Stan Butler

VIP Member
Hmmmm interesting. This Kicky-ball brother is the one you mean, the one convicted for hiding 220k from the taxman by smuggling it into the UK.
I just googled his crime again and saw this........I hadn't read that detail before, that he used 'unsuspecting' friends and family! I wonder if he offered them free holidays? Maybe, just maybe if such a person got convicted for money smuggling he might recruit someone else to dish out the free holidays to unsuspecting mules ( or less innocent ones!), so he could remain under the radar? KP and SB have had loads of 'free' holidays with Rymi......who also works with Kicky Ball brother. Kipper even showed off the 12k 1st class tickets to Thailand, who paid and why?

View attachment 2504533,Lineker's%20sports%20bars%20in%20Spain.
Doesn't slymi fat little fuck Rymi have a hareem of bankrupts, addicts and non entities on his agency books that have all been on free holidays to various destinations over the last few months. 😎
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Noticed that...Jett gets shoved along with skank into nail salons or hairdressers then she moans on podcast he hates being there.. she can't have Jett doing kid friendly fun as it doesn't fit her narrative of her Munchausen proxy narrative of him...
Never known someone in the public eye as evil as herto keep those kids from their father purely for her own revenge ...yet the red top media know it's happening but refuses to call her out
I’m hoping the redtops may have a good story that is brewing..Not ready as yet to release.

I can only hope 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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KP said in podcast she had 2 court one social and the thingy and said as the tattlers disrupted the hearing she had to go in 28 days to complete it
Mind you she could be lying
KP said in podcast she had 2 court one social and the thingy and said as the tattlers disrupted the hearing she had to go in 28 days to complete it
Mind you she could be lying
It also sounds like the rental has stables as she was saying it would be nice to have her horses back
How she can afford the MM plus a rental plus horses holidays etc is a complete mystery
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Poor poor Blade. 😭 So fucking fuming the RSPCA HQ is just up the road in Horsham and they refuse to do anything about her appalling treatment of animals.
So sorry to Stan, I bet he’s devastated after he tried so hard to get Blade out of her evil clutches.
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Oh something else I have just realised. So she can disappear whenever she wants right? Times like this where being in Spain isn’t reported only proves what we all know! She isn’t ‘famous’ or worth reporting on anymore. If she was, photographers would have pics as they would be following her; I think this proves that the pics in the papers are all set up and quick wins for the paps; there an no photographers who would waste time trying to get a shot as the value of the pics are not worth the time.
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So the insinuation here bring that sink boy harmed her dog? Am I reading this right.
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Please don't tell me he out onto the road

ETA addition SS with the caption
Stan wanted this dog..he looked into it and got in touch with the people who trained it!....heartbreaking news I have come home to after a 12 hour shift!..fucking unbelievable 😪 crying my eyes out now! Fucking bitch! The company who had the dog and trained the poor dog and handed it over to the fucking bitch have blood on there fucking hands.
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Surely you can attempt to serve papers and if multiple addresses are tried and the person is unavailable, reasonable attempts have been made.

How is she paying all these rents, holidays, bills, a nanny (??) she doesnt have a job! Must be costing £7-8k pcm before paying for beauty, food, anything for kids. I dont understand.
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Oh woe is me, such nasty trolls around...

View attachment 2506192

Fishing for simp-paffy from it's divvy fans.
you just know Edna wrote that - Kipper just gobs off and swears at people, as evidenced on her tackytok lives ...
And petes not a jaffa like sinkboy!
and now Pete will have 5 children .... 'Dad of 5' vs 'mum of 5' 😂 😂 😂 ...I can see her spending the weekend in her Pete wedding dress sitting in a heap, wailing and singing along to repeat plays of 'Hole noo werld' in between sobs, snorts of powder and gobs of Lambrini with videos of her and Pete in the jungle playing silently on every telly ...
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I’ve just cried for Blade and cuddled my dog tightly. I wish I could get my hands on her but I don’t want to stoop to her level and get arrested. Instead, let’s give her publicity for all the wrong reasons.
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Fuck, just seen this, Fuck you Skank, posting this WTF, you don’t give a shit, Blade died because of you, absolutely raging she has posted this 😡

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Stan Butler

VIP Member
My friend told me this at the weekend so I assume the horses are still there, and they appear to be new horses she has acquired, since shes been living in Essex.
That makes it sound even worse if there new horses, it means skanks spending and giving the finger to everyone. The sooner the forensic investigation is complete the better she needs to face some consiquences for this.
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Sent a gift to help with what we’re all hoping for…IF a big IF I come up on the lottery winning mega bucks tonight I’ll get Kieran the best legal team money can buy
(In the mean time every little helps) 🤑🤣
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Exactly, she's just clinging on to 'glamour modelling' for dear life now as its the only thing she has left. She's at the bottom of the z list pile with pondlife like kerry katona, Daniella estbrook and Danielle Lloyd. They have NO talent, no brains and certainly no beauty left. NOTHING. The only times KP gets pics in the papers is when they're taking the piss out of her appearance, and any articles on her are for her latest crimes or embarrassing antics. That's why she's keeping the kids away from kieron, it's the only bit of control she's got left over him, same with P with Pete ya cunt. Those blokes have moved on with nice naturally pretty women who look after their kids and are faithful and normal!! She can't handle the fact up she's a washed up old slapper that's stuck with desperate Dan, and actual nobody that lives off daddy. Her life is a total cringe fest and she hates it but she's too stubborn to actually admit it and change anything about it!
Think should be '3D Glamping Modelling' more likely now. Frumpy Dumpy, Daniel & AFP seem to be trying to cope with managing her day to day life. Maybe they are dealing with the logistics of getting her from A to B for holidays, Plaster classes, panto etc. These 'jollies' are being paid through some back accounts. Don't think even a worldwide successful account like John D Rockerfeller, would be able to sort out the financial mess though. Doesn't appear that she's moved any further forward in supplying requested information for BH. Not sure how/if a forensic financial investigation is going. But for sure she's still living & spending like she's won the lottery. Where's all the money coming from to replace the floor coverings in MM? She can't be earning much. No article's in RedTop's for a couple of weeks. Is she still fronting & selling the :poop: clothing? From the notes of the podcast DC posted. she's contradicted herself from last week, when she said NOTHING WRONG WITH FEET & she was disgusted with DVLA. Now, her foot needs another operation. She's obviously LOSSED her licence & this is subterfuge. Hopefully all with come clear soon & she'll be revealed as a compulsive LIAR again.
Also the constant Kracktona’s weight loss,fuck off Noo way has she lost weight she’s put more on.🤣
But KK always shows filtered pictures, but there's always loads of scars & lumps on her stomach area. Plus she always forgets to filter her legs - Tree trunks.
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Here’s Jett
you would have thought his mother would have seen enough crabs as it is 😂 so if Bunny is with edna and Jett is with the prices, where is skanky ? i wonder what country shes in today ? perhaps shes seeing Harvey ? i bloody doubt it, bet shes tomming somewhere ;)
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