Do you know, I used to find Helen a bit annoying; however, I hope she wins Strictly and ends up shagging a litany of A list stars and settling down with a really sexy talented bloke and I also hope she gets full custody of their kids. He and his new sidepiece can get in the skip never mind the bin, and stay there. I give them a year max before he gets sick of her stretch marks and moves onto the next broad. He must have a massive cock because I just cannot see the appeal.
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In fairness Helen has been very successfully using the breakup to big up her profile while Richie has said nothing. There must have been cracks in the marriage for a while, no one leaves a happy relationship to be with someone else
The only time Helen has mentioned it was when she put up a story saying they were no longer together, and I would argue putting up numerous posts of his new girlfriend isn't saying 'nothing'. It's saying quite a lot in the circumstances
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Pineapple glitter

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I wonder what she finds attractive about a sleeping with a married man who then leaves his wife for her six weeks after his third child was born. How will she ever trust a him and his gutter rat ways. I wonder what his new woman's parents really think of him....and her, especially as they've had to throw a shed load of money out there to suppress her name.
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I was also going to say that anyone who’s all like “well, they’re consenting adults, Helen needs to accept life moves on” needs to get in the sea.

This past 12 months she’s had a baby, her husband has left her for another woman - who is now also having a baby - and now she’s going to have to think fast as to how to manage the arrival of a new brother or sister for the Little Skeltons.

She’s had absolutely no time to get over her first life altering shock before she’s clobbered with another.

And seeing as it’s clear he hates her, I bet she found out in the press, he won’t have told her.
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Hollie Day

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I expect they were hoping Helen would play the short game and have a full on Alice Evans meltdown, meaning less public sympathy for Helen and more for them. Bet they're seething she's not ranting and raving about them.
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Steph doesn’t need to make an effort she’s not like that, she’s very comfortable in her own skin and her wealth and social position mean she doesn’t need to put herself out there. I do feel sorry for her husband. They had a lovely wedding and they seemed really well suited although can’t imagine what it felt like to know you could never match the wealth. He’s disappeared into oblivion now and isn’t on socials which gives me suspicions because jt happened a while ago before all this hit the rumour mill.
She is also very comfortable with other people’s husbands….
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Chatty Member
☕ So apparently the new squeeze is pregnant aside from the obvious…. could be the reason for all the cloak and dagger running away on holiday etc
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Anyone who has had a baby knows how crap you can feel about yourself, your looks etc afterwards. And then her husband leaves her for another woman. The poor girl must be feeling just so horrendous about herself (even though she has no need, obviously)

He is utter scum, and I hope he and his new missus are miserable, tbh. Talk about the lowest of the low. Absolute scumbags.
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Yeah I’d like to see a thread title about her achievements too.

Perhaps Helen #3: Wiped the floor on the strictly tour, her life seems much better than before
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If she was so desperate to be a mum why didn’t have a baby with her husband. The one she traded in for meathead? The whole article is bollocks. How convenient she only became friends with Richie in March and it so quickly blossomed into romance and then a pregnancy 🙄 People aren’t thick. We can all see this for what it is. Have some respect and lie low for a bit. I bet she’s never had to account for her behaviour in her life and that’s why she’s felt the need to do this now.
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Dear Zippy/Cheating Scumbag/Thirkill family members (we know you read here, sadly money can’t disguise your ignorance/stupidity)

When a woman is betrayed in the most appalling circumstances by the person she should have been able to trust more than anyone, no one would ever judge or criticise if said woman hid away from the world and mourned the loss of the future she thought she had.

however, some women will realise after the initial trauma that the cheating scumbag was weighing her down and darkening her life with his constant narcissism and childish demands. She will realise she is free to become the real person she is inside, that she can nurture her own needs, the allowance to parent freely - and most likely she will pity his knocked up tart.

if you wish to see which category Helen falls in to (ie the woman who was appallingly done to by the partner who should have had her back) may I refer you to around half way through this evenings episode of SCD where a glowing, smiling, energetic, happy, inspiring and beautiful woman showed the world who she is - and in doing so, who you both are too.

Helen - you are a fecking QUEEN ❤
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Helen has got 3 kids, I imagine a hefty mortgage, I imagine she hasn’t got much choice but to capitalise on her fame.

she’s also probably quite naturally feeling vulnerable that her kids stepmum is extremely wealthy. In her position, I think anyone would be keen to make money while they can. The fact she’s done it with such dignity is amazing.When her kids are grown up they will look back and be so proud and grateful. I it’s true that she’s remained civil with Richie then she deserves a bloody halo!
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Hollie Day

VIP Member
I remember the DM had an article about his sister saying how proud she was of him before too! I’m guessing she doesn’t like Helen, or just blindly supports him no matter what.
A colleague told me that when her husband had a secret affair and then left her (and their two children) his family became cold towards her and were all over the new girlfriend like a rash.
Turned out he couldn't admit to what he did and what the real story was which was him being a cheating scumbag, so just told a load of lies about her and how terrible she treated him and that she made his life a misery. It was all to garner sympathy and make himself look like a victim. He portrayed the new girlfriend as his saviour so I'm guessing these two have gone down the same route and trashed Helen.
Oldest trick in the book
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People in the 30s/40s getting in a twist about things posted on social media by their exes? Purleeez ... what is this, kindergarten class? Just avoid looking at it if it's a problem. And if you do happen to see a photo and it affects you, it's just all part of the break-up process and it'll help you move on. And if you really CAN'T move on, get a therapist. That's my view anyway.
Hi! Welcome to Tattle. Just so you know, this is gossip and chat site, so comments on how people in the public eye are behaving are commonplace here. Especially if they’re behaving like dickheads.

Often, part of this process is comparing one’s own life experience to the thread subject matter. It facilitates the conversations on the thread and can actually be a source of relief and support for some.

Just wanted to set you straight on that, seeing as you’ve come on here with your massive judgey pants on.

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Helen has sent a brilliant message to her three children that tough times don’t last but tough people do.

They will be so proud of how she handled the split once they are old enough to understand.
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