
Well-known member
i actually think this has gone waaayyyyyy to far now! Maybe I’m being stupid but I didn’t find ANYTHING MOD said racist and as a WOC I would be the first to prob find a remark racist. For instance I unfollowed Mr and Mrs Meldrum when they made a joke about looking like the KKK now that to me was offensive they also would regularly make fake Indian accents when saying they were “going for a curry” which they thought was hilarious! Saying CB is aggressive is merely an observation not racist. I’d hate to think MOD’s whole career will go down the tubes because of a bunch of ego fuelled instamums. She was wrong doing it but at the same time doesn’t deserve to be labelled racist.
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MOD Couid have come back from this if she had given a proper apology and owned it.
I agree with this. She shot herself in the foot with the half-baked, gone-after-24hr apology. She was arrogant enough to think that she could weasel out of it by basing it on a false premise and trying to cover her arse with lies:
  • "a website that had thousands of comments about my family and I", "reading them made me feel extremely paranoid" - she was the was the ninth poster on the very first MOD & FOD thread on the same day it was started!
  • making an anonymous account to "change their opinions from the inside to defend my family and I" - yep, she was so riled up by the non-existant comments about herself and her family that she spent the first two weeks making posts (26 in that timeframe if I've counted correctly) about Cash Carraway, only joining in the MOD & FOD talk after someone had started a thread.
  • "when users started to suspect it was me, I made the mistake of commenting about others" - this isn't true, the Alice account started off by commenting on others, and her first post on the MOD/FOD thread referenced another influencer ("Mrs Meldrum can’t post without another haul") before anyone had any suspicions.
It pisses me off that so many (all?) of the mainstream media articles accepted the Clemmie Hooper version of events without doing their research.

Link to Alice's posting history for any sceptics lurking:
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Hey si if you're reading: Maybe on international women's day (8th march) you could write a post about how much effort you made trying to raise strong young women, instead of just reducing them down and putting the focus on their genitalia.

MOD 22: #AD's all dried up, but there's still jizz, old school pics and draughty VICTORIAN bricks ?
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This house thing has really bugged me. This is how I see it, like an episode of Bake Off, the previous owners have rocked up with their own recipe and design, that they've been working on for months, it's highly original, looks and tastes great and has everyone going 'wow'.

The OD's arrive with a pre made gifted cake, their input is sliding it out the box and onto a cake stand. They're both looking flustered and exhausted, moaning how much hard work it was carrying it in from the car while the nanny looks after the twins.
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I put those responses from Clemmie Simon into an "English to Influencer" auto translator, and it came up with this:
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@murphy that is fascinating and perhaps worthy of its own thread in the off-topic section? As I would love to follow along with the campaigning in the new year as it happens and I’m sure others would too. It’s such an important topic, thank you for what are you doing.
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it's brilliant eh?! I commented on his post about this and was considering adding a #ifyouknowyouknow but then felt bad for the actual company!
You have a great future thread title there though.....Clemmie's lost her wandalust and Slymon's lampshade is full of dust 😂
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Firstly I don’t believe his crap for a minute. He’s a very people person and he thrived off working in an office. The whole posts stank of someone trying a bit too hard to not be bovvered. On the surface it’s just a ‘work’ do, but it’s significant in that he is no longer part of the office staff. He’s not a man in his 50s enjoying his home comforts, he’s a man in his mid 30s (if you can believe it) stuck in a cold old show home being constantly renovated, he’s the parcel collector, there for the workmen and the cleaners and collects and takes the kids. Clemmie has said on numerous occasions he’s there for any childcare as she is not. He’s traded a busy bussling city office life for a lonely office in a big old house, on his own. It’s clear he misses people and his descent into filming himself dressing up and extensive footage of his children show how lonely and sad his life is.

Secondly this whole toddler twin crap is wearing a little thin. They are not toddlers by any stretch of the imagination. In his warped portrayal of barely verbal infants that lack communication abilities and are feral he just about clings to the ‘toddler’ saleability. But they are 4 next month. They will be starting school in a few months and as they are at private nursery full time I’d imagine they write basics and are very competent. Making them out to be babies is so weird. I don’t believe for a minute they are constantly having 2 yr old tantrums. I don’t buy that they can’t be communicated with easily after an initial outburst. My child the same age can be noisy and unreasonable but there is always something that can be talked about. By advocating ignoring their distress and getting out biscuits and paw patrol for likes, he just seems pathetic.

What an annoying man.
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So daily fail.
No mention of clemmie being racist
But clemmie made negative remarks.

Candice someone is out to discredit me.
Article implies it's clemmie
Candice has gained 12k followers and lots of sympathy.
No real details of the documentry so people can see and make mind up themselves.
Even with detailed evidence they can't write a balanced factual article.

Brave mummy blogger garners support after revealing sex worker past

Feel sorry for clemmie. She needs new management and respond somehow
The biggest shock to me is that CB is only 30!!?! Is this the same as when she claims she's a size 14? 🙊
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I think we can all agree that putting your family life on scoial media, and to that extent, is not the way to go. Nobody could pay me enough to even contemplate that.

I am 48 now and we only bought our house a mere 12 years ago. Yes we are well off now but it all came together after the age of 35, before that it was renting, a second hand car, Ikea flatpack furniture, H&M clothes and one 2-week vacation per year.
There is absolutely nothing “wrong” with renting, running a second hand car, ikea furniture, H&M clothes or “only” a 2 week holiday a year. What you’ve just described is actually a very normal life for a large proportion of people - irrespective of age. Getting a mortgage or buying a brand new car means nothing.
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With regards to the Hoopers - they are very obviously both from wealthy families. So they were at an advantage from the get go. He’s in a highly paid day job and they earn a fortune from social media and they get god knows how much free stuff ontop. From a financial and materialistic point of view, yes, they are sorted.
But that’s only ever half the story. Look at what’s gone on. She’s obviously got issues, their marriage doesn’t seem particularly solid, they are both gagging for attention and adoration which is why they are obsessed with Instagram etc

Being in a well paid job or having vast amounts of disposable income is not an indicator of someone having “their shit together”
Totally agree, the financial side is only half of it, maybe even not that much of it.
I live in social housing, normal job, husbands a tradesman, holiday once a year in a caravan park, dress in clothes mostly from eBay. Yet I think my life is sorted. My kids are happy and healthy, they do well at school, we live in a lovely friendly village with a fantastic community, mostly of our friends and the girls friends live within walking distance. I love my job and my little two bed house And am in a happy loving marriage. I wouldn’t want it any other way. Incidentally, I do come from a middle class background, but we decided to make our own way in life rather than relying on the help our parents offered us. So I am in no way jealous of that instagram moneyed lifestyle.
Can’t stand the obsession with it all.
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