
Well-known member
It really really winds me up when someone like dlam who wears a new pair of shoes everyday blabbers on about sustainable fashion! I mean I've worn the same pair of winter boots and a pair of summer sandals for the last 3 years. Advertising a new pair of shoes every post then preaching sustainability! The utter hypocrisy of the woman!! Please go away mums don't have £100s to spend on clothes every week. We don't need to be made to feel crap for wearing the same black clothes til they fall apart. The only beat to be truly sustainable is to buy only what you need and use/wear til it's worn out.

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based on his current average rate of net follower loss on social blade he'll have 0 followers in a little over 10 years. i'm committed to being here for that day.
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At this point if I was MOD I would anonymously throw them all under the bus. Scandal after scandal after scandal.
The internet would literally break if we knew everything about all if these fools.
She wouldn’t have to say much because the real investigators (Tattlers) would happily do the research for her no doubt.
All the under the table deals and cover ups and who has slept with who’s husband and all sorts.
It would be madness.
Come on Alice. Get it together x
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I can't help feeling like this is the Watergate moment for Mother Superior and I'm loving it. Insta has provided us with the playground effect of parenting... the cool mums have been wearing their ironic double denim, wavy bobs, tiger prints and "cool mama" jumpers whilst talking about their next holiday whilst the rest of us look on in and wonder why they're more worthy and if its because they're better people... except, it turns out they're not. They're lying, back stabbing, money grabbing, selfish, soul selling, bullshitters who are happy to sell their lives and their kids lives to the highest bidder and they'll throw you under the bus for if you challenge them... so, whilst I'd like a fancy house on the coast, I know like most decent humans, it wont be at the cost of my kids, husband, friends and dignity.... but, as it's all unfolding, I'll be sat here, with my popcorn on my "paid for sofa".... 😁

Mod Fod and CB must be lurking and reading all these comments? ... :unsure:
If she hated the comments before.... 😬🤣
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Kikini Bamalam

VIP Member
It’s ok!!! They aren’t racist!!! He wishes that black man were his friend!!
I think I have just cringed so hard that I have just turned myself inside out through my arsehole! That is so transparent it's embarrassing.
"Don't worry lads, I'm not a racist! I want a best friend who is black, even though living in my middle class bubble, It would never happen!"
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I dont want to defend the OD's.. but they were allowed to reno it. They brought it. They can do whatever they fucking well like.
This is totally true, of course.

The reason it pisses me off though it that he preaches about reduce, reuse, recycle (ironically on his way to the tip that one time) but they moved into a house that was SO renovated that it featured in an actual magazine (it's been said before, but Google "Old doctors' surgery Ramsgate" to see, or "Real Homes Magazine" and Google images will show you the front cover pic which is of their old kitchen) but still thinks it's OK to take brand new recently installed stuff and dump it so they can talk about their new bedroom/bathroom/kitchen.

I actually remember when Clemmie posted about the redoing their kitchen and quite a few people were incredulous about the fact that they were tearing out this brand new stuff and MoD and FoD both piled on any negative comments by being really defensive about how they were trying to reduce wastage as much as possible.

IMHO they've chosen a public life; if it weren't for the people watching they wouldn't have the resources to do all this stuff. Therefore, if they wanted to renovate they should have bought a fixer upper OR been ready to deal with people's opinions. Even an honest "we know this might seem wasteful, to re-do a recent renovation. The thing is, this is our forever home. We have the resources to do this now; who knows when those resources will run out? Life is a funny thing so we're striking whilst the iron is hot and making it just the way we want it while we can. Anyone in the area who wants any of the units we're getting rid of feel free to DM etc etc"

They're good at making their house look spectacular and going on loads of lavish holidays but they are terrible at image management. What a brilliant opportunity getting rid of any re-usable furniture/fixtures/whatever would have been to help kit out a local community centre or shelter or whatever. They could literally have their cake and eat it too if they were more community minded and less selfish.

Sometimes you can listen to criticism and go YANO WHAT, YOU'RE RIGHT! and actually come off all the better for it. Instead they are so dismissive and defensive and take nothing on board and it makes them look like privileged, entitled arseholes who don't realise they'd be nothing without those commenting.

I love Instagram for sharing images and seeing what people I'm friends with, or people I don't know but respect and admire, are up to, but I've had a huge cull of people who went from being the latter and turned into under the radar sales people because it's horrendously insidious.

Sorry that got a lot rantier than I intended it to. Hope everyone's having a nice Sunday! xx
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New thread suggestion

Insta’s been a battle cause I wrote some shit on Tattle. FOD has gone all quiet and home life is a riot. I won’t be selling many rings so best leg it back to Kings #sorrynotsorry
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Hi, it's Amber from MeettheWildes here - I've been a silent reader for a while and I've learnt a great deal from Tattle generally, so I hope that you don't mind me making a rare post to share that I've apologised on Stories also (it seemed less attention/engagement-seeking than to dedicate a grid post to the matter, though I appreciate that it's not ideal that my apology has disappeared 24h after the fact). As it can't be viewed any more, I've attached it here.

