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So, I started Emma's new house tour:

  1. Complains of state of the house, screams "neglect", then Simon and here go on to tell, that this room will be their dumping ground after entering the house's front door :unsure:. Is it just me who thinks that this sounds a bit ironic?
  2. Doesn't want to use the word "hoarders" but does it anyway. - A word that comes to my mind, actually, every wardrobe switch over I have seen of hers. What a funny coincidence. Oh, my bad, collector, a collector of course. :rolleyes:
  3. Sounds borderline complainy about the amount of storage in the kitchen, but I am not sure how she meant it, because she always sounds sarcastic. 🤡
  4. Oh my gawd, condescending much.. She waffles that they had the same kitchen in their old house, but, you guessed it, they were much smarter, they didn't go for the gloss finish, because a gloss finish is inferior to a matte one. You heard it here! But since she loves cleaning so much, a gloss finish should be no problem, me thinks, it also helps her to see the dirty areas better. 🤷‍♀️
  5. Further, waffling, they cleaned the kitchen BOTH TOGETHER for 12 (twelve!) hours SOLID. 🕰 Such busy bees, they better watch that Ali (Gordon) doesn't catch them and put em in his bee hive. 🐝
  6. 🤣 Got scammed out of an American-sized kitchen fridge. Oh dear, what had I loved to hear her moaning about a dirty kitchen fridge she would've had to clean (said no one ever). :poop:
  7. Fridge saga II, influencer boogaloo: Don't despair, dear reader, she was able to beg a fridge out of LG. 😌 (What I don't get, she says they left their old fridge in the house because they thought they would have the fridge of the previous owner, continues then, that their old fridge was bespokely fitted for their old kitchen, like, what is your problem? If it wouldn't fit into the new kitchen, you would've needed a new one anyway)
  8. Fridge saga III, a fridge to rule them all #ad: skipped that part, I am too poor for a new fridge, note to myself: should become an influencer 🥴
  9. Pressured the pre-owners out of their barstools (immediately mentions they will be changed, of course), so Simon and her have something to sit at (ignore the chairs and couch). The pre-owners are probably sitting now on their bare asses on the floor. 💺
  10. There is a light feature Simon likes, it's probably an LED-light-band, shining multiple colours (as they do). Now guess Emma's reaction? ... You are right, it will be gone soon. No colourful lights for this mate in his own house. Nope! 💡
  11. In Emma's words, "Oh, my!" she likes the outside building! Hallejulia. 👏🙌
  12. HAHAHAHA, they took the fridge (pre-owners) but left the trash pool floats. As if this self-sorry cow would use a colour pool float or pool noodle. 🤽‍♀️
  13. POTENTIAL! That's the word of Emma and Simon for the house. Funny. It's also the word I had for Emma's channel or this video. 😐
  14. Still whining about the cleaning 🐊😢
  15. Skipped the rest (only a few minutes of whining left).
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That pool gives me the creeps. At best it's laughable. I don't know why she wants to keep it, it's like one of those rooms that swingers in suburbia call "the fun room" and all the guests can access it on a weekend without going through the main house.
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Hello :) I'm posting for the first time but I've been reading this thread for a while. I used to like Emma very much and look forward to her videos, until she changed, and became so patronizing and insincere claiming to care about the environment while continuing to shop excessively, constantly ordering online, consuming countless paint sample cans before making her mind, destroying so many cool parts in their new house (the beautiful wooden floors and other cool 60s touches, the great modern kitchen they either threw away or wrapped in plastic, and so on). I can't bear her superior airs, how she sloooowly explains things that most people have know for ages, and how she snaps at her viewers and followers when they don't write what she wants to hear, even when they are very polite and mean well. She looks down on people. She hates colours with a passion and that's ok, it's her taste, but she does it in such condescending way, as if colours were tasteless and basically a sin. She's turned into such a snob.

