
VIP Member
I will say this, I hope Chelsea has got a good support system in place now because I’d imagine her life is about to become hell now she’s pointing people to tattle and outing all this stuff
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I keep reading comments doubting the victim on tt... how couldn't she tell it was a strap on..
Maybe she was a virgin before? Maybe "Kye" had given her a load of drink? She had "Kye" on the phone and Gayle in real life to ease any concerns or suspicions she had.
Poor girl 😢 why would she humiliate herself by making it up?
And Gail has a long past of these behaviours.
Disgusting that anyone could doubt the victim.

Someone was commenting on a tiktok video, she said Gail used to go out with her sister. Apparently Gail said she had a heart attack on the day her dad died (still alive), said she had cancer, and when the girl broke up with her Gail made a fake profile pretending to be Gail's brother and said that Gail had unalived herself by jumping off a bridge and she was completely dead for hours but the doctors brought her back to life.
Questioning the validity of the victims account is futile as a jury of 12 people found Gail guilty, TWICE!
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Chatty Member
I’m so upset and heartbroken that I’ve had to take all weekend to think about it & post my upset and disappointment at Monday prime engagement time.
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I’ve just edited my comment to show a screen record. That’s omitting any information in terms of locations, surnames etc. Ash did a lot more to find the tattle member to Doxx her.
fairly new to this thread so apologies if I’m talking bull but that’s what’s baffling isn’t it - we are meant to believe that she will do all the searches to reveal a tattler but not someone she may potentially let meet her kids?! I know she is a shit mum but still… 😵💫
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Sertraline Queen

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People power. If everyone shared their views ooven social media then love honey will have no choice but to publicly respond if it goes viral.
Love Honey contract is the most disgusting one. The jewelry company 7th edit, iconic London, the shoe place, virgin voyages, look fantastic etc can always be tagged
Valentines day approaching, time to blow up Twitter & hit them where it hurts.

Fuck you, Love Honey. 🖕🏻
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Ava posted an hour ago, it’s so embarrassing
Whats even more worrying is, Chelsea has stated she has blocked the children from all of her social media platforms so how is Ava seeing it or how does she know Chelsea has stood up for herself??
Clearly her mother is showing her and discussing it with her
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It's the big council house debate again.
If you are a person living in a council house that is earning enough money to buy 500 quid ugly trainers, an expensive car, multiple holidays abroad each year, pay your mum her full time wage so she can retire and very comfortably pay a years rent in advance, you should probably do the decent thing and give up the house for a family in need. I don't think that people that get a council house then build themselves up and earn a fair wage *but would struggle to pay private rent* should give up their council homes.
At the end of the day it comes down to the person's morals
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I've covered her identity due to her age but this is Ash's daughter. I think her attitude speaks volumes about Ash's attitude to it all. She is her mother's daughter after all.
Instead of Ash owning her shit and 'reflecting', she's dying to come at Chelsea but her manager has told her not to retaliate I bet
This is low! Really low!

Chelsea's addiction to pain killers, which she has been completely honest about in her recovery period, is not even in the same field as what her mother has done! And if she was that bad whilst she lived with them then she wouldn't have the relationship she does with Oscar, and let's not forget that while they were together Ash constantly shared about how amazing she was....until she got bored of her!

This absolutely shows the narrative that is coming and will continue to come out of Ash's camp, poor duped Ash, always getting shit on and lied to in every relationship, she is an honest angel and everyone else is in bed with Lucifer!

That management team of yours needs to work harder hun because you are literally shitting all over any career you may have clung onto after this mess!

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Chelsea’s new clothing line.. I’m sorry but who in the right mind is paying £43 for a hoody with Chelsea’s name on it? (Biggy barber) £31 for a biggy barber bumbag? 🤣 if someone wanted the full tracksuit (bottoms and hoody) that would be over £100 with postage, to have biggy barber on it? I just don’t see how this is going to sell, I wouldn’t wear that for free as it’s got some girls business name on it I don’t even know?! Im so confused 😂


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Another name slip but from Ash this time, then an abrupt end of live. Speaks volumes, she 100% knew who she was protecting


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I have and there's still fuck all evidence to prove she knew, just insinuations and guess work. I don't like her which is why I'm here but you keep getting defensive and acting like a child when people don't share the same opinion as you. She deserves everything that's coming to her regardless because she's put her kids at risk, for how she's treated Chelsea and just acting smug and untouchable but until there's hard evidence to prove she knew and was happily being fucked by a sex offender then I'll stick to my opinion of just maybe she didn't know
Maybe she didn’t know…

but it’s really odd the lengths your going to defend her. do you think if she reads here she deserves to have anyone slightly sticking up for her after what she’s put Chelsea and her kids thru? Like I say, everyone’s welcome to their opinions, you’ve given yours and yet you’re still here not happy and commenting when the 95% of people are saying she knew and your asking people to stop saying it. This is the last I’ll be replying to you Catherine xox

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I’m honestly not bothered if she comes out of it smelling of roses. She’s lost her biggest contract and it ain’t coming back. A lot of people have seen through a persona and a lot never will. I don’t take pleasure in someone’s downfall. I hope she learns from it and ultimately treats her kids with more respect and puts them first, I genuinely do worry about Oscar. I hope she treats those around her better instead of deflecting to ‘banter’ and leaves Chels well alone.
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I don't think sex offenders can be rehabilitated and I don't want them around me at all, so I would NEVER have them around my kids. Ash is tapped in the head! I cannot believe the grace and decorum Chels has shown throughout this. I watched all her insta stories, I really think she is right. Ash wouldn't have this if it wasn't for her, Chels took on a huge load! Helping with the kids, house etc so she could go find herself and make her career. Even if they didn't end amicably surely you'd always value that and give your ex the respect and dignity, I cannot believe how badly they've been harassing her! Absolute sacks of 💩
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