
Chatty Member
She didn’t disclose the ad in the video correctly about the sweatshirt being gifted to her so I reported her to asa. She needs to label her ads and gifted products clearly.
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She said her mum bought the garden furniture- though she said she bought it as a present for her mum for them staying there?
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The irony of her complaining about people being in the gym in the middle of the day, whilst literally being one of those people is mind blowing. She really thinks shes superior to everyone doesn't she. So if a woman in in the gym at 11am she must be a stay at home mum, got it 🙃
she is the world’s haughtiest air hostess

she might be on the treadmill next to an off shift anaesthetist for Christ sake
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She doesn’t seem to grasp that you can be happy to have moved to England without absolutely bashing the shit out of America. The two aren’t mutually exclusive Caroline. It’s so bad for her “brand” too but she’s too pig headed and overlooks that because her desire to be a massive bitch is greater. I think she would score a lot more work if she wasn’t a massive cunt.
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“My sister has a membership to Hampton court palace…so we may get one too”. Imagine having to play catch up to your sister all the bloody time
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What time does the Eagle land?
Can't wait for the vlog, Sophie holding everything together, while poor Charlie is left to roll about the stinking floors in bogging too small clothes and Olive, strapped to her maniac mother, still wondering wtf is going on.
Meanwhile C Will be vlogging, demanding, ignoring others peace because they're kids, know what I mean babes, some ramdom person will help her and she'll ugly cry about it, how she was so overwhelmed and how if it was America no one would have helped.
And someone will puke.
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She acts so posh but keeps buying those chavvy trollies to roll around the kitchen and use as kid’s wardrobe like an old grandma 🤣🤣🤣🤣
She is nasty towards Kyle and hates him. What a truly and utterly nasty bitch. If Kyle does leave her, what is her plan in life then? How will she fund the Surrey lifestyle with 3 kids especially as she wants to be a stay at home mum? I would love to know! It’s not like she has any qualifications or job experience to get a half decent job. She will be working in Tesco before we know
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I think Caroline is definitely in defence mode. She’s worried she’s made a huge mistake and what’s more she’s worried Kyle is going to hate it here. This is a huge gamble for her and I don’t think it’s going to pay off unfortunately.
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Here we go again, Sophie looking after Olivia! I’m sure she loves helping, but it’s odd to be asking a 4 year old to be feeding and looking after a baby! She clearly wanted to show she does stuff with Charlie and she was tickling him. 🙄
I think she has very stereotypical girl and boy energy children . Sophie in dresses and helping mum, Charlie running around, causing chaos… or that’s how they’ve been raised. It feels like she doesn’t know how to parents a boy. It seems like she wanted all girls.
lastly, her poor mums house! Of course she said they could stay, it’s her daughter and grandkids , but I doubt she was prepared for mess.
I lived with my parents with my daughter, after leaving a dv relationship. I had nowhere to go and my parents welcomed me with open arms. My daughter slept in a cot in my room, and o didn’t decorate it! I also didn’t take over the whole house and tried so hard to not turn their life upside down. Even though we had a great relationship, it was tough. There’s no way id have left the house in a mess like she has!!
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She is totally spiralling and losing her shit since arriving back in the UK. It is one big car crash and I’m enjoying it 🍿
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She might struggle to get permission to turn the pig house into a Granny annexe if there are tree preservations, that might mean it’s a conservation area too. She’d definitely love to though.
It’s very telling she’s talking about doing renovation work on a property that isn’t hers. It’s clear she has absolutely no intention of moving out of Mummy’s. It’s her dream house and she’s now got her foot in the door.
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Sorry but I've got no respect for anyone who drinks and drives even if it's just 1.

Do you really need a drink that badly? She could've took a taxi or the bus and had whatever she wanted or just drove and had a lemonade.
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That dinner looked rank, well the kievs looked OK.
And was that the choco pops spilled and dried onto the gorgeous stone worktop? And other shit?
Her poor mum, imagine coming home from a hard days work to see the breakfast still there, while her unemployed daughter sits about then stinks the kitchen out with garlic and oven chips 😵💫🥴
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Chatty Member
Re: accents, people always used to comment on her videos saying “it’s so cute how Sophie has an American accent but the baby will have an English accent” and Caroline used to reply “Sophie will have an English accent too, she’ll pick up an English accent within a week of us being back” and here we are, a week later and Sophie is still full on American twang. I hope she keeps the accent, just to spite Caz.
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It’s quite incredible, I’ve gone from ‘finding her’ a couple of weeks ago (max) and thinking she was a breath of fresh air, to wondering why she picked this as a ‘career’ when she clearly can’t ANY form of even positive criticism/help.

If I was being even half as rude as this to comments on my SM (I post about four times per year!) my friends and family would be contacting me to ask if I was okay or even calling me out in the comments. She is increasingly coming across as an absolute horror, even to the most well-meaning comment.

I’m honestly just a bit gob-smacked!
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Chatty Member
I just can’t imagine her working as an air hostess. She was probably so rude to everyone. No wonder she said she thought she would’ve been fired had she carried on.
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