
VIP Member
Probably a lot less marriages would fail and twins made undoubtedly easier by deliveroo, gousto, HelloFresh, milk and more, free nannies, nursery, free breaks away together and separately, 55k holidays as work, free clothes, free new tiles, carpets, rugs, sinks without having to physically work, grandparent childcare on tap. It’s not really relatable to self employed joe bloggs unexpectedly having twins with no disposable income or extra space in the house, no time off, no help or support.
His ‘don’t worry, it will work out’ is more than a little glib and laced with privilege.
Utter wanker.
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Peggy Lee

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A group of my friends collect warm coats , hats clothing , sleeping bags etc they go Newcastle city and hand these along with hit drinks, sandwiches , fruit etc several times they have been stopped by shop owners etc who say that feeding these people is encouraging them to beg , seemingly hungry and cold people are bad fir business ! So if you have nothing and beg thatscwrong , but if you are a wealthy and popular influencer then it’s perfectly ok in fact the same people who follow these people are often the first to condemn those on benefits , single mums etc the world has truly gone mad it’s ok to beg if you are pretty and funny and have all you need , but if you are homeless and penniless then you must have done something wrong surely to find yourself in this predicament , starving people not our problem , people being killed caught up in a power struggle for control of oil , not our problem what has happened to our empathy and compassion seems it’s reserved for only some people 🤷‍♀️😞 please excuse I am partially sighted and this keyboard is tiny !! sorry for mistakes not thick or uneducated just can’t see when I rant about what I find so heartbreaking I often get told off for my poor grammar another example of human kindness ...
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Clemmie is a full grown adult who has had a huge amount of privilege her whole life, she has actively pursued this fame for years, she is well aware of what you have to adhere to as a midwife, she is well aware of what you have to adhere to as a celebrity, she is aware that she is a parent and the potential for impact on her children, she has sat in meetings with PR, she knows the media lies and makes the more juicy story, we all do.
She has over and over again, for years, made various usernames on various sites, hundreds of comments, sometimes as herself. She knew she was famous, she knew the potential, she sat and wrote nasty things and then spent time with those people, looking at them in their eyes, having relationships with them, discussing books about race and creating content with them pretending she was an ally in encouraging black women to share their experiences of embedded racism.
She posed for photos and sold this image to thousands of women who looked up to her.
It is surely impossible that she never thought to herself.. imagine if the media found out it was me writing those comments, imagine how much the papers would go wild and how Simon and the kids would feel, imagine it came out I was so two faced about Candice, i’d get called racist for saying that,
You all repeatedly said to her -Clemmie we know its you, and she chose to respond, with more patronising comments.
In terms of her psychology she is either such a sociopath she thought she was far too special and incredible for any consequences to apply to her, or she wanted self destruction.
Its impossible though that she didn’t think of the potential many times over the long period, she has spoken about the scrutiny of the role she has made herself into, a lot! & she kept signing in and asked us not to tell but also didn’t actually hide it that well 🤷‍♀️
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Dear TMS', your post and story made me howl.
If insta is so dark and grim why are you wasting time in it?

My insta isn't dark and grim, let me explain why;

I follow a wide variety of interesting and talented people, this week I have found a new knitting pattern, have seen some lovely new designs in jewellery, watched someone pick their final raspberries of the season, enjoyed a puppy meet its new family, found some great Christmas gifts that I will buy (purchases actually help small businesses).

I follow allotment holders, ceramicists, knitters, painters, glass workers, designers of jewelry, interiors, clothing. I follow my friends fabulous shop, which I support with my cash, I look at bakers and cooks and florists.
A wide range of interesting creative people, I also follow real friends, the ones that I meet up with regularly.

I'm sure it was MOD who said you should curate your feed, if you are following people to sell your lifestyle and climb the greasy pole of sales then if course it will be miserable because you have turned an app into a MLM campaign.

The vacuous nature of most Mumfluencers would depress mw, the content is just so sales pitchy, it is a dog eat dog world, that is very competitive. And as you say a dark grim place!
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This has gone too far

Clemmie if you reading

Seek legal advice
Get new pr/ management
Get a therapist or counsellor
Maybe book 1 or 2 weeks away from UK with own money somewhere private and secluded.
Your old freinds don't give a stuff about them. Sod they are hurt their reaction is disproportionate speak out about all the shitty things they have done blow the lid of the Insta huns as they trying to destroy you.
Come back fighting say something.
Give a interview to reputable journalist/ publication..
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Chatty Member
We’ve found the loo roll but the big question is.... where is all Simon’s period paraphernalia?!
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They are the helpful little Icelandic elves who helped Fire Saga get into Eurovision I expect.

