Bla bla bla yawn

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Hi, long time lurker and first time poster..
I think the biggest mistake I’ve made with this whole ‘Alice’ saga is assuming MOD has been in pieces, devastated and ashamed off screen and I did pity her and worry about her mental state given FOD seemed to be completely writing her off.. However when in FOD stories today she’s bold as brass smiling for the camera with 0 fucks given, she isn’t hurt or humiliated in the slightest. She’s just another level of twat.
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Why oh why did I have a break from Tattle on the best week ever?! 😱 Still have a thread and a half to catch up mouth has been on the floor!
Get coffee
Put the cat out
Put tv on for kids and give them the remote .

Buckle up and feast on Tattle .
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I think I actually like her more now. Slagging off her mates behind their back out of sheer frustration is the most relatable thing she's done for a long long time.
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Christ that list is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read! ‘Who knew there was a life outside of London’ - erm probably everyone who doesn’t live in London! She makes it sound like the rest of us live in the medieval times. Cosmopolitan Clemster wants to come to my small Barnsley ex-mining town, she’d think she’d arrived in the year 1520.
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Congratulations and thank the sweet baby jebus to @rainbowlemon for popping her thread cherry with 28 reactions. Well done you multicoloured citrus fruit you, hope it was worth the wait.

Nothing has happened.

Sly is still AWOL although some of his 953k adoring fans have just noticed he’s not posted since June 2020 and they “miss him”. Love you can’t have missed him that much it’s September!

Clemmie has been spotted on several posts of, her new bestie, Sarah Tomczak (editor of Red magazine no less!), swimming, camping, bbqing and dressing like “her nans curtains” thank you for that.

Despite lack of FOD content we’ve managed to drag ourselves along the last thread talking about supermarkets, other good and bad influencers and anything really so we don’t lose our friendly little coven.

Please feel free to add
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How long ago was the Lion King premiere when Clem said they were 'celebrities'? Eighteen months? Such a short period of time from hobnobbing with Beyonce to being forced to decorate your own house *wipes tear*
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Have I taken something by mistake? Is FOD REALLY posting videos of a dancing black man while his wife is embroiled in a public race row? Honestly? Am I drunk? What the fuck is going on?
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Anyone associating themselves with this kelechnekoff character needs their head examining - absolute nutter, proper went off on one last night saying white women smell and don’t wash, truly racist stuff, absolutely no debate needed. Now these white, middle class women feel it’s their duty to use their position of privilege to shine a light on the institutional racism this woman they didn’t give a shit about until yesterday has faced having their account suspended? Give me strength 🤦🏼‍♀️ Fuck me, this lot really will jump on any bandwagon won’t they. EMBARRASSING
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Aliceinwonderlust interacted with almost every one of my posts about her. I have spent the evening reading old and new threads and Clemmie is still very active on Tattle with 2 different usernames! It didn’t take long to figure out! Hey Clemmie 🖐🏻❤
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What really gets me about this is that she seemed to have it all. She had so much success and individual and professional respect, far beyond solely her colleagues. She received masses of really expensive freebies and goodness only knows how much money. She had fingers in a variety of pies, went to lots of events and was involved in so many fun things like M & S and even the jewellery. On top of that FOD was raking it in. They were so lucky. So few people have that many opportunities. MOD had all that and it still wasn't enough. She felt really powerful and wanted more. She wanted absolute adulteration from EVERYONE and she actually thought she could get this. It's sickening in so many ways.
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Congratulations on your second consecutive thread title, @Bigmouth_bigpants !! ⭐🌸🌞

Full title: FOD’s gone AWOL while his followers plunge, he’s biding his time in the house of clunge (sorry I had to shorten it to make it fit)

A very princely 72 votes!

Time to let fame go to your head and launch your line of a (single) red lip and (single) Glenson boot.
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24 hours in the life of TMS! Last night at an Oliver Bonas event, today squawking on Instagram about how lonely and let down you are but hey ho let’s fuck off to Disney On Ice for the evening! You self absorbed, attention seeking utter hypocrite! I’m not feeling sorry for MOD but these women need to shut the fuck up and go and do something else with their pathetic lives 😡


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This whole thing has rolled down a hill like a snowball gaining size.

I’ve unfollowed all insta mums, blue ticks and anyone who has persistently posted on IG and added to the situation. It’s so playground tactic. I’ve lost any respect for them all.

Between seeing this on IG constantly and people putting up Christmas trees on armistice day I’m 🤬
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To be honest what really really fucking does my nut in. That influencers seem to think that we are a part of the 'throw away'generation. Actually I'm the opposite. So when I buy a jumper for £12 from primark instead of from scamp and dude/selfish mother which is £50, I'm not doing it to be trendy and 'throw it out after a month'. I am doing it because that is all I can afford, and i literally will wear things till they fall apart. I have 4 boys, my husband works 50 hours a week, we have to budget like mad to have the finer things in life like a holiday which we have to wait till it comes up on a deal. To make sure the kids go on the trips for school. Ensure that we have an ok life.

It really pisses me off that I am being made to feel thick and lazy because i cannot afford to buy glass milk. Or have delivery of breakfast for me. Or I cannot support a small business and that I have to buy from Asda's george instead of next. There is so much pressure now.
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Also looking at that house before, what a pair of fucking twats. The previous owner bought it for £300000. They renovated it and sold it for £700000 to our greedy friends. They thankfully made a huge profit out of these idiots as it must have been heartbreaking to watch them destroy all that lovely work and beautifully sourced additions to the house. It’s a house I would’ve envied. And then in comes Mrs Gifted Reno. With her penchant for dark and tat and germolene. And she redecorates (sorry renovates) the freshly renovated house. Lucky it was gifted as she’s not added £300000 to it surely.
Although the zen room will be a real bonus. As will the chavvy ‘girls’ bathroom.
Oh they get on my tits. What a silly woman wasting all that time, money and materials on an already beautiful house because she is so bloody greedy.
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Haha! I have been looking at earlier threads BA (before Alicegate) and sometimes i want to hit the like button but then I remember they are over a year old 😂
I can't speak for anyone else but I love to see that some of my old posts still have a bit of life in them! :D

This one still gets a bit of love now and then! 😛 (Only reposting 'cos it's a bit quiet around these parts!)

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