Also I find it quite impolite that she often shows up unkept in her videos, with awful hair and split ends for months, her nail polished chipped or largely showing the bed of the nail, dog hairs on her clothes and hugely oversized clothes that drown her completely and so unflattering. I was taught that when you meet people, even your friends, at home or elsewhere, it is polite to present yourself clean, nice and put together! But she doesn't seem to care. Even though it's her job.

Today I read an article in the Daily Mail about flight assistants who explained that the worst travellers are NOT the parents with a crying or noisy baby but the OTHER passengers who repeatedly complain about the parents and babies during a flight! That reminded me of a post by Emma Hill on her blog, about a "horrible" flight she experienced because of awful parents and their baby, and her rant about how she HATES to travel around children and their parents, and basically hates them. I hope she read the Daily Mail and finds out that SHE is the one classified as one of the worst travellers!
I know it's unpleasant when children cry and are noisy on a flight, and some parents can be annoying. But babies can't help it if they feel tired or need to be changed in a plane (to Emma's horror). And parents usually feel so embarrassed and helpless when it happens.

[I'm sorry for any mistakes,😊 English isn't my native language).
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Let’s presume it’s true. Imagine getting pressed about ONE follower messaging you. And being happy to broadcast the fact you’ve let one message asking about why you’ve tagged brands, get under your skin. Possibly politely expressed for all we know.

Move not going well?
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Just had a look back, because I can't believe how much she's changed. Two years ago, last year and this year.
Screenshot 2022-05-25 at 17.39.18.png
Screenshot 2022-05-25 at 17.46.37.png
Screenshot 2022-05-25 at 17.36.01.png
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I am so disgusted by this trend of influencers moving and renovating houses for content and getting so many freebies for it too. It's crazy. Also if Emma wants to plastic wrap her kitchen and remove a parquet floor to replace it with laminate then she should stop talking about sustainability. I genuinely think she doesn't see the contradictions though.
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It boggles the mind that they chose this house to buy, and it seems like they hate everything about it. If you're picky about your kitchen, why not get a house that is truly more of a fixer-upper and actually could use a new kitchen? Like really, why on earth would you buy a house with a newly renovated kitchen that you clearly can't stand?! They said this isn't their forever home, so why waste money swapping sparkle quartz countertops for non sparkle ones, which won't add much to the resale value? Also it's funny that at the old place she got rid of their big dining table because she said they didn't need one and now she talks about getting a big one again. Her taste is based solely one what's trendy, so she'll never be satisfied.
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slightly disheveled

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So her lounge wear is under the bed downstairs, her gym clothes are in another building, her dog walking clothes are in the garage/utility. Her day clothes are upstairs, her t-shirts are in storage and her shoes are somewhere else!? Who could be arsed with all that. Putting clean washing away must be a right palaver.
I am hoping that she ends up on grand designs doing a self build though, just to see all the drama and the look on lovely Kevin's face 😁
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The thousands of pounds worth of jeans have been disappeared because they don’t fit. But rather than address it as normal consequence of weight fluctuation, getting older etc we’re going to pretend we’re more into trousers now.
I’d be more sympathetic if she hadn’t spent years humblebragging about effortlessly staying slim.
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Still confused about all this working out she claims to do with her PT but is still no smaller in size?!
Emma is already a thin woman. Many people work out to maintain and develop strength. No offence, but I think it's unnecessary to either allude to Emma being large, or that people only work out to lose weight.
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Ha! I love House of Nothingness. We definitely need it in the next thread title:
Emma Hill - trapped forever in her turd coloured house of nothingness 😂 😂 😂
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The bespoke wreaths just get me every time. Is anyone going to notice if your wreath is just like someone else's?
Wtf is the infatuation with “bespoke”?!? Can you just say it was a special order or something (more like you picked it from like 3 other options). It sounds so pretentious and uppity. Especially since it’s a fucking outdoor fucking wreath for God’s sake.

Bish takes all the credit for the rEnOs, but Simon has to do all the work.

She’s such a twat. Head pats for Emma for her “everything I want has to be sourced from the States” 🙄🙄🙄 She’s just so unique and her interior tastes are so advanced that she couldn’t even think of sourcing from those heathen designers in the UK.

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