Also, why is she angry and complaining about people complaining?? Does she not see the irony there?! And unless there is literally a microclimate over her back garden, then the weather is totally shit
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FFS it’s one thing to be excited to be freshly back in your home country and be completely unbothered by a couple of novelty weeks of rain. It’s a completely different story for those of us that can’t remember many rain free days since last October. It’s alright saying we’re all moaning about it but seriously it’s affecting some peoples lives beyond getting a bit wet.

My friends husband is a landscape gardener and usually at this time he’s flat out with projects booked right through the summer- this year has been terrible for him. Jobs that he has done have taken longer due to being rained off so hes lost money through lost days. Other people have cancelled because they’re reluctant to spend so much money on something that they potentially can’t use. My friend is worried that the money will start to run out.

Pretty much the same story for a builder friend who’s been working as hard as he can to get a new build up for a family… weather has delayed them the family have had to pay at least another months rent as they’d sold their house to fund the build.

Our local farmers are worried about the crops.

My friend works in a clothes shop and their sales are really down from this time last year. Works for a chain who’s already closed lots of stores- she’s worried she’ll lose her job.

We’re all sick of it it’s shit.
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Register with GP - good luck
Register with dentist - good luck
Getting any sort of credit without a resident address or employment history / secure employment in the UK -including car finance - good luck
Read up on asa guidance and stop posting undeclared ads or get fined - good luck
Register to pay tax on self employed income - of course !
But yeah, a gym and a massive fuck of car
David Lloyd gift family membership to not so smug now Cat, she’s angling for that clearly
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She literally doesn’t give a shit about Kyle. It’s vile. Revealing so much information while he’s still there doing all the graft to make the house look the most presentable it ever has been is just outright unsafe. Even if he’s an ex marine and presumably can handle himself, he deserves privacy for fucks sake.

Seeing baby Olivia in that pram that’s way too big for her rather than Caroline bothering to carry her in the carrier is unreal. She has to wait for a pram but couldn’t wait for a Pizza Express or use one of her three Artipoppe carriers for her under six month old baby who needs to be laying in appropriate positions.

The way old raisin face goes on about dogs needing to be on leads in America! Dogs should be on leads in all public places in the UK too unless on private property. So many dogs don’t have good enough recall to be without a lead and even if they aren’t dangerous can be a problem for other dogs or small children. She acts like all dogs on leads must live terrible lives. Oh woe is Caroline and her five vibing brain cells. Moron.
When people take it upon themselves to 'educate' others it generally means they're twats. In my experience.
The problem is, she’s not just a twat, she’s also wrong. She have about five braincells that are all looking at each other in mirrors. She so desperately wants to seem educated and informed but the more she says and types the worse it gets.

Guess what Caroline, millions of us have lived in the UK since birth. We know the shit you’re spouting isn’t 100% true you mentally ill loon.
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This whole dick van dyke lovley jubbly Blighty Nonsense is nauseating . We don’t all go around about eating sloppy roast dinners, egg & chips and juggling apples on the high street.
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All three of them are the spit of Kyle 🤣 and it’s weird unless you really dislike your partner to be so against and defensive of them looking like him when everyone says so
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That's her begging, it's gone now but hopes it will re appear magically in her driveway, sorry mums driveway.
Like the free pram.
The free pram. I'm livid. All her bloody money and she gets one gifted. Well she did do a beggy for it. Caroline, have you no shame? Cost of living crisis and people can't even afford a single buggy never mind a double buggy. Makes me so mad.
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What am I doing if I’m not having a roast dinner on a Sunday?! Having a Caesar salad Caroline because it’s 22 degrees and I couldn’t be fucked to sweat my tits off scoffing roasties and gravy in the sun
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Rainbow Blossom

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Her going on about how light the evenings are 🤣 it’s exactly the same as Boston, sunrise and sunset literally at the same time! We’ll see how she feels in the depths of miserable winter where we’re lucky to get 6 hours of daylight per day and the sun doesn’t come out for weeks at a time. I don’t begrudge the seasons of the U.K. as I think the winter helps us to appreciate the better weather but it’s a rough 6 months.
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Does a Tesco ad about how great their produce but then only shows shopping and products from Waitrose. Why are companies so dumb.
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I don’t know what it is but she kind of reminds me of Julia from Motherland. The manic ‘ness’ maybe and the entitlement.
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The way Caroline talks about Argos as if it’s this amazing place. Her target audience (for now) seems to be Americans wondering about life in the UK.
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Someone in the comments telling her to set up an Amazon wishlist so her viewers can send her housewarming gifts! Jesus, give your head a wobble!!
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I'm seriously considering starting an Instagram or Tiktocky thing because the fact that Caroline's big smug face can make her six figures a year is so wild that I have to wonder what on earth I'm doing sitting at a desk all day (from home and usually in my PJs, but still!) pretending to care about my very dull job. I have plenty of childhood trauma I could be making money off...maybe one day I might even get my own Tattle thread! :p
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