Ashandchelslifestories Gossip Forum

View most liked Ashandchelslifestories posts on tattle
  1. notSUBmissive

    Ashandchelslifestories #10 Oi Ash are you still rattled, can't blame anyone but yaself that u got tattled

    Congratulations to @battyascanbe for the new thread title. It's been radio silence for over a month now since tattle outed Ash for dating Gail Newland the sex offender. Ash is an influencer with no influence!
  2. Em_

    AshandChelslifestories #9 Nah its Ash Cheats (with) An Offender

    Thanks to @Lostinmotherhood and @Patrick Star for the thread title *Update - The daily mail are more than likely running an article in Ash and Gail tomorrow thanks to @Aussiec*nt and other tattlers who emailed them. *love honey are standing by Ash as her management have said she's not dating...
  3. notSUBmissive

    Ashandchelslifestories #8 "Don't know about you, I like my Mrs to sign Valentine's cards, not registers

    Congratulations to the winning thread title winner who had over 70 votes. Currently we are on Day 2 of Radio Silence from the strap on dildo rapists on off girlfriend Ash Huish. Fabulous recap from @MiffyBay for any newbies to the page. (UPDATED) Small recap with hashtags (because Google...
  4. notSUBmissive

    Ashandchelslifestories #7 Go back 2 my ex? Don’t be silly, I want the one who pretends she’s got a willy

    Congratulations to @Laylagone123x for the winning thread title. Had to edit it to fit it in. It's been revealed that Ash's on off girlfriend is the Prosthetic Penis Sex Abuser Gayle Newland. We wondered why Ash kept her identity so quiet. Fabulous recap from @MiffyBay Small recap with...
  5. Em_

    Ashandchelslifestories #6 Bad back when bored, bad mother when James calls

    Thanks to @notSUBmissive for the thread title. If anyone wants to recap please do so. I can't think of much to report apart from she drops her kids at the drop of a hat to go out with James or go on holiday with him.
  6. Diddikins

    Ash&chelslifestories #4 Ash&Chels are no more…her Instagram stories are one big bore

    New Thread - thanks to @kristy80 for the thread title. If anyone wants to recap, feel free
  7. notSUBmissive

    ashandchelslifestories #3 A liars worst enemy is someone with a good memory

    After a month shilling their followers with cringe adverts, Christmas came and went. As a reward to their followers for being inundated with months of adverts to line their pockets, Ash & Chel decided to shut up shop without giving any notice or reasons to their loyal followers. Well...
  8. P

    ashandchelslifestories #2

    The most like comment was from last year when she was still fairly likeable so I didn't want to use it 😊 Recap, first thread started as bit of mixed opinion but here we are today & (I think) we all agree she is now a full on annoying insta hun who has sold her soul to in the style and she isn't...
  9. teatalks


    Surprised it was this long until someone made this, she’s been irritating me for months. I do laugh at a few things she posts although most of it is absolute filth, I dread to think what her children’s teachers think about her posting videos of her doing a poo and farting, not cool when your...