
VIP Member
It’s quite bizarre people think they can just call for her to be struck off!! Like the NMC will be sat there going ‘ooh we’ve got a tweet from AngryJulie and she says Clementine Hooper is a two faced cow, we’d better look into that’
‘Ooh and now IsleofWightAnge has tagged us and says she needs to be struck off, better act on that’
For god’s sake. She’s done this herself, if there’s anything to answer to it will be addressed appropriately and through the right channels.
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This is what MOD said about Candice

"Candice is often really aggressive and always brings it back to race, priveldge and class because she knows no one will argue with that. It feels like a weapon to silence people’s opinions"

Hit like if you don't think this is racist.

I've followed Candice and this all rings true.

I don't like MOD but I've seen no racism from her.
To say a woman of colour is using her race ‘as a weapon to silence people’ is without a doubt racism and an absolute grade A example of white privilege. White people have been using race as a weapon forever. To accuse a woman who is confident and speaks her mind and working for her space in a white dominated world of instamums of being aggressive and silencing people with her race is abhorrent in my opinion. I think Clemmie needs to go back and reread why I’m not talking to white people about race. I am white and would be very interested to the opinion of any people of colour on here.
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Dear God, please please tell me that Slymon isn't peddling the racist trope that all black men are good dancers??? I suppose it's a small mercy that he hasn't 'blacked up' before doing his story.

WTF are his management doing, for the love of God. Or are they all reduced to sitting under their desks, hugging their knees and rocking back and forth, chanting ''I'm in my happy place, I'm in my happy place."
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1. Paris with her girlfriends.
2. Tenerife with the family.
3. Safari with her mother and siblings.
4. Lyme Regis with the family.

That’s since mid November 2019 and we are only three quarters of the way though February 2020.
Fifth, if you include the trip she took up her own arse 😂
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Yeah, that’s weird. I wonder if mod has blocked her. ScouseRachel doesn’t seem like someone who’d back away from a ding dong to me.
I honestly have no clue how twatter took me 2 hours to actually get to the replies to Scouse Rachel’s tweet (🙋‍♀️Yes I’m a knob!), but can Tweets be deleted by twitter if they get complaints or force someone to remove them. IDK anything about that site.

But back to FOD did anyone else see this little beauty last night? Look 👀 at the last sentence


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Hey all- it’s late here but a few people earlier asked for my opinion so I wanted to dip in and say that despite how angry and annoyed everyone is on here (and thrilled that the mask has been taken off) nothing reeks of any nastiness or bullshit regarding this situation in your comments, and I completely get what a lot of you are saying and why you feel like this. When people believe in their own hype and power it’s only a matter of time that the walls crumble and they have to survey the real world around them. They only realise it after the fact and that’s the shame of it all. There’s no foresight.

I think the apology was, to quote Susie, piss poor at best. It was generic and took no accountability and this will most likely be spun into a ‘thing’ where she Might use mental health woes as an excuse for her behaviour. Which makes a mockery of the situation and also of people who actually have REAL mental health problems.

I think it’s upsetting what she’s done to the people who trusted her, and a lot of them were regular, decent people who (despite the fact that this is ‘only’ social media and v trivial) trusted her. These are real feelings. I never named her because when we spoke privately, Bethie asked me not to at first so I respected her wishes. As far as I was concerned the only person I gave a sh*t about was my friend. That’s it. I only did what she asked me to do and that was to speak out after she began her IG stories so that she could have back up when the rest of the group stayed silent.

I only casually engaged with that group at events— I was never part of a gang, as I said, so I never tracked how they declared stuff when it came to ads. I only got involved a few times in the past when I was asked to be backup when there was nasty behaviour. Why? Who knows. Probably because I’m a loudmouth and I don’t give a shit about a clique and what ‘group’ I should belong to.

Anyway. I’m probably talking too much again. I just came on here to say that we all make bad decisions and we all need to be reminded that we’re human and imperfect but this was a heavier level of calculated behaviour and it’s really sad for everyone involved. I personally think they should try and live a life off social media for a while and figure out who they are because they were probably decent people before they became ‘Instafamous’ (I hate that word)

ok *now* I’m done. Thanks for the chat.
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All the instamums are commenting to ensure everyone knows it isn’t them!

They’re not ‘sending love’ they are proclaiming their innocence.

