View attachment 2497502

More like shes skint and desperate

😂 😂 🤪 Maybe with Harvey being her dancer doing backflips and Princess being the back up singer too?! She really is delusional.

Even if she could sing, which she can't. Why does she think a 45 year old trying to get their first 'breakthrough' hit would fill up clubs?
There are 1000s of talented singers in pubs and clubs all over the country that don't ever make much money!
Notice how bunny looks clean, no makeup or pouting and tidy in age-appropriate clothing compared to when she's in company with her so called mother
And no sign of Jett? It seems like he gets different treatment, isolated and 'punished' by not being allowed to do things. Or maybe he is told mummy can't do without him or he wouldn't be safe going out. I imagine it's very manipulative what's going on!
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The post shows you all you need to know about her. Any normal person who loses their dog in a horrific manner would be beside themselves. I probably wouldn’t be able to leave the house for several days and I’d be a state. Losing my dog would be like losing one of my children.When I would feel ready to say something I would maybe post a picture of myself cuddling with my dog, or a nice picture of my girl enjoying herself on a walk to honour her memory.

But no. The fugly skank bitch thinks a pouty photo of herself focusing on what she looks like and that taking her hair extensions out to give her a fresh start is a more important message but with an added footnote about her dog and how he conveniently now seems to have been killed by someone else. Because of course it’s not her her fault whatsoever. It’s also very telling that in her order of priority delivering an update in that post, it goes in this order:

- hair extensions out
- new transformation
- loads of shit being thrown at me (poor meeee! It’s never my fault)
- I’ve been dumped
- oh my dog died and it definitely wasn’t my fault
- new meeeee!

Oh and that reel video of Blade she’s put on her stories isn’t hers. She hasn’t sat down and spent hours creating that in loving memory- it’s her fan page that made it and she’s just lazily reposted it. She cannot give a fuck about Blade and her only priorities are her image and making sure everyone feels sorry for her.
I totally agree. My cats are elderly and I'm dreading the day that's coming, I know I'll be totally distressed, unable to eat for a while and have to ring in sick to work. KP doesn't give a shit.
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Loving the Emily pregnancy posts.
She looks beautiful in the announcements pic.
So pleased for them both.
With regards to MP...
On her insta post this morning, on the corner of the post, she mentions not drinking alcohol at the moment..
Has she previously said she's abstaining for any reason ( maybe work? Health ect)
Or could that of been a subtle hint??

If and that's a big if, they are trying for a second baby or are already expecting.
Again I wish them nothing but the best....

But OMG what stunt will SkipRat pull if MP is??
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OMFG,oh dear poor blade Stan will be so upset.. WTF is happening.😢
I've had cats my entire life and other than one who died of pneumonia all have lived to old age. Our animals are our friends, they rely on us totally, and it's up to us to look after them. What the hell does this careless bitch do, or not do, that her animals have such short lives? Blade was a young high profile dog, so perhaps the authorities will take action at last. The RSPCA should hang its collective head in shame as they've been alerted to her animal deaths many, many times.

Can someone put up a list of animals which have died in her care please, with newspaper references if at all possible. If the red-top journos are reading here it would be good for them to see for themselves how many deaths she is responsible for.
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Oh I would love to, but not sure I am brave enough 2) be absolutely convinced, 3) be absolutely certain without doubt and 5) erm....what is the finger on your hand that's not called a finger but sometimes points upwards?

Thankfully six isn't on my radar.

Love you all. If there is a murdered barrister from Kent tomorrow, come to my funeral, please ♥
I think we've guessed some of those categories before on here. Drugs, prostitution, blackmail.

Surely if people in legal circles have an inkling of what's going on she / they will come a cropper at some point.

