
Well-known member
Also CT, Hungermama, SMS, MOD, DLAM we are so over your pity party...”having the worst week” stories and posts. Watch Children in need tomorrow night and see what a worst week looks like. Seriously you women do make me sick you have NO idea.

I think it's very telling that none of the InstaMums appear to have genuine friends of long standing. Instead, they enthuse manically about all their new, shiny, amazing, shiny, brave, amazing InstaMates. It's because these women are dedicated, ruthless social media climbers. They don't build friendships. They build networks.

I am still in touch with old school friends. I still meet up with university mates that I have known for over 20 years. I have a very close circle of mum friends who bonded at the school gates over 10 years ago. My oldest and best friend drove through the night to be there for me when my Mum passed away suddenly.

That's what real friends are. And that's what real friends do. Real friends aren't the randoms who just sit next to you at yet another perfume launch lunch. Real friends don't mouth wanky, empty platitudes like "We've got you" (when what they really mean is "we're out to get you") when you're struggling. Real friends don't jostle for prime position as you all pose for the camera on a contrived 'InstsGals Weekend Away.' And real friends don't queue up to stab you in the back when you totally fuck up.
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Well I wasn’t a MOD fan but watching all the instahuns dancing on her grave has made me root for her
She should drag the whole lot of them down with her. Post the screenshots of the private chats, tell everyone which usernames are her insta mates, reveal what they’re all really like and how shallow it all really is.
Her Instagram sweetheart career is ruined now anyway she should just blow the lid off the whole thing and hopefully it will make a lot of people wake up to it all
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I wouldn’t be surprised if she wasn’t around much at the moment, how could they even begin to live together after all of this...?
Well, luckily they have 3 reception rooms, 3 bathrooms and 6 sodding bedrooms to help avoid each other👍
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Chatty Member
This is an absolute fucking piss take. Milk & More want to take a look at what they could be doing to feed kids with fuck all as opposed to feeding these 2 sackless bastards and their ruined offspring.

It makes me sick. When Milk & More approached them they could so easily have said ‘look, we’ll happily support and publicise your company on our grids but we feel it would be better if the free deliveries that we would have got from you, went to a family in need and we will pay the subscription for our own deliveries’.
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Whatever hun

New member
Turning your children into commodities for freebies and ads is really unsavoury... The more I think about it, the more insane it really all is... the whole crazy situation.

I miss the old days of insta where we just took shit photos of our dinner.
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CH needs to sell her story to a newspaper for a fortune and blow the lid right off influencer culture and dish the dirt on all her rotten pals . Then go back to living normal life .
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First time posting, long time lurker etc but as someone who doesn’t have children I was totally infuriated and quite frankly offended at the description of people without kids just chilling in pubs and planning mini breaks. Says the guy who goes on all expenses paid mini breaks with the lads regularly (or at least did in the past).

I know every single answer to his stupid quiz questions (except the worm tablets) because I’m a person in society.

As an aside imagine if your dad posted a pic of your worm tablets on insta. Thanks Dad. Life over.
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A hacker who carefully goes through and cleans up their replies, deleting only negative comments and accusatory messages. A hacker who increases their following by thousands. (SNORT).

Tomorrow the hacker is going to send them on a holiday to the Caribbean, give them both pay rises, remove any evidence that Alicegate ever happened and get all their partnership deals back for them.

In the wondrous, magical land of NOT! :ROFLMAO:
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I ummed and ahhed about whether I should post this as last time I said something that was a little bit in support of Clemmie my account got blocked and I had to make a new one. I am a participant in another thread so I really hope the same doesn’t happen again. This is just my opinion and I would appreciate it if I wasn’t jumped on for it.
I am not condoning what clemmie did in the slightest, however I can’t help but feel a little sorry for her.
What she did was wrong, however if we were in her position would we have come on here in an attempt to change perception of our family?
The bullying of her peers was wrong, she should not have stooped to that level, however I feel that some people are taking it to the extreme a bit. Some of the influencers affected are using this as a marketing tool I feel, to raise their profiles. How many people on here bitch about their friends behind their backs? And I am sure those influencers have done the same thing. Were they really friends? Or friends just because of their status on Instagram? Not saying any of it is right but all these people condemning her should be looking at their own behaviour and holding themselves to the same standards that they are holding clemmie to.

I feel sorry for her because she is being pulled through the coals for her behaviour yet there are other influencers who have done worse in my opinion and nothing is ever said about them, for example PTWM and the misappropriated funds, sacconejolys and the child abuse, I grams and child neglect, and I am sure there are many more I am unaware of. My hope that this could be the start of influencers being held accountable for their actions no matter who they are.

edit: as for the use of their children, I think FOD and MOD are not the worse for this by far, the sacconejolys record everything, and PTWM broadcasts her children’s conversations when they are on the phone to her and the don’t even know she is doing it, she tags their SM accounts and then members of the public follow them. I think she is far worse when it comes to safeguarding her children and making money from them than the OD’s.

