
VIP Member
dont believe her,its all bollicks, they NEVER split up on a tuesday,they MAKE UP AFTER A SPLIT on a tuesday, it is, after all DOMINOS 2 FOR TUESDAY DEAL 😂 ✌
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Blade was supposed to be a protection dog so he would have been highly trained so how on earth did he manage to get run over(no way would a highly trained protection dog just run out into the road)
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Wouldn't surprise me one bit if she killed Blade returning home driving up the driveway pissed and off her fucking face, then got one of her minions (convenient split from sink boy) to dump Blade in the ditch near Pricey Towers to cover her arse. Skank has form for driving whilst disqualified and off her face and when Queenie got ran over she blamed the take away driver but no driver had been near Pricey Towers that night (GPS location showed the driver nowhere near her property).
Do you know what Stan I didn’t even think of that but I reckon you’re right. It seems really far fetched to me that a trained “protection” dog would make a run for it all of a sudden like that and venture onto a busy dual carriageway. I don’t buy it.
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Just musing but if she is going to go down the "somebody is out to get me "bollocks it would surely be a big red flag for the safety of the kids regarding SS and are they at risk with Pricey as maybe they are not safe then

Of course SS will just not take any notice and probably pop round with some tissues and help skanky wipe her tears
You would think with all her drama's SS would be concerned

just to be clear all her rubbish about blaming someone else for blades murder is utter bollox
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Latest crap
Sweet baby Jesus. She's investigating?! Not the police then, not Columbo or Miss Marple.....feckin thick as two short planks , Foghorm Fanny who
is probably shagging criminals for cash and has drug debts.

I still can't figure out whether she is the one who did the fence graffiti and someone is after her....as Brah Day suggested and she's involved with some serious people and has pissed one of them off? Or is it all the poor me paranoia? The dog was found on the road after all. If someone did it deliberately, why leave the dog there?

She said the people robbing the MM was personal, she's said people robbed her post box and now killed her dog. How much money does she owe her dealer? This isn't safe for kids at all if people are killing her animals
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Stan Butler

VIP Member
Surprised KP hasn't pulled that card actually, money to be made in a fake 'emotional coming out' story.
The bumping arse pictures with the fella are designed to draw people into paying to see if there's anything more explicit on skanks OF it's just a con job for the gullible. 🤣
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Yes! This is what I came on here to say. Show yet again what a lying scumbag Pwicey is. Only a true arsehole would lie about threats to her kids.
But she is a true arsehole , she has proved that time & time & time again .
And continues to do so .
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Cat Eyez

VIP Member
There could well still be in an investigation still into KP following the July stop in the RR.

Whether the police and DVLA do a collaborative investigation I don't know.... I'll have to have a Google.

I'm wondering if KP is on bail, with conditions to NOT drive, whilst the investigation is ongoing and potentially having to sign on at a police station, hence the reduced time abroad.

I'm only speculating of course.
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
Skanks due in court in the next few days isn't she, no wonder there's loads of bollock excuses being touted again. Skanks mental health, her trotters, good old H, trolls and be kind. There's something not right in skankyland and skanks getting her reasons for reasons ready. 😎
Well Bernie Eccleston has just been found guilty of a massive fraud against HM taxes Admittedly he won't go to prison because he's frail and ancient, plus he's paid a massive settlement and a fine on top. Skank must be bricking it 🤣
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It's the same as the other red carpet events "mini me" has graced this week, total silence from skank because if she said something people would ask "why aren't you there aswell skank" and it would expose the fact skank is about as welcome as a turd in a swimming pool at these red carpet events now, not even being the mother of mini me can get her an invite. 🤣
The papers are still pushing the mini-me narrative, but they are naming the wrong parent. She is the image of Pete, god that must make KP crazy. She might have her moms hair but that is all. the rest is totally Pete.
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
Has anyone phoned local RSPCA? What does it take to remove animals and ban?
It was only last month (?) another insider report of dogs in cages etc

Has anyone phoned Horsham RSPCA? If they cant do anything think the charity should close as whats the point of it otherwise surely this os what RSPCA is for
When Sharon died a few months ago the Horsham lot said they were simply a shelter - they didn't do the rescuing and stuff, that was another lot;
Next time I see their fucking advert on telly boasting how they save every animal I think I might boot the telly out into the yard in anger - clearly "every animal" does not include the ones sufferring and awaiting their demise chez skanky; :mad:
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Hampshire Hog

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Words fail me 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬. I hit a dog once I was driving at about 10 mph cause there were a lot of kiddies about the dog was unharmed I felt sick reported it to the police had to show my driving licence. Insurance, MOT they asked me if I wanted to press charges against the owners because the dog wasn’t on a lead on a highway they also checked my car for damage in case I wanted to pursue a claim. How this POS keeps getting away with things is beyond me.

Stan my heart goes out to you I know you would have given blade a loving home. I hope the people that gave her blade hang their heads in shame.
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Kipper on a photo shoot in her twenties would have told any 45 year old to get her old ass out of the way and give up trying to compete with girls young enough to be her daughter.
She doesn’t seem to realise that she is a laughing stock, an object of ridicule and revulsion. She still thinks she is a top model, the camera loves her, and every bloke fancies her.
Exactly, she's just clinging on to 'glamour modelling' for dear life now as its the only thing she has left. She's at the bottom of the z list pile with pondlife like kerry katona, Daniella westbrook and Danielle Lloyd. They have NO talent, no brains and certainly no beauty left. NOTHING. The only times KP gets pics in the papers is when they're taking the piss out of her appearance, and any articles on her are for her latest crimes or embarrassing antics. That's why she's keeping the kids away from kieron, it's the only bit of control she's got left over him, same with P with Pete ya cunt. Those blokes have moved on with nice naturally pretty women who look after their kids and are faithful and normal!! She can't handle the fact up she's a washed up old slapper that's stuck with desperate Dan, and actual nobody that lives off daddy. Her life is a total cringe fest and she hates it but she's too stubborn to actually admit it and change anything about it!
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Chatty Member
Who the fuck is going to spend £30 on a shit bobble hat that looks like a kid has stuck the sparkly bits on?? Wouldn't even give a quid
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you would have thought his mother would have seen enough crabs as it is 😂 so if Bunny is with edna and Jett is with the prices, where is skanky ? i wonder what country shes in today ? perhaps shes seeing Harvey ? i bloody doubt it, bet shes tomming somewhere ;)
Why are they being kept apart so much? Why did they not get to spend the weekend together? Is this deliberately isolating them from each other?
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Pricey how many babies have been born to your exes while you’ve been trying and trying with numerous eggs to get pregnant? Karma is a coming Woo Hoo
Haha 😂 Congrats Pete and Emily
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