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Unfollowed this vapid woman!

Also rarely comment on these threads but I can’t not

- how IGNORANT! loads has already been said but I want to add it’s not just the recipients who are receiving poor NHS treatment, it’s the poor NHS stuff who are SO overworked and underpaid
- I couldn’t have the pain I wanted (epidural) during my birth 4 months ago because there was literally no staff to put one in. That is happening in the UK. I doubt that would happen with your 7.5k baby because you are paying for it
- imagine being so privaliged in your ‘upper middle class’ area that you can’t fathom people talking (if they do) about class. Is it that difficult to get your head round the fact that the country has such a wealth disparity and it needs talking about?

What a hill to die on! She’ll soon realise that her new USP of slagging of brits is not going to work. Thought she was ‘proud to be British’ as well!
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Sorry but she’s a bellend!! Sick of seeing her smug face glorifying the UK. She has no clue what people are going through here and so many of her little keyboard warriors defend her like she gives a flying fuck about them.
Also, wtf is that push present? Dozy bint wouldn’t have got anything if it hadn’t have been free, the silly twat!
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All three of them are the spit of Kyle 🤣 and it’s weird unless you really dislike your partner to be so against and defensive of them looking like him when everyone says so
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She’s clearly desperate for a M&S collab. Can’t believe how much time she gave to sucking up their a$$ on that last video when it was supposed to be about the gifted mattress. Faking a text to her mum to tell her how good the M&S was. Would you not just wait until you got home like the rest of us would if you weren’t on the beg? 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I feel so bad for Kyle, he’s just left his country, left behind his parents, friends and work etc, that is a huge deal! And Caroline couldn’t give a shit about him being there or not. I hope he adjusts ok and enjoys it, it’s hard enough with a supportive partner let alone without one…
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Wow! I never comment on influencers/celeb threads. She is digging herself a massive social media grave! I used to be a waitress in the sky (and proud and hope to return someday) and she would’ve been on my hatetoflywithagain list 🙂🙂🙂
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Total speculation here. The way she treats Kyle gives me a vibe he’s maybe done something in the past that she’s “forgiven” but is holding it over him and now has complete control over their relationship and family. Perhaps infidelity? That or she’s just a massive bitch
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Anyone emailed/messaged her management yet? I’m tempted ngl that post last night was absolutely disgusting telling her public audience to fuck off then using triggering lines about self harm does she not realise her followers may be suffering with mental health and to use a line like that is fucking disgusting I hope she gets cancelled she’s vile!
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But then she goes and spends $200 on absolute junk. I couldn’t believe the amount of greed while she was at the Irish shop, what’s with all the multiple bars of chocolates?!
And then bragging about flying home upper class with Charlie. This is a woman who pleaded poverty and accepted food vouchers from a follower.
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God help Kyle if he can’t afford to get her that truck on a permanent basis! Shes such a chav. Pure comedy gold to watch though 😂
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Looks like she’s deleted the rant about kids in the playground already! She’s in a deep, dark hole of neggy behaviour. Everything she spews is bitter. What did she expect moving 3 small children solo across the world? I would imagine that would be a massive no no and potential trigger for PND as someone has mentioned above.
Looks like she’s deleted the rant about kids in the playground already! She’s in a deep, dark hole of neggy behaviour. Everything she spews is bitter. What did she expect moving 3 small children solo across the world? I would imagine that would be a massive no no and potential trigger for PND as someone has mentioned above.
I didnt realise “upper middle class” kids were immune from crime. What a classist, arrogant twat.


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She's moving to Cobham, not the back of beyond! Cobham high street will not be very accommodating to a bike of that size and neither will the immediate area around the school I would imagine In fact every school I've been to won't allow bikes in the grounds - so what will she do then?
She may have some friends in the area but I can see her being shocked at the school mums not welcoming her with open arms- she’s one of those absolutely insufferable mums who being a mum is their whole personality but worse than that an influencer 🥴
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I absolutely hate those defenders… every time I see one on the road and see how big they are I remember that story in the news from last year about those poor school children who were ploughed down and killed by one in their own school. Breaks my heart seeing those cars on the road 😢
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