
Well-known member
Married to a guy I was friends with. She caught him cheating. She keyed cunt on his car bonnet (company car) and then keyed cunt on all his mates’ cars because they stayed friends with him during the divorce.

Accused people (falsely) of sexually molestering her children, accusations borne out of spite. Cut tiny holes on every single item of clothing her ex husband wore, small holes only noticeable when you put the clothes on.

Began an online hate campaign against her enemies with fake accounts and online slander and abuse calling some of the guys homosexual and stuff online when they weren’t. She stopped my friend seeing his children over the next 8 years (court cases blah blah) then accused him of not wanting to see the kids publicly which isn’t true. Harassing her ex husband’s new wife and constant threats, msgs and abuse and uses her online platform to still continually slag off her ex husband. She’s truly a very scary and very evil person.

A kind of trivial matter but I was broken down on an A-road in Essex and waiting by my car. She saw me and purposely drove back around the roundabout and back to where I was just so she could roll down the window and yell “Hahahahah” out the window at me while I was next to my broken down car. My friend told me about it and said he was in the passengers side absolutely begging her not to do it and she did it anyway.
Trivial matter but that illustrates just how warped and nasty this girl is.

Also, a big sorry to keep you waiting on the goss lol

Edit: also all the body positivity just makes me laugh because when I put on some weight when I was younger she used to yell fatty at me across the local bar in front of everyone and constantly ridicule me about my own weight gain

Edit 2: I’m sure she’ll read this and kickstart a new hate campaign against me like the last one wasn’t terrifying enough 🤨
I think if you were such close friends with an Ex that cheated on me and gave me HPV which in turn caused cancer, I’d have driven round the roundabout just to laugh at you broken down too! In fact, I’d have probably done this several times 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I remember first watching Ash from a reel Caroline Hirons shared - she was working at the charity shop and was talking about an entitled customer - and I thought this is a real relatable funny woman. I remember when Ash got her first PR gifted haul of skincare and make up and she was so happy and grateful and overwhelmed - she couldn’t believe it was happening to her, and I felt it was genuine.

Now? She has piles of the stuff and it gets thrown in the corner of her manky room and treated like it’s irrelevant shit. She doesn’t even open half of it and she leaves it in her car boot to get stolen because she doesn’t value what she gets given any more. Her language seems to get fouler and nastier and her vibe is erratic and desperate, not funny.

I remember watching her recently and she had some new lip gloss and she hadn’t been given it - but she kept going on and on about if the brand wanted to do a collaboration or wanted to sponsor her she’d be up for it. She didn’t say it just once, she kept at it.

Her USP was being real and relatable, humble and proud of who she was, in her body and her self. She’s literally ruined herself, and she has no one else to blame. Even without the help of Gail Gayle Jail Newland, Ash was going down a very slippery slope and she didn’t have enough people who truly cared about her to stop her and say - mind yourself. She uses everyone in her orbit, and they use her. How pathetic.
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Chatty Member
I had a dream last night that Ash died, committed suicide, and I remember seeing a post about it on my phone and was feeling annoyed that she left her kids. Bloody weird. But thought you’d appreciate it 😂😂
I’m sorry, this makes me uncomfortable. I don’t appreciate it.
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Is she really at risk of losing her children here?
Nah, she won't lose her kids and I hope she doesn’t and you allll know I've been around way before all this Gail stuff, I haven't liked Ash forever, but I don't wish she'd lose her kids.
Do I think she needs help? Yes.
Do I think the kids need support because they've changed (Ash's words) and they're feeling neglected from their mum because she's turned unhinged? Yes. 100%.
I think Ash needs help, and she did before all this come out. She's changed and she needs serious mental help, which will benefit her children and her relationship with them.
I think Social may investigate to make sure Gail hasn't been around them, and rightly so. But they won't remove her kids. Absolutely not, kids are left with parents alot worse than Ash cos Social haven't got a clue. (Don't come at me.)

Do I think the kids Will abandon Ash and have a toxic relationship as they get older? God yeah and it'll all be down to her, her choices and her behaviour.
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New member
Without wanting to sound cynical.. a "new member" saying ash couldn't have known because noone knew seems suss to me
I didn’t say Ash couldn’t have known. I was trying to say that our community in Manchester don’t know G. Some people were saying that Ash and James must’ve known because everyone on the Manchester gay scene would know who G is. That is not the case at all. I was defending our community not Ash.

