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Spot on from Platell:

“Marriages end, people fall out of love. I pass no judgment other than to say it is a particular kind of man who leaves his wife and three young children when their youngest is just four months old. Hardly the behaviour of a gentleman.”


“As for pregnant Stephanie, does she feel any guilt about moving in with a married father? How does she sleep at night knowing those children are upset because Dad’s not at home? Is her happiness really worth their pain?”
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I've watched Helen and Gorka's dance several times - omg loved it! It was thoroughly entertaining and empowering for Helen. She's had a hell of a year but is probably well on the way to being over him. It's hard to see what she ever saw in Richie and the relationship probably faltered because she outclassed him in so many areas. I'm sure he's convinced his new flame and their circle that Helen was difficult/unreasonable as this has cropped up in comment sections of newspaper stories. He may have convinced himself he's the victim but not everyone will swallow this and it remains to be seen how his new relationship will play out. It was a brilliant dance and 'fuck you' definitely hung in the air. I've always admired Helen since BP days but now I admire her even more. Congrats to Gorka whose talent, generous spirit and humanity have triumphed over the nastiness of this excuse for a man.
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I hope Zippy has moments of gut churning panic and anxiety when she’s awake in the early hours with a crying baby feeling hormonal and frumpy thinking how she was shagging Helena husband at that precise time. Not only was Helen dealing with a newborn but 2 young lads. I hope that when he’s home late you grow suspicious and it makes you bitter. What a bloody awful pair. Separations happen but to plaster it all over SM saying you’ve never been happier etc. vile
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Story here. ’The pal’ is definitely just Steph or someone close to her trying for a bit of a damage limitation.

“I want to enjoy this time without it being tarnished”… me me me … am sure Helen would like to enjoy her time on Strictly without it being tarnished too.. they could have kept their mouths shut and contain the “happy news” for a few weeks until Helens time on strictly is over but it seems they are determined to try and wreck it for her
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Richie played for Ireland today (through his Mothers ancestry I believe) and although the crowd was small he got hammered. Booed everytime he had the ball & given a good round of applause & a cheer when he dropped the ball. I’d like to think he is at least a little embarrassed by how he has conducted himself, but I doubt it.
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Wonder how fun their relationship will will be with 4 kids on the weekend. Two which will practically be like having twins. Enjoy that Stephanie you massive slag
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Someone has tweeted the following: Already lost it. His daughter is shagging his player. We don’t want him at the club. Total conflict of interest. Not the first time he’s had to clear up his daughters mess. Everyone who works at age partnership knows the true Stephanie Thirkill.
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My ex upped and left me for some young skank. Once he found out I was with someone new and in a happy relationship the constant messages started. Once they find out you're much happier without them its almost as if they can't handle it.
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I mean I love a press article and gossip but I’d be very surprised if this all started with her knowing his wife was having a baby which is the general consensus? No it’s not great that she’s involved with him knowing how much baggage he has but equally like they could just be friends as she’s heavily involved with the rugby. I’m not sticking up for her as it does sound like that but equally I find it ridiculous she’s the main one receiving the most abuse when really it should be down to him as well. She has no kids or baggage other than an ex husband and we don’t know the circumstance to that marriage breakdown (can’t just assume she’s cheated) whereas he has a family and far more responsibility he’s walked away from. Some of the comments I read on the article about Steph were awful and she doesn’t deserve that esp when she’s not even in the public eye and never has been
What does it matter if she knew Helen was pregnant? She knew he was married, she knew he had kids, she shouldn’t have touched him with a ten foot barge pole!!! And yes I agree she is getting a lot of the attention, when ultimately he is responsible solely for his choice to destroy his family, but she still went along with someone else’s husband in full knowledge of what she was doing. They are both disgusting scumbags (in my humble opinion).
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This just all reeks of a man who couldn’t deal with being the less successful, intelligent and “stronger” partner. Rather than upping his game, growing up and developing a bit more self esteem (by being a better partner / dad) he took the easy route and moved on with a less challenging (to his ego) partner.

What an absolute idiot Zippy must be, to believe that this man is a catch? He has shown himself to be an utter scumbag.
She thinks she’s won - but she’s got the biggest booby prize going. A sad, pathetic little manchild.
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Planned by him anyway…
I don’t think it’s an accident that a childless woman in her 30’s found herself pregnant so soon after her boyfriend left his wife. Clearly she was able to use contraception successfully for the last however many years. He should know better, he knows how babies are made, given that he has 3, one not even 10 months old yet so should have worn a condom. I bet he is gutted inside, I am sure he has loved the fun and freedom they’ve had over the last few months with zero responsibilities, of course he will act like it’s the best thing to have happened to him.
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I hope we all know that a woman is more than her size. Just because Helen is in great shape doesn't mean she's more of a catch compared to a bigger woman. Not sticking up for that skank of a husband or his equally skanky side piece btw. Helen has always been active and fit and looking good isn't two fingers to Ritchie or showing him what he's missing or any of that shite.
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I've heard a few things about this. Unsure if they're true but apparently she went on holiday and when she returned he'd left the family home. He'd also been seen at a woman's home at all hours pre split so it sounds like the relationship started pre split.
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The affair obviously started waaaay before and wouldn’t surprise me if it started while that lady was pregnant. It takes a certain kind of woman to shag a man with a pregnant partner. You reap what you sew, and I’m a firm believer in Karma.
Helen is turning into quite the national treasure. Imagine being that woman who shagged somebody’s husband whilst she was pregnant… and everybody knowing who you are. As for that crinkly looking raisin. He’s automatically a prick. Gross! 🤣

Ps protect Helen at all costs 😂
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I do want to apologise for obvs implying before that he was innocent in it all, I didn’t know they were having an affair before she left her ex husband rich. I do believe there’s a reason people cheat and stray from relationships, takes 2 to tango or whatever you want to say about it. I’m not surprised at how brazen they’re being though. Steph will be im sure telling him that they’re protected by daddy’s money etc and engulfed him in a cloud of fantasy and lust. It won’t last. Helens heart I’m sure is broken all over again knowing Steph is pregnant when her daughter isn’t even a year old. She’s doing the right thing by staying quiet about it although I do still think she’s portraying an innocent woman too much and no one is that sweet and nice which is maybe why he strayed. Who knows. Maybe he’s just a dick 😂
Jesus Christ you are sure on a mission to make out Helen is responsible for this aren’t you?
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Chilli pepper 19

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It's been really noticeable how many of the other pros are posting really positive stories about Helen which we've not really seen for anyone else. I think behind the scenes they've seen her go through hell but she doesn't publicly make a fuss because she's the type to just get on with it and not give him the satisfaction. I'm glad she's got such a strong family as suspect once strictly stops and particularly this Christmas it'll be a tough one for her
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