
Interesting to see Rachel Jackson London, her jewellery collaborator, has immediately distanced herself. The jewellery is still for sale, but this is a pretty clear message........
Nahh from a PR perspective that is VERY safe. She has been seen to answer ✅ she has shut down the conversation ✅ and been polite and happy to discuss further privately ✅ she has also stated a fact (eg. CURRENTLY there isn’t a line of jewellery being worked on) ✅... she hasn’t said she has broken ties due to recent events ❌or that there won’t be another collab in the future (when this all blows over!) ❌

Edited to add: she also hasn’t sat on either side of this fence by saying something like- we have pulled all products from our online store until everything is resolved, or we are keeping the items up but donating X amount to a charity relevant to everything that’s been going on etc... ❌

So she’s shutting the guy up but still happy to make money basically ... 🤦‍♀️
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Still trying to catch up (not sure I ever will 😂) but thread title idea:

Alice are you okay? Are you okay Alice? You’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by, your own ego
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String Man

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I'm sure this must have been mentioned before (not a regular on the ODs threads) but FOD looks like a Poundland version of Nick Knowles.

This is not a compliment btw; Nick Knowles is also a massive twat.
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They have another large pantry which is where those pesky biscuits are normally kept!

View attachment 60215
Brilliant detective work! He’s such a poor content researcher.
My nearly 4 yr old just says ‘can I have a biscuit please?’ Because rather than me filming her and turning everything she does into cash and content, I taught her that she can ask me for things she’d like. This works quite well for us as I can say yes or no and then pass her the biscuit jar, that opened packets of biscuits go in so they don’t go stale. It’s a brilliant invention and I’m surprised FOD hasn’t been gifted one yet in his free kitchen.
I sincerely hope someone helps them out by sending a biscuit jar quick so that this level of twin risk taking can settle, and the children are encouraged to communicate through speech what they would like.

Utter wankpuffin.
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One of the OD's will have to come out of hiding soon, no doubt FOD will have comical ads he's committed to posting.

Wonder if Gousto do a recipe for humble pie?
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I'm in no way defending MOD, but this comment "Alice" made is conveniently ignored by all, as it doesn't fit the way the narrative is going;
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Those comments. Their fans are absolutely deranged. How can they be comfortable with people pleading that they’ve ‘missed her face’. They sound like a bunch of stalkers? And they expose their kids to that to.

Absolute sell outs.
Her absence and unfollowing FOD, as well as many other flogging twats, has made me realise I don’t miss these using morons at all. Seeing her smug little face with fringe carefully gripped off, and her utter balls to allow him to not only post their 3 year old daughters in staged photos, but also to pose like a simpering cute little wife when she is actually a Bitch Monster Troll makes me so glad that these people don’t need to feature in my life at all other than as an example of how greed, social media and selling your kids destroys everything and makes everything you once valued completely worthless.
They are the biggest chavs on the gram. Suckers.
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He such a dick. He can’t go out on trips and share real time because he’s too safety conscious bless him. He tried to share taking them swimming, but as he couldn’t actually film the pool it had to be the changing room half naked, which he just didn’t realise was extremely poor taste and appreciated by no fucking follower anywhere except the excited paedos who live this guy’s dedication to selling his vulnerable little moppets.
He tried holidays but they’ve stopped being free so no fun, he tried (at least 3 times) good old b&q, the gold standard in filming small children entertainment, but despite his repeated efforts it just hasn’t gone viral. He’s tried supermarkets and the beach. Oh the beach. Up poles, on poles, in puddles, in the air, wet kids, dry kids, Sandy kids. The only activity they do kids. I’d stroll along the beach kids. Kind of pretty but he’s run out of fun similes and metaphors. But he’s focused on the clothes, the shoes, the getting wet. He’s basically exhausted it.
And so he finds himself in grey towers, The house. And he goes from room to room. He gets a semi when he sees the next item. He thinks ‘I am a fucking genius. Women adore me. Today it’s the hairband’ or ‘’yes, a tape measure’ ‘the larder, why didn’t I think of it before’ ‘the mooncup - I’m so on trend’ ‘tampons- I’m just so fucking amazing and in tune with women’
So what do we have left? Tin openers? His crusty sock? whatever Clever Simon spies.

And then locked back up in the Naughty Chamber.
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I can’t believe so many think FOD was involved in the Alice stuff.

For starters he wasn’t on the St Lucia holiday with MOD when she was posting as Alice during that time. Plus it’s a big risk for MOD to have taken. She must feel so dumb now. Using her gas and air blog email address to login to tattle (allegedly).

I’m pretty sure FOD would never have thought any level of “beef” with Cash Carraway was worth risking both their jobs and their huge Insta incomes for?!

FOD has never been like MoD in that he’s never been found inboxing “trolls” etc. He’s never really engaged in that stuff. He seems to find it easier to turn the other cheek. Thinks he’s above it all.

It’s properly embarrassing for FOD going into the office now his wife has been outed calling him a twat and it’s all over the papers. He can say “oh yeh I was involved” to his work mates, but that’s potentially even worse. Why’s he so weak that he allowed himself to be collateral damage in his wiquest to turn round opinions about herself (meanwhile throwing FOD under the bus).

I do feel a bit sorry for MOD. She started Instagram before FOD and he used her platform to launch himself. She didn’t want the children being overexposed anymore so she stopped. But he continued exposing them and continued gaining followers and popularity and fawning fangirls saying what a great dad he is. Meanwhile clemmie ends up coming across as a cold distant mum, because she’s decided not to feature the children much anymore it looks like she’s never with them and she’s always swanning off to events. That’s going to cause tensions in a relationship. I feel for her in that regard and can semi understand her calling him a twat

ultimately they are both twats though aren’t they
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This is rather creepy non ? I can see from your posting history you’ve been spreading the rugby player shagging rumours. It’s not correct and you’re clearly shit stirring
Hello and welcome House clunge - always loved the word clunge and look at you using “non” and “de la” in your name. Fancy French. I knew this influencer once who did this post about dog shit...she did it in French, yeah, well not really, she used a bit of French, like basic stuff, you know the stuff you learn when you’re 10...”Where is the...door/window/blackboard”, but hers was DEAD funny because she was asking, in French, Where is the shit! OMG how we laughed she was hilarious! Ou est le shit? Or did she use La? Did she use merde? Can’t remember exactly but it was fucking hilarious. So where is it I often ask myself? Where is that Shit?
Anyway, I digress, how do you know about the rugby player? Do tell. I mean, we didn’t think that was true here because basically Sly and Clemmie are #couplegoals and whoever started that rumour vanished off our lovely site faster than a racist child-selling troll loses her sponsorships. So can you shed any light on this for us? Merci beaucoup.
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