In short - I made a mistake and a serious one. I do feel that the NMC should investigate clearly what Clemmie said, the context in which it was said and the broader issue of whether there is a conflict of interest between midwifery and 'influencing' but it was inappropriate of me to suggest that my following should also consider reporting her to her regulatory body. Additionally, I closed the comments - for a number of reasons that felt justified at the time, but primarily because I had previously enjoyed a whole insta lifetime of being completely uncontroversial, I didn't know how to handle my comments blowing up. They are now back on, though I do hope that I'm 'yesterday's news' because I'd really like to return to bumbling along uncontroversially.

I won't interrupt your private space again, but as I've been reading for a while there are contributors here whose sound judgement I respect and who spoke out against what I had said, I just wanted to make it clear that I heard, and that I'm sorry.
Hi Amber- I have to say I hadn’t heard of or followed you previously but obviously understand the comments etc on Tattle. I think it speaks volumes for Tattle, and of your own mindset, that you felt not only that you could learn from comments here, but felt that you could also comment yourself. I respect that you’ve taken them on board and are learning with it too- social media is “new” for every single one of us in this respect, and whilst it’s a harder path it’s so important to do better when we know better... I also personally understand how it can feel when you are suddenly on the receiving end of something that has blown up in a way that you never envisaged it would on social media. But it seems very genuine that you’ve taken time to manage it and reflect and change.
I appreciate you being here 🙏
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I haven’t posted on here for such a long time (I spent lots of time reading here during the middle of the night feeds while I was on maternity leave).
This whole thing has fascinated me, almost to a point where I feel like we’re watching some sort of live social experiment. It makes me curious how we will look back at the ‘insta famous’ and ‘influencers’ in a decade or so, I think a lot of them will end up like a lot of the Disney stars from the 90’s/00’s!
The worst thing about these influencers is the power they have to quite literally influence vulnerable people - I was drawn into it all, I remember feeling somehow connected (I cringe now) to people like MOD in the early days when they lived in their old smaller house and spoke about parenting and their posts were more fun, I remember buying her book when I was pregnant with my second and feeling so underwhelmed by it, then I started to notice how much their lives were changing and their greed was growing. I unfollowed a while ago when it became obvious just how much was gifted to them and how crap it made me feel wanting to buy everything that these influencers had.
I’m glad that she’s been outed for just how two faced she and the whole instagram world is. The others have done themselves absolutely no favours and have made themselves look like the outcasts of Mean Girls, it’s nothing short of pathetic how they’ve posted these deep meaningful captions as if they’ve just found of that MOD is some kind of serial killer who should be behind bars - I would hate for any of them to experience any kind of real life trauma if this is their reaction to their insta pal writing both comments on a forum.
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I posted about this before on a previous thread and a post she’d done while pregnant and she’s following it through now she’s had the baby. It’s so refreshing to see when so many others like the MOFO’s are just so grabby and would take anything on offer even bloody oven chips!


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The world has gone stark raving mad!

MOD posted the following comment as Alice about Candice Braithwaite: “she comes across as aggressive, it’s like she uses the race card”

Now all I keep seeing across Instagram stories and posts is “A white midwife has been outed for bullying women of colour online” - WHERE?!

Bloody hell. well that’s a good bit of stretching the truth to where it now no longer resembles reality!

This all came out on Friday and it’s taken people to about yesterday to really whip themselves up into a frenzy, because it was not that bad of a comment! (Ignorant certainly)

Bloody hell, there’s enough actual racism in the world that we can focus on, no need to go making any up.
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Chatty Member
And, like clockwork, a pic of MOD a la scrubs appears .

I heard that if you say nanny 3 times in a mirror Clemmie in scrubs appears behind you to remind you she’s a selfless midwife ‘just trying to start a conversation’
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I think it's very telling that none of the InstaMums appear to have genuine friends of long standing. Instead, they enthuse manically about all their new, shiny, amazing, shiny, brave, amazing InstaMates. It's because these women are dedicated, ruthless social media climbers. They don't build friendships. They build networks.

I am still in touch with old school friends. I still meet up with university mates that I have known for over 20 years. I have a very close circle of mum friends who bonded at the school gates over 10 years ago. My oldest and best friend drove through the night to be there for me when my Mum passed away suddenly.

That's what real friends are. And that's what real friends do. Real friends aren't the randoms who just sit next to you at yet another perfume launch lunch. Real friends don't mouth wanky, empty platitudes like "We've got you" (when what they really mean is "we're out to get you") when you're struggling. Real friends don't jostle for prime position as you all pose for the camera on a contrived 'InstsGals Weekend Away.' And real friends don't queue up to stab you in the back when you totally fuck up.
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I read the comments and the shade being thrown was at a woman trying to sell a crappy cotton neon pink jump suit for over £100.

Women were pointing out that that isn’t affordable for most women on maternity pay and that they didn’t want to wear a maternity item of clothing when not pregnant.
In addition women were confused as to why a woman, who hasn’t been pregnant for 4 years was wearing this.
Thn the women realised that it was a huge sales pitch of an overpriced item that looks crap but the woman in the story was suggesting that if you buy it you can be in the gang.

Quite simply the women realised that the woman wasn’t suppprting women but was supporting her bank account.
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Chatty Member
Perhaps the next thread title could allude to her deleting and reactivating her account, just to keep us all in the loop 😂 I’m not clever enough to actually think of one mind....
How about just 'clemmie deactivated then reactivated so don't bother telling us because there's a whole thread of people telling us'? Might be a bit long 😂
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