As for the racism bit, I am mixed race, Caribbean and English. From what I have seen I don’t see what clemmie said as being racist, however if she said more than what I saw then I may change my mind. I spoke to my dad who is black and told him what she said, and me and him think the same. What she was a comment, a misunderstanding from someone who has no idea what it means to be black, has never experienced the struggle of being a minority, just the same as people who comment on others privilege, often those comments come from a place of not being able to experience these things so it therefore becomes a criticism.
Racism is wrong full stop,having been affected by it my whole life I know how hurtful it is, however me and my dad are two people (not saying it’s wrong that others think it was racist) who do not feel it was a racist comment, it came from lack of experience. I also think that sometimes some people so over play the race card, I think for it to hold value and something to be done it has to be used in the right way. I am not saying this about Candice Brathwaite though as I don’t know anything about her, haven’t read anything she has done or anything like that so I am not commenting on her.
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Why is everything he does he massive fuck up even getting corona virus something that should garner well wishes and sympathy he manages to lie about. The two of them couldn't tell the truth if the were paid to do it.
Exactly Slymon, you had ONE JOB, get fake Coronavirus. Fucking twat can’t even get that right.
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"As we find ways to work virtually" fucksake, I work for an international company, in a Global function. I do 99% of my daily work using Skype, for training, meetings, screen sharing, everything. You don't need to find ways, they're already there and you probably just like being able to show off about your international business trips. Dick.
Didn’t he just fly to Japan for work and Abu Dhabi for a weekend jizz fest treat? Then flying his family to Tenerife, they flew somewhere late summer, but did drive to France as their early summer break. They’ve renovated a house which was freshly renovated. They sell things to other people they don’t need. They promote fast fashion. He goes to the tip with excess waste frequently and in their last house outwitted the council by purchasing their own extra bin because they produce so much waste. Their twins who are 4 next week were still in disposable nappies a few weeks ago.
There’s nothing about this man that give a flying fuck about the environment or what they do as a family.
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this whole drama reminds me of an almost real-life version of mean girls, except high school has been replaced by the gram. MOD the - former - super affluent and popular regina george, all "i'm sorry people are so jealous of me, but i can't help it that I'm popular!" with her #gifted everything, living the dream and thinking she was completely untouchable - even when she was secretly bitching about her faux friends behind their backs. all the other instamum wannabes were flocking around her, desperate to be part of her gang. CT the "one time she punched me in the face - it was AWESOME" girl, for sure. it was all nicey nicey - to each others faces - all "but you're, like, really pretty. you agree? you think you're really pretty?" and "get in loser, we're going shopping!" with the resulting photos plastered all over the gram for all to see, and endless supportive comments.

MOD was such an influencer, she could literally have holes cut in her tank top by one of her haterz, yet start a mass trend amongst the instamums crowd, with them all cutting holes in their tops and walking around with their purple bras poking through - or, y'know, the instamum equivalent!

yet now MOD has dramatically fallen from grace, and whilst that_mummy_smile is all "i wish i could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy" knowing it will increase her own followers, all the instamums have immediately ditched her, acting as though they never knew her, providing absolutely zero public support - a quite literal "you can't sit with us!" slap in the face - and taking any chance they get to slate MOD. it's like "raise your hand if you've ever been personally victimised by mother of daughters", with every single one of them jumping at the opportunity to throw her under the bus, whilst clamouring around, each so desperate to take "regina's" place as queen bee, seemingly oblivious as to the fact that being in that position has cost MOD everything. yet they just can't help themselves but keep grabbing, because to have all that MOD had would be "like, so fetch" - but as i'm sure MOD would warn them: "stop trying to make 'fetch' happen. it's not going to happen" and if it does, there will be consequences.
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I just watched that video again. Utterly misguided Simon. Tomorrow night’s offering:

“FOD cooks ackee and saltfish #gousto”
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Hello 👋🏻 Im back with a dm update, he did reply and I had the least edifying “discussion” about sexism possible. The whole thing made me hugely pissed off and I felt a bit over invested so it took me a few days to come back with the update, sorry!

A quick summary is:
He said he wanted to know how “men could support feminism without being accused of hijacking a women’s agenda” plus some bullshit defence of iwd post (At least he said sorry, no one else did and the intention was lovely) and mumporn (he said middle aged actually).
I said he’s missing the point,his main problem was casual sexism, gave some examples from his posts and suggested he might want to address this, look at his male white middle class male privilege, do a bit of reading. Then I said similarly I expected Clemmie was examining her own (sub conscious ) attitudes about race.
He said he didnt agree with everything I’d said but thanks, literally nothing more about sexism etc. I had said considerably more than I did above, in a very carefully worded and polite way so was pretty pissed off that’s all he has to say. He then wrote a long reply about my one throw away sentence about Clemmie. Apparently she’s not racist, she was depressed, anxious etc etc after 3 years of horrendous abuse on chat rooms etc etc. He then said she wasn’t racist as what she said was based on personal knowledge of the person 😱.
I said I was disappointed he hadn’t replied to anything I’d said about sexism, he said there’s not much more to discuss when he’s said he agreed with me about everything (he didn’t say that, he said he didn’t agree with everything I’d said) “what more was I looking for?” Twat
That was the last I heard from him, so I wrote quite a long reply about how they both needed to understand that not liking someone doesn’t mean you can be racist, he’s hugely out of touch that’s why he’s loosing so many followers and also why the heck did they both keep posting their whole lives on line if Clemmie was so badly effected. Needless to say he didn’t reply.

Sorry that was really long. He’s a stupid, narcissistic twat. Neither of them have got the faintest grasp of any kind of real life issue. I’m really shocked he thought not like Candice was some kind of defence.
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What I can't get over is how entirely predictable this backlash was. Aside from the other layers to this, why did someone at AXA decide to pay a man to promote them for International Women's Day? And why did someone add the idea of using a song by a man to go with it? And then how did that whole sorry idea get approval from at least one other person(and nobody googled Nas in the meantime)? And then, when the offer appeared in his inbox, why did he not think "bit dodgy that, a man flogging insurance for IWD." There were plenty of opportunities for this to not happen, and yet thanks to the tone deafness of greedy men here we are.
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