Stay safe Brah !
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And in the middle of it all sits fucking sink boy. Oh as long as Sid is alright, you’re happy to tag along with some animal abusing cunt.
His Instagram blue tick is his everything, he’s prepared to overlook Kipper’s horrible abuse and neglect for it He reminds me of Scrat from Ice Age with his beloved acorn, he’s clutching onto it for dear life 😡


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Long time Lurker! The gates were open yesterday! I drove passed at about 5:30 but to be fair they are always bloody open! I live in the village long from her and used to attend Kieran's boot camp on a Friday Morning in Coolham until I had to work full time! He is a really nice guy.
You're going to be pounced on (nicely) for da tea!
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Poor Junior must be mortified. And apparently Pete and princess have recorded a song. It must be killing KP.
This is why she’s doing it. Her Narc urges just can‘t resist. As soon as Jr became a ‘singer’ she couldn’t let him have it. Esp. as people said it’s like his Dad. no no no…Skank cant have that…and news of Pete and Princess…now hold on there…the boys she doesnt give a shit about, but the girls…no no no…they’re her mini me’s…they’re her meal ticket…he cant have those! Right Prinny, you have a boyfriend, Well, Pete will be doing the normal sensible safe thing and instilling rules…come to Mommy, no rules with me! Do what you want…it’s NOOORMAAALLL. just HAVE FUUUNNNN. And do things with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Princess is mini me, so her singing comes from MEEEEEE…watch….HAAAARRGGGGGGGNOOOOOOOO 🙄
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Where does it suggest that poor Blade was killed deliberately???
This is purely to try and stop people heaping the blame on her - as they should cause this is 100% her fault.
Just when you think she can't stoop any lower she does - vile, VILE cretin !!
Surely the vet has established how Blade was killed? Trauma by vehicle etc?
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Never posted on the KP threads before, but felt compelled to come over to vent after reading about Blade. I can’t believe that she’s not previously been issued with an order forbidding her to keep animals. It was sickening to read she couldn‘t be bothered to microchip her dog, yet could shove a Louis Vuitton collar round his neck. And that she was posing for OF knowing that he has been killed. Awful:mad:
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It's unlikely she would have to report to a police station as regularly as every week on bail for something like driving without a licence .... murder perhaps - not sure murdering a song falls under this category? 😂
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Thanks Brah. Fingers crossed she'll end up on the receiving end of retribution shortly. In the meantime we have to put up with her being so fucking ugly she makes fresh milk turn sour. It won't be long before the only filter that will work is a paper bag!
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One of my dogs is really accident prone - eating bees, jumping in a rain barrel, licking toads etc but I always catch her in the act and save her or race her to the vets for jabs. I have my garden electric fenced and normal fenced and secure but they still attempt to escape sometimes (jumping/ digging) so I never leave them alone. She just doesn't watch her dogs at all - its so bad. Dogs can hurt people as well as themselves. Its criminally negligent.

I've never in my life heard of someone losing so many animals, even people who have a lot of them over many years.
and to not even notice he was missing all night,shows she couldnt be bothered to bring him in at night. bet her parenting is exactly the same. god help those kids.
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midsummer blue

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I can kinda relate to this actually. My ex was abusive. My family and friends tried to get me to leave him but I refused. Occasionally things got so bad I did ask for help, but then I got even more scared of him and stayed. My ex wasn’t invited to my only friends wedding where I was a bridesmaid incase he caused a scene, and when I got home he had cheated on me in our bed (to punish me for going to the wedding without him), and even left evidence there for me to find, as I was putting the baby to bed in our room. 🤮 I have never felt more alone in my life. My family and friends thought I was a fool to stay with him, and left me to ‘get on with it’ I had a breakdown at work one day because it was all too much and I had no support system. I have the tiniest, tiniest bit of sympathy for her. Not much. But I do remember that feeling that everyone had given up on me. I once told him ‘I’ll never leave you even if it is the death of me.’ 😞 I lost pretty much everyone by the time I finally got away. Problem is, you end up feeling like it’s you two against the world.

Whatever anyone thinks of her , it must be a strain for her, Family love you unconditionally, it’s hard to get to the truth about anything this pair do, But pretty sure her family can’t stand him, not going to the wedding was a big one for me never seen around the kids or when the family get together, and when they do bet she gets a right earful , and she doesn’t seem to have any friends so they’re the only people she can confide in, but if she lets anything out she know her family will be on her case because they love her, when she goes back to him he knows they’ve been slagging him off which he must hate , Am I wrong but did everything change, ie him not being around the kids, her family’s attitude, the time of slapgate ?
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