I have to say I am finding all the ‘we’ve got you’ comments nauseating. She hasn’t just been diagnosed with a serious illness FFS.
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Does anyone know who the commenter is that keeps accusing him off sucking off punks under London Bridge? Childish but makes me laugh every time and the Jehovah fanboy is getting SERIOUSLY pissed off about it
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Chatty Member
I'm disappointed but not surprised he's tried to creep back on.

FFS his wife is still headline news and he's offered no public support, couldn't he at least waited a few days? But we are at the time of the year that earns the most from ADs.

Remember when he got snappy at someone that said he did too many ads, then justified himself saying he's only done 5 this year. This was in may and Jan and Feb are dead for ads, that's cherry picking for you.

FOD after a day of not posting on Instagram
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This is getting ridiculous now. So many people on Instagram just wanting to have a go at sticking the knife in.
Ffs. I wasted too much time on this already. This is beyond ridiculous. One would argue this is EXACTLY what MOD meant when she said CB brings aggressiveness back to race. This is blowing things so much out of proportion it's actually unbelievable.

Was what she say ok to say given who she is? Nope.

Is generalising black people as aggressive wrong? Hell yeah.

Are there really no POC who bring things back to race as an argument to shut the conversation? Let's be honest, probably plenty.

Was MOD an asshole? 100%

Does she deserve to be dragged through mud and labelled as racist for her family to read it because of one out of context comment that wasn't even the point of this whole thing?? Definitely not.

All these anti-racist crusades are fair if accurate. This isn't the case here. What she said was completely out of order and yes institutionalised racism is still a big issue but let's not make MOD a poster child of black oppression because she isnt one.

And, I wouldn't be surprised if FODs latest post is what it is and there has been no further engagement or deleting comments on mods and FODs Instagrams because there are lawsuits coming. Saying what mod did was a dick move is one thing, labelling her something that will stick forever and will always be there on the Internet is another. It's defamation.

And no, I am not defending her. I do not agree that POC use their race as an excuse, I do not know mod or fod. I'm offering an outsider fresh perspective because people are too quick to throw life alternating labels on her. Are these people living in glass houses?

In the large scheme of things, she bitched about her friends and they found out. Who hasn't.
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I notice that Candice is loving all this playing the victim. I also notice she’s failed to mention the nice things that mod also said about on here. Convenient isn’t it?? Can’t play the victim so much then can she??
its all a shit show at the moment and I change my mind and opinion on it all on a daily basis. But one thing I do hope is that mod is reading all these threads.
Because most comments on here are actually defending her, whereas her so called friends on insta are revelling in her misery and sticking the knifes in. How ironic that us poisonous, jealous, no life trolls are the ones defending her and feeling for her 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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I bought a ‘mother’ T-shirt when they first came out. I was searching for a new self identity now I’d become a mum.
In those days of Instagram (4/5 years ago) I found the instamums - and Clemmie in particular inspirational. I know that seems cringe. I’m just being honest.
They were cool mums, who still had a life and a career and went out. I wanted to be like them.
And I think in those days not everything was gifted.
Slowly that started to change. It was so insidious.

To my huge embarrassment I got a leopard print Tina and Marl changing Bag after the birth of my third baby in 2016. I naively didn’t realise they’d all been #gifted them. I was hormonal and vulnerable as everyone here says.

It’s very clever, very manipulative advertising. The fact that it’s aimed at new mums seems particularly shit coming from a midwife.

It makes me feel so much better reading the truth on here and hearing I wasn’t the only sucker!
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Chatty Member
Was it last week some of you photo wizards funked up some #ad pics and #added salad head?
Anyone up for doing another one?
A book though.....
'Fathering Heights' (maybe some input on the title?)
Male leading character Fodcliff...
Cos lets face it, our threads are practically classic novels and he, is indeed, the star of the shit show which inspired us to write!

I have no fucking idea why this thought entered my head 🙄🤷🏻‍♀️

Before my time. I'm well gutted though! 👒👗👜👠👡👢🧣
Not my best work @prettyvacant 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣
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I'm pretty sure by now she's in deep regret as her livelihood has been based around social media. I don't necessarily feel sorry for her but I feel sorry for her kids who can read or view Instagram. Yes she shouldn't have done it but at least she did have the balls to admit it. Dragging it out all over Instagram will only affect her children in the long run.
I haven't commented on this saga at all - but @JessicaFletcher, why is it our responsibility to safeguard Clemmie's children? Surely, Clemmie and Simon should have thought about this before exchanging their daughters' privacy for Gousto meals and pink tiles? Why did Clemmie not take into account how trolling other Instamums might affect her family?
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