* for those without Netflix, Fire Saga are Will Ferrell's latest creation 🧚‍♂️
** edited to add, for some reason, Volcano Man reminds me a bit of FOD
Now look what you've made me do :LOL:

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I could give you a really long boring answer and then you will no doubt tell me it’s my own fault and not the influencers. It’s not an influencers ‘fault’ per se. And not all of the debt was related to influential purchases. It makes no difference how much was. But I know many people who overstretched, buying ‘necessary’ baby purchases shown by an nhs midwife. Bugaboos, Stokke cots and highchairs, sleepyheads, rigby and pellar bras, it’s like trying to buy a lifestyle you think your baby ‘needs’. (I didn’t buy all or even half those things to be clear.) but the pressure to redecorate, provide a nursery etc are extremely powerful to new mums. Whatvand how my debt was and occurred are irrelevant. I own my debt, I’m responsible, I’ve dealt with it, but after coming out of the toxic Instagram bubble I realised how powerful influencers were even to people who think they would be unable to be influenced.
It’s taken this thread to make me wake up and see the reality of the purchases I’ve made over my two maternity leaves. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I honestly thought I was following a bunch of SE london mums who were great friends, had style that I liked and who had just “stumbled” into having large insta followings. I’m just now getting a sense of how manipulated I let myself be (at great expense!). I also worry that these people have had too much of an influence on my ideas about parenting (which they aren’t shy on handing out advice on). As someone else said, it’s insidious, and hard to tell where the selling ends and the real world begins, especially in the middle of another night feed. I’m honestly grateful to the women on this thread for opening my eyes.
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It's good the tone of the thread really reflects where we are, it's all gone way out of control and been twisted into something it never was. I wouldn't have talked about the posts from the suspect account if I knew it would blow up to this. It was embrassing and funny, nothing huge and there's loads of suspect posters on tattle that probably are infuencers. She's just become a target for people to vent at and use to boost their following.

She joined tattle to bitch about cash after she called her the Harvey Weinstein of instagram. She made some bitchy comments about other infuencers and some comments praising other infuencers. That's it.

Even on tattle there's far far bigger issues - like Sali Hughes who has threatened violence, bullied someone out of their job so she could get it, had a sustained campaign harrasing dawn o porter along with her chums and way more grim stuff. Of course she deleted all these tweets but it still happened. Yet Sali (so far) has got away with painting out tattle to be the bad guy because of a rant full of lies that few people looked beyond.
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"We miss you clemmie" no WE fucking don't.
She's an awful person, who are these brainwashed idiots that worship the ground these influencers walk on.
I don't miss her making me feel like shit with her expensive, house, holidays, 'things' all whilst trying to sell them to YOU so SHE can make more money! Sickening.
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First time poster here .
I am not one bit on CH side or condone what she has done. We can 100% look at it as innocent bitching and sure we are all guilty of this but she had amassed a humongous following. Her only problem is that she is clearly narcissistic and a sociopath.
I think sociopath is a bit strong. Initially I was attacking what Clemmie had done and I obviously still feel the same way. However, the more I've looked into both MOD and FOD, the more I see how it could have been for Clemmie to have a following based on her knowledge, experience and basic slog of being a midwife and mum, compared to FOD who has 1 million followers for basically being an annoying arse. I would not put it past Simon to tell Clemmie that he has 1 million followers because 'everybody' likes him and she has less followers because not everyone likes her. This could, over time, screw with your head and it isn't all that surprising that Clemmie got to the point when she wanted everyone to like her too. Yes, she is an adult and should have the self confidence to cope with not being the most popular girl at school, so to speak, but if other things were grinding her down, she could have completely lost her perspective.

There's 3 ways a messed up head may think will make you more popular:

1) Be more smiley and happy in photos etc. (This is Simon's hair band approach too)
2) Big up your loveliness
3) Make other people look worse than you

Clemmie tried all 3.

I am not privy to everything that has happened, but I suspect this all stems from an unhealthy dynamic at home. Simon constantly chips away at Clemmie's way of doing things. Take bedtimes, Clemmie is calm and reads stories. Simon swings them round in a towel and chases them. This is replicated in so many guises. Complete strangers can see this through his videos and the children obviously know this too. It must be hard to be in an ongoing popularity contest.
Simon =fun. Clemmie = dull. Worse, Daddy = fun. Mummy = boring

One last point. Clemmie has been torn apart before (again publicly) and was accused of using her children to make money and get freebies. She got a lot of (understandable) grief over that. The narrative was that she was a bad mother for doing this. Simon meanwhile, posts his children in virtually every post, ad and video. The narrative here is that he's a GREAT dad.

None of this is a get out of jail free card, but, it may form part of an explanation. I may be wrong, but I know a fair bit about the way our brains can work negatively and it matters not how old, rich, popular or intelligent we are.
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Chatty Member
Instagram has become an absolute breeding ground for these vacuous, shallow, self entitled individuals. These woman are absolutely pathetic. There are individuals on social media battling for their children who are fighting terminal illnesses , these are the people who influence me , not these self absorbed cretins. Their absolute desperation to be adored is loathsome, it shows incredible lack of depth to fill social media with personal details of your family life and never expect other people to comment on what in essence is a bizarre thing to do! Humiliating for all concerned. For me, reading Tattle balances out the utter fake bullshit I see on Instagram on a daily basis.
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