
VIP Member
Gail is gay and parties in Manchester gay village, Ash is gay, her best friend james is gay yet neither of them knew Gail is a gay sex offender! As if!!!!
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evidence is there if u scroll back
On 2 different lives - on one she slipped up and said gayle and on the other James said Gayle - immediately her demeanour changed and she stopped the live

she was going on holiday with her so would have needed her surname, date of birth etc so she would have searched her name and known then.
there are at least 2 video clips where she’s said she googles people and she’d even traced her ex when name and details had been changed

everything that’s been written has been backed up from clips of her lives - just scroll back for the receipts
This is why people are getting pissy cos people keep saying theres evidence that Ash knew.
Theres no evidence. At all.
Do most of us believe Ash knew? Yeah, she absolutely did, I'd put my life on it. But there is no evidence.
All we've done is take bits she's said and done on lives and stories where we feel it shows that knew. There's plenty of clips where we all think that looks or sounds like she knew. But it's not evidence is it.

We need to stop saying evidence and maybe people will stop coming on here crying.

There's no factual evidence that Ash knew, there's no receipts. Factual evidence and evidence comes under Ash being a bad and neglectful mother, yes. But in terms of known about Gail? No. It's purely speculation. There's such a difference.

I totally believe fatty knew, but there's no solid evidence. It all comes down to what people believe.

I think people are getting their tits in a twist cos they're coming on here, Reading that we've got evidence on Ash, looking for that only to realise actually its just speculation. And it's pissing people off. I think that's the issue here.

Do I think people are thick as pig shit for thinking Ash didn't know? Yeah. But that's not the point.

I do believe the bits we've put together show a strong possibility of Ash knowing though. But I think maybe now,it's time to realise we'll never know for real cos Ash will never admit it. We're going round in circles now.
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I'm SOOOOOOO happy Chels has written this!
It's clear for ALL to see that Ashleigh Huish's life is overflowing with SELF MADE drama and crisis!

Ash, you are vile, you treat people like shit, you treat your followers like fools, your brands like they are irrelevant and it's clear your life resembles your filthy messy home!

Well rid chels, well rid!!!


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Ash's "friend" James only has 20k followers and he needs a manager??? 🤣

I know pet animal accounts run by young people who have larger followings than James!

Ash & James etc don't have any talent whatsoever (apart from both having crooked noses!) thay are mediocre nobodies, used like market traders to flog tat to the masses, both Ash and James will have drawers full of tatty "beauty products" that absolutely no one in their right mind needs or wants!

Hilarious how he hasn't dared to come out in support of his old best friend! He won't risk losing any of his 20k followers for TrAsh 🤣
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Next we are going to have a child saying her behaviour warrented her parent threatening to assault her! 😱 Sooo sad to get a child, involved.

Many children of narcissists will grow up to have Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Any type of long-term trauma, over several months or years, can lead to Complex PTSD. It appears frequently in people who have been abused or neglected by someone who was their primary caregiver.

Shame on you Ash for allowing your daughter to get involved. She's not old enough to understand consequences.
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Whoopeeee! Im also laughing at anyone who said this wouldn’t be news worthy, her case was widely reported and cancelling zlebs/influencers is on trend. Tbh im suprised it wasn’t published sooner!
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Anyone else see her girlfriends new tik tok? Chels posted out her story like flexing her bicep saying got a pump on, after moving loads of furniture etc then within the hour the new gf posts a video of herself flexing with the caption ' when all you've got to offer is biceps but 🤫' and the song over the top of it says I can do better.....

