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I think Helen handled Gorkas speech with such dignity and grace. Her face said she was totally uncomfortable and didn't want anyone to talk about what was going on in her private life so I highly doubt she is selling stories
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Hmm :rolleyes: sure, the new relationship absolutely started a few weeks after they split, not while still with Helen!
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Story here. ’The pal’ is definitely just Steph or someone close to her trying for a bit of damage limitation. If she has the upmost respect for Helen she wouldn‘t have called her a horrible person and accused of her leaking stories to the press.

Lol so he left Helen in March conveniently met the new woman immediately and then she is suddenly 12 weeks pregnant in October but they didn't have an affair? And she has the utmost respect for Helen despite grinning all over social media and calling her a horrible person? She deserves everything she gets when he shags someone else behind her back.
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I do want to apologise for obvs implying before that he was innocent in it all, I didn’t know they were having an affair before she left her ex husband rich. I do believe there’s a reason people cheat and stray from relationships, takes 2 to tango or whatever you want to say about it. I’m not surprised at how brazen they’re being though. Steph will be im sure telling him that they’re protected by daddy’s money etc and engulfed him in a cloud of fantasy and lust. It won’t last. Helens heart I’m sure is broken all over again knowing Steph is pregnant when her daughter isn’t even a year old. She’s doing the right thing by staying quiet about it although I do still think she’s portraying an innocent woman too much and no one is that sweet and nice which is maybe why he strayed. Who knows. Maybe he’s just a dick 😂
Sometimes people cheat not because there’s something wrong in their relationship, sometimes people cheat purely because they are just shitty human beings
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I wonder what she finds attractive about a sleeping with a married man who then leaves his wife for her six weeks after his third child was born. How will she ever trust a him and his gutter rat ways. I wonder what his new woman's parents really think of him....and her, especially as they've had to throw a shed load of money out there to suppress her name.
I always think that. My sister's ex husband was the same, walked out on her and their children for another woman. I used to think... how can she not think he might do the same to her a few years down the line?

He's basically saying "this other woman is more important than my own children". How nice. :rolleyes:
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So Steph apparently said: “It’s upsetting that anyone could be judging me when I am so early on in pregnancy. I want to be able to enjoy this time without it being tarnished as I’ve always dreamed of being a mum.”
I bet helen wantd to enjoy her time being a mum too, without someone shagging her husband behind her back when she was pregnant!
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Honestly had a read through and can't remember everything I read from the pages so if I repeat something apologies. Helen is well shot of him as has been said.
From the news stories I've read it's like the new gf is making it all out to be some unfortunate timing or accidental. She didn't expect her opportunity to become a mother happen now, oh so the baby was a whoopsie from not thinking clearly about contraception? The relationship wasn't planned maybe. Like it doesn't matter how unfortunate it all is. There is something most definitely dodgy in the timings of it all they can dispute that as much as they like it won't change the truth. It was known he was married with children, he should have kept it in his pants and she should have stayed well clear. If they'd become friends and feelings grew he should have discussed with Helen went through a split and stayed out of public eye for a good while with the new gf.
Nooo they had to end up pregnant and upset and being given shit for it. Either you planned to get pregnant in a relationship that you knew fine well was gonna face criticism or it was an accident and you've just behaved like you've been together ages and it's perfectly fine to have an accidental pregnancy now. There is no way they come out looking like innocent people, no matter how many attempts are made at spinning facts.
At the end of the day though this is creating bad publicity for their work and that doesn't make the money people happy even if one of them is her daddy. The relationship may or may not last (I doubt it will) but it's been said previously about burning bridges so staying together out of stubbornness etc.
In the years to come though Helen will either meet someone new and be settled with a good life or still single and killing it. He will maybe still be with her or he may have done his best impression of a teenage boy thinking with hormones and a hard on again.
The internet is forever though and Helen is taking the high ground but when those kids get old enough the story is out there of the disrespect he showed their mother. His daughter will know how he treated a woman when she herself wasn't even a year old. If he is in her life that will be fun talking about boys disrespecting her. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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She looks relaxed and happy there. I do feel for the young kids though with both parents away working so probably farmed off to grandparents.
I don't know about farmed off, kids usually like seeing their grandparents and vice versa. A lot of parents have to work and arrange childcare.
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I noticed on Strictly It Takes Two last night that Helen was very keen to mention Gemma and how lovely she has been to her, putting a stop to anyone rumours before they start. She also knows what it’s like to have your life ruined by home wrecking cow.
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It must be devastating for Helen, but how would she even go about explaining it to her older kids? At that age they wouldn't fully understand, but are old enough to grasp what is going on to a certain extent (I guess it's possible their dad might have taken the responsibility of telling them, but going by his actions, I doubt it)

What an absolute scumbag. I hope Helen absolutely smashes her paso double on Saturday and has a great night ❤
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Well she's put a brave face on her split when seen out and about this week considering her husband has left the marriage and left her behind with three young kids while he goes off with a younger woman. She's a tough cookie as anyone who's seen stuff she's done before like Blue Peter and SAS. But this will have hit her hard.
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I personally dnt think the pics in the mirror (still can’t believe that’s the only place story can bet cover 😂) are flattering but Steph has a good figure. She’s got a fit physique; works out, runs, walks etc. she’s not as bad as is made out other than she’s with him. He’s the one who left the lids, she’s the one who clearly fell in love with another man (after her marriage) so it’s all a bit harsh. What’s worse is it’s always the woman blamed and sometimes
It’s not always her that’s the one to blame no?
They’re both equally as bad. He was married and she knew he was married
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All I can say is it's not an upgrade plus at the age of 32 she'll possibly be wanting kids soon. Big mistake Richie.
She'll be some fool if she has kids with a man who walks out and leaves his behind the way Richie has. Fair enough a marriage breaks down, but to swan off on holiday and leave your kids when their wee lives are in turmoil? disgusting behaviour.
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Just posted this in the Zippy & Dimwit thread. Interesting read on the DM today that Helen left 5 live as he’s not taking his share of parenting, which we all knew. Makes me laugh that they couldn’t possibly cope with their Baby & Helens three kids between the two of them. But Helen was expected to manage a baby of the same age & the two boys alone. The kids have been off school for a month now & he doesn’t seem to have had them once. Leaving your wife is one thing, absolutely abandoning your kids is a new low. Shameful.
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They've edited this article from earlier today when they said it was Gorka in the pictures - unless he grew a new nose and facial hair, it's clearly not him 😆

I thought Helen danced well tonight, she just needs a bit more fire and confidence in her dancing. And bless Gorka for sticking up for her. I know she has a great attitude but this week must have been incredibly tough
I rewatched what he said as I have seen some people thought he shouldn’t have said anything … I think it came from a good place, he has probably seen her very low , sad and maybe even distraught.. how she even gets out of bed , I’d be under the duvet with a bottle of Grey Goose..he knows she won’t play a pity card, ( not saying dead sisters and illness etc are pity cards) in the clauditorium the pros always say how proud they are etc and I think Gorka took the opportunity to praise her and get her peers to give her a boost … maybe he was reminding the general public she has had it tough but I do think he genuinely is trying to get that girl to believe in herself
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