
VIP Member
Bet the husband thief is raging after watching that performance - Helen was fantastic. Look at what you lost Richie, I actually feel a bit sorry for you after that. The more they try to put her down, the stronger she rises.
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It’s Elsie’s 1st birthday today - he should be utterly ashamed that his girlfriend is almost ready to give birth to his next child. But he won’t be.
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This bitch is only fuming the public are behind Helen and the massive support she has as well as the limelight from strictly she’s getting week in week out.I’d say she would love to be miss popular like Helen hence this article, no matter how much money her family have they can’t make her liked by the public.
I guarantee her and richie were praying Helen would throw dig after dig at them and because she hasn't retaliated at all, she can't be seen as the bitter ex whos using her kids as weapons. They're seething with jealousy..especially Stephanie because she isn't letting them win. Can we see her do a dance to shout out to my ex next though please 😂😂🙏
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So Steph apparently said: “It’s upsetting that anyone could be judging me when I am so early on in pregnancy. I want to be able to enjoy this time without it being tarnished as I’ve always dreamed of being a mum.”

Wow, entitled much? The only person who has tarnished anything is you Zippy. Your actions have consequences that for once daddy’s money is unable to smooth away. Literally a case of fuck around and find out.
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Yes. They live in the village next to mine and their daughter goes to my village school (I taught there). They are a nightmare - he swans around like he owns the place and she is incredibly rude.
OT but I never thought that Kristina was all that looks wise, yet the trail of affairs and broken relationships she’s left in her wake is pretty shocking. She also had an affair with Shirley Ballas’ husband that ended that marriage as well.
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I can't actually imagine how it must feel for a mother to have to hand over her kids at the weekends (or whenever) to a cheating partner and his new flame. Pretty galling I would imagine. Obviously it's the children one must ultimately consider ... but even so, pretty fucking gutting. I'd find it hard to bite my tongue ... especially if the kids came back and were full of how much of a good time they had and then you had to remind them to do their homework or whatever. Talk about a no-win situation.
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That girl is an absolute skank. The decent thing to do in this situation is to lay low for a while, but to actively flaunt your new relationship like that just shows what a nasty piece of work she is. No thought for Helen or her husband. I suspect she doesn’t think she’s done anything wrong and doesn’t care. A spoiled rich princess who’s never had to take responsibility for anything ever. He’ll do it to her as well, mark my words.
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I've attached the interview. Helen's doing a strictly diary for the Telegraph each week and there's a subscriber offer on - 3 months for £1.
Interesting she's moved back to Cumbria. I'm glad for her and her kids. I'm pretty sure she lived quite near me in Leeds as I've seen her nearby and on one of Myler's photos I recognised the school from the kid's school bag.


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Baby Giraffe

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But why would she be away without him? I imagine that it was arranged he would move out when the kids were away. I can’t think of any other reason you’d let your wife and kids, inc a tiny baby, go on holiday without you?
Let your wife???? I often do things without my husband and he without me, including, on occasion, holidays. I’d be extremely worried if he wanted to control me by not letting me do things without him. It’s 2022 not 1922.
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Maybe not the with photo of her next to her ex- husband... its not a competition but hasn't Helen run a load of marathons.
I've been an admirer of Helen's since Blue Peter days and one of the things she's best known for are the physical challenges she's taken on. She's run the London marathon twice, the New York marathon and the Ultra Marathon in Namibia - check that one out. She also famously canoed down the Amazon for Comic Relief, walked a tightrope between the towers at Battersea Power Station and cycled to the South Pole. I'm quite an outdoorsy person but I've always been in awe of Helen.
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Noo I really disliked Zippy he was a twat 😂😂
In fairness Helen has been very successfully using the breakup to big up her profile while Richie has said nothing. There must have been cracks in the marriage for a while, no one leaves a happy relationship to be with someone else
Well maybe he should have left when he wasn't happy instead of having an affair after getting his wife pregnant? Good on her if she is capitalising on the break up. She is financially independent while he will have to spend all the time he is in this new relationship beholden to his girlfriends rich daddy! I hope, as she has custody of the children, Helen doesn't have to give him any money either.
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Been on school mums night out tonight & the topic of Helen & Stricly was brought up. One of the Mums (her husband is involved with junior Rugby League at club & county level) said Richie Myler was ‘messing about” with another players wife whilst at Warrington. We sent her home to grill her husband for a name ….
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I love that Helen still has kept up photos of the scumbag on her instagram from as recent as February just after their daughter was born… good on her for not feeling the need to hide or erase it and so she shouldn’t, he’s the one that up and left. I bet the new side piece HATES it being there and it reminds everyone how recent it was that he was at home with his family and yet now months later has made the side piece pregnant. It’s actually incredible. Those poor children 😢

Edit -really enjoying DM readers tearing this gross pair a new one today 🤭
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A colleague told me that when her husband had a secret affair and then left her (and their two children) his family became cold towards her and were all over the new girlfriend like a rash.
Turned out he couldn't admit to what he did and what the real story was which was him being a cheating scumbag, so just told a load of lies about her and how terrible she treated him and that she made his life a misery. It was all to garner sympathy and make himself look like a victim. He portrayed the new girlfriend as his saviour so I'm guessing these two have gone down the same route and trashed Helen.
Oldest trick in the book
my husband of 22 years left me & our two children and moved back to where his parents are from. he posted photos within weeks of him and his new GF. his mum said about how he deserved happiness. He changed the narrative out of guilt. i stayed silent and dignified but i do believe in karma though….& so far so good!! my story seems to be repeated everywhere. Helen will have no doubt been questioning her judgement but they do change or the masks fall.
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