
VIP Member
Ash's children are the product of their DYSFUNCTIONAL mother who has created a DYSFUNCTIONAL home for them, when she is there.

Their behaviour, be it acting out at school or attention seeking is rooted firmly in their parents behaviour be it their absent father or their lying narcissistic mother.

The children know no different and it's disturbing to see a parent use a child to try and distract an issue away from it's main points, ie, dating a sex offender.
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Never had any trouble directing people to Tattle before Ash. Please send people on over. Everything on here calls you out on that bullshit statement you've put out.

You might have been single for a bit of time - it wasn't some time and even a few days ago you were pining after the rapist.
You showed no regard for the victim or the seriousness of the situation whilst you were out partying for the weekend knowing full well this was out in the public (deleting comments left, right and centre)
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I am not trying to invalidate the 14 years olds thoughts and feelings of how Chelsea may or may not have ruined 2 years of her childhood, due to drugs. But Ash was their mother, it was her house! If the situation was that bad that it was ruining the kids lives; then Ash should have done the right thing and sacked Chelsea off immediately and not let it affect the kids for 2 years!! My belief was that Chelsea knew what she was doing was wrong and had hidden it from the family hence why when Ash found out she was fuming/embarrassed and then started looking else where.

Did she know about the painkiller addiction all along and then when it suited her narrative to get rid of Chelsea, used that as her way out 🤷🏽‍♀️
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If Chels painkiller addiction was such an issue, why didn't Ash end the relationship sooner? (rather than waiting until she had Jail waiting in the wings).

I do think getting your kids to fight your battles is an all time low Ash, and I thought telling them to read here was bad. The atmosphere in that house with them all tiptoeing round her must be awful.
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Surely Love Honey can’t seriously think they can use her again for any campaigns which include dildos? They will get absolutely annihilated on social media if they do. I wonder if ‘Siobhan’ is just speaking for herself. I mean I wouldn’t think a customer care manager is high enough in the company to make any sort of major decisions. As for ‘online bullying’, have they seen some of the things the person they are standing by has done to other people online 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Not me having no clue who any of these people were 2 days ago and now being madly invested! (I heard about it on the Jess thread.)

Chelsea I don't know you love but your skin is flipping gorgeous on your stories so put that in the Plus column as well!
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She is talking an absolute belter. I have worked in services for a long time and I can tell you now, Gail is high profile and high risk; offender management will be all over her and she will have strict conditions to that SHPO. It makes no sense for Gail to lie to Ash when she legit could go to prison. So if, and I don’t see why she wouldn’t, but if Gail told her offender manager she was with Ash, they would have done checks and they would 100% refer to childrens services who would speak to Ash.

So we have two options here. Gail has lied to her offender manager about her relationship and Ash didn’t know, or Ash is lying she did not know. However, given how high profile Gail is and Ash’s social media, it just seems far fetched to assume she couldn’t know especially as it’s not like they were together for a week.
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I have and there's still fuck all evidence to prove she knew, just insinuations and guess work. I don't like her which is why I'm here but you keep getting defensive and acting like a child when people don't share the same opinion as you. She deserves everything that's coming to her regardless because she's put her kids at risk, for how she's treated Chelsea and just acting smug and untouchable but until there's hard evidence to prove she knew and was happily being fucked by a sex offender then I'll stick to my opinion of just maybe she didn't know

But again her body language and her behaviour etc isn't proof that's again just insinuations and guesswork. Anyway this is boring me now, it's getting tiresome repeating myself. I can't stand her, I'm not sticking up for her or raving about her just putting my two pence in like you all have because that's what this site is for
No one said you can't have an opinion but the constant biting is just clogging the feed unnecessarily.
no one has said it's proof, not sure what you're reading but you're getting your knickers twisted over nothing. It's speculation and as a thread that's against Ash, we aren't gonna sit and stick up for her. We speculate that she knew And have put together bits we've seen or heard her say and do where we FEEEEEEL she knew about Gail.

You believe she didn't know? Cool.
The other 95% of us, believe she knew.
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We’ve no regard for the victim? Pull the other one love. Every single person when the news broke said they hope she’s okay and how horrible it must have been to happen to her and have continued to highlight this.

Piss off with your written for you statement. Sense is chasing her but she’s faster.
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The free cruises are an absolute joke. I can't believe she got 2 free cruises. Greedy grabby bitch.
I unfollowed when she was gifted the first cruise with her mum. At the same time as they were cruising with Virgin we were on an identical cruise with Royal Carribean. A cruise we'd saved for 3 years for as a family to be able to upgrade suites, buy the full drinks packages and book any of the excursions we wanted to do. We really made it a priority to save so we could make memories as a family and at the same time her boat was literally across the dock from us with this grifter being handed a free holiday.

I couldn't stomach it and unfollowed her then.
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Bloody hell Lovehoney, they're not allegations, they're convictions! She served time - there's a slight difference. As someone else said, senior management surely would never have approved this response - maybe they need to see it?
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Whoops haven't had the time to come on here past day or two, there's alot to unpack ey.

What a cunt Ash is, I knew she'd play the victim and I KNEW she'd pretend she didn't know. But what exactly has been said on here that's false? Please elaborate Ash! Strong statement there.

She's saying we're damaging and spreading false info. Thats a lie. And how fucking dare she say we've not thought about the victim? We've been extremely respectful to the victim.
She can do one and I hope she doesn't come back on the gram, but she will, ofcourse, so I hope when she does her career is nothing like it was before.

And she can shut her hole about saying all this is hurting and damaging the kids, lol. She hasn't and couldn't give a toss about her 2 kids.
The only thing damaging to those kids is their unhinged mam, and the dirty content she does when she promotes sex toys and talks about getting fingered. Which her kids and their friends see. Which she's actually admitted before. That's damaging. That's embarrassing.
She's a shit mam and a shit person overall.

She'll be back in a week acting like nothings happened because that's Ash all over.
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Brian Butterfield

VIP Member
Gail has deleted her Facebook profile since the revelations about her here. When you searched Gail New or Gail Newland it came up, now, zilch. Nice to know you’re reading along in real time, Kye. *waves*

(Hello from a long time lurker, first time caller).
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Yay no more vulgar farting videos and sticking her finger up her arsehole .
No more seeing her fat greasy neck parading around her room in clothes that are far too small
No more shoving collabs down people throats
Taking cuntfluencers down one by one . When are this big headed vain narcasstic people going stop parading themselves on social media talking and laughing into a camera lense it’s sadistic and vile .
Over sharing their lives damaging their kids childhood for what ? Money!! Cold hard cash.

I feel for Ava and Oscar I really do . Them poor kids are going to suffer from this fallout . Hopefully gash will realise how neglectful she has been and actually spend time with her kids and nuture them as they should be. I fear it’s too late .
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