Also my profile is classed as a new member because I rarely comment. I’ve actually been a member for 2 or 3 years. I’m usually reading the Jack Monroe thread
Also yes the Manchester gay scene is massive. But people talk. The story about what she did was a MASSIVE deal years ago. I just don’t think she’d have been able to stay undiscovered with her obvious massive ego. If she’d put herself out there we’d have known. She did this all online like she always has. It’s her m.o.
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We really need mods to give this thread a wiki, the amount of repetitive questions and statements is draining.
The wiki saves threads when it comes to questions
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Carla #thecircleplanner was bragging before about the "Ash effect" after Ash avertised for her and was showing a video of order labels flying out of her printer. I'm sure she needs Ash and all the help she can get to flog her circle planners at £30+ each 🤯
Sounds like a motive to disbelieve Chels to me!
Carla sounds like a gaslighting narc so i can see what her and Ashleigh Huish have in common.

The most interesting part of Carla's (Ash's bestie) message was that it was all about a clip of Ash admitting to cheating. Not a word about the registered sex offender Gayle Newland and Chelsea saying Ash must have known, interesting that she didn't refute that part, I wonder why that is 🤔
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Chatty Member
Someone mentioned on here the use of the surname Davies? So if she did use a false name that’s a serious allegation to make as she will be heading straight back to jail or at least in very big trouble. Still doesn’t explain why she cut the live off twice with the name slip up unless Gail fobbed her off with a fake story of why she can’t be named.
The name Davies was used to open her gym. Her order prevents her for working paid or unpaid in a place where there could be under 16’s… so essentially she didn’t have a choice, it was either change names to open it so they don’t know it’s her, or open on her own name and be bang in trouble… Her gym however, is the only place she used the name Davies. All other social media’s bar tik tok are under Newland… and in Ash’s video where she says she cheated, she says Gee messaged her on Instagram…. Where her name is Gail Dawn Newland…. Doesn’t sound to me like she was duped into believing a different surname !
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It's really clear how much of a positive influence chels had on Ash. Chels filled her with the confidence and kept her grounded.

As soon as they broke up Ash turned nasty, a mean girl, acting like she's above everyone else in society and untouchable. She really turned entitled like she deserves all the PR
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What has tourettes etc got to do with the Ash and Chelsea thread? 🤔
The initial poster was talking about Ash getting a private diagnosis of ADHD, in a similar vein to many influencers nowadays and how it didn't meant much.

Someone then mentioned that their child had a private diagnosis of ADHD, autism and tourettes and it was worthwhile.

The third poster then commented asking for advice as they were in a situation with their children and they had never come across anyone who could relate. The poster apologised foe the derailing but it doesn't take a genius to work out that it was for a genuine reason.

Stop being a dick.
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So she can name Tattle when she’s wanting to bully or doxx somebody but suddenly now she doesn’t want to name the site. I wonder why that is 😂 I am on another thread on here where the person is obsessed with his own thread but he will never ever speak about it or direct people there because he doesn’t want people knowing the truth about him and this is the same for her now. I’d be amazed if the word ‘tattle’ ever comes out of her mouth again. Trouble for her is, anyone with half a brain will know what she’s talking about because she’s mentioned this site so many times before, so may still pop on here anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Hi, I'm Ash - A walking contradiction.
I love my body hair and don't shave- but buy these brilliant estrid razors!
My girlfriend's magic oil is amazing for hair regrowth- but I don't use it for my majorly receding hairline.
I love oversized loose comfy clothing- but I order them 3 sizes too small so they're skin tight.
Glossy box have done a fantastic deal with a hair care company and it's amazing quality and reasonably priced- but I haven't tried it yet since my hair is stuck to my head with grease, as usual.
I definitely have ADHD so I can't fill in my assessment form from the GP for months (so I basically wasted my GP's precious time) - but I can follow flat-packed furniture instructions and put most of it together on my own within a day or two when I need to for an advert.
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Elle Woods

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whether she knew or not (for the record, I think she did), her silence over the weekend when everything came out spoke volumes.
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Can’t believe what I’m seeing this morning to be honest. That vile fat bitchy should be sheltering those poor children from all of this not encouraging them to try and one up people!! Absolutely disgusting behaviour. If I were in Ash’s shoes I’d have confiscated anything that gives them access to social media, not only would I not want them getting involved I would not want them seeing what people are saying about me!!
AND out of alllll of this, it’s hilarious that the only thing they have to say is ‘yeah well, Chelsea was on drugs’ LOOOL she accidentally became addicted to painkillers, hardly a smack head is she 😂 plus she owned her shit and asked for help (and was turned away by those closest)
Chels was on drugs whilst her mother’s jaw swings like a pendulum on a Friday/saturday night from the state of her stories. Painkiller addiction is miles away from being a bag head
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She’s proper smug isn’t she. That fake little laugh she does makes me ill

your birds a rapist luv. you fat turkey necked cunt
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