It's weird how obsessed the new gf is with the ex!
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Can’t believe what I’m seeing this morning to be honest. That vile fat bitchy should be sheltering those poor children from all of this not encouraging them to try and one up people!! Absolutely disgusting behaviour. If I were in Ash’s shoes I’d have confiscated anything that gives them access to social media, not only would I not want them getting involved I would not want them seeing what people are saying about me!!
AND out of alllll of this, it’s hilarious that the only thing they have to say is ‘yeah well, Chelsea was on drugs’ LOOOL she accidentally became addicted to painkillers, hardly a smack head is she 😂 plus she owned her shit and asked for help (and was turned away by those closest)
You’d think Chelsea was a hardcore heroin addict from the way they’re going on. I’m not dismissing the fact that she became addicted to painkillers and that it must of been hard on the family but cummon man. As someone who suffers really bad with her stomach, I can see how easily it would be to get addicted to things that made the 💩 stop, it’s a fricking awful thing to suffer from.
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I was thinking about this, because I’ve been in bed dying of pregnancy sickness and can’t move 😂🤷🏻‍♀️. I think that she had Gee as casual dating/ sex and kept chels on the back burner for her emotional needs and a backup option when she was ready. Gee didn’t like that and started messaging chels to create (successfully by the sounds of it) a division between them and made them split for good.
I'm not sure if she's being serious or not here though, I think Ash was seeing them both at the same time


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Chel’s new found following and growing popularity will be killing Ash more than anything I reckon. I always liked them both at the start. Loved Ash in the beginning too. Her charity shop fake Balenciaga video was hilarious and one of my favourites. Even her early threads on here at that start were quite positive. Then she went all market trader flogging any bit of tat she could, rubbing shoulders with Z-listers and the instamonster was created right before our eyes. I always root for the under dog and Chels should relish in karma doing her job. I just hope she stays as authentic as she is now though.
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Christ, it’s been a whirlwind trying to catch up since Friday! I was in Harlow on Friday, didn’t see the wench out and about ☹ I’ve sat on my hands trying so hard not to comment on the Spotted Harlow post, I can’t be arsed to make another Facebook account. What in the hell are the exes family on? The AI comment 😂 looking at their profiles Chelsea has been tagged in family holidays referring to her as “a daughter” looks like they couldn’t give a shit about how Chels has been treated and it’s all TrAsh TrAsh TrAsh quite literally! There’s an old Tik Tok of TrAsh saying that her ex shagged his mums best friend that I stumbled across today, that’ll be why they’ve binned him and support TrAsh.
IF TrAsh didn’t know about wrongun Gail’s past, why the fuck isn’t she shouting from the roof tops banging on Harlows cop shop door and having A LOT to say about it on social media? She usually can’t keep her big trap shut, the silence is making her look even more guilty I think.
I wonder what Jean is saying to her lot at Kingdom Hall, I would love for them to come and knock at my door I usually politely tell them to piss off but I’d invite them in for a cuppa, living so close to TraAsh and Jehovah Jean I feel it would be my duty to god 😇🙏
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I’m new on these threads and reading the she did/didnt know debate .
If she really wanted to hide her , why did she openly flirt etc with her on the lives and G out herself to Chelsea?
And the biggest giveaway was when James said Gayle instead of G.. what else would the secret to revealing her birth name ?
She absolutely knew!
Those faces she pulled had guilt written all over them and when they were both pissing themselves laughing .. imo she prob got off on the thrill of her dirty secret.
End of day she getting attention and flooding media pages ..she’s a clout chaser full stop .
And if G told her one bull shit story to the next and potentially used A for more exposure … either way they’re both fucked ..all this for attention, cheap digs and clout 🙄
Sad fuckers .
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There are some stupid people out there. Puts her children first 😂😂😂 ITS will lose customers 😂 Pretty sure they’d lose more if they kept on employing her 🤦🏻‍♀️
All the people who say "it was years ago who cares"
1. Is that how her victim should look at it?
2. Would you say that to someone who started dating Colin pitchfork or Fred west?
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The Daily Mail in particular are quite dicey/unbothered in terms of their sources, for instance I've had a story written about me before which was 90% fabricated. They even quoted me giving an interview to them which I hadn't 🤣 so I wouldn't worry about sending info, they will do the bare minimum research before posting.
The nosey cunt in me is dying to know what they wrote about you and why 🤣🤣
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Did she not also give Oscar out of date medicine after he complained of a sore tummy? And when she realised it was OOD she laughed at him even although he was worried something was going to happen as the medicine wasn’t in date?? Im sure that happened and I'm not imagining it?
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Brian Butterfield

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Poor Chelsea. I hope she's ready for a shit ton of abuse from Ash. She's going to go postal when she sees that Chels has posted this.

Well done for standing up for yourself, Biggy. It is only right that Gail Newland/Gee is exposed again.

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