
VIP Member
I may need to join everyone and get a bottle of wine from the shop lol really hoping more happens this eve lol x
I may or may not have orchestrated an argument with my other half so I get to sit in the other room and refresh Tattle all night! 🤷🏽‍♀️🤣
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I may be nieve but I've never heard another woman talk so much about her...

"tits, nipples, arse, vag, flaps, hairy arsehole, piss flaps, anus, fanny flaps, clit, clitoris, pubes, puss, spread cheeks, eating my own farts, scratching my crack, arsehole hair" 😱

I cannot for the life of me understand why any brand would want to collaborate with someone so disgustingly vulgar!
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The posts get deleted as soon as they're commented on. Stop having a hissy fit.

I did not tag anyone.
And people wonder why Tattle is hated so much. This is not what Tattle is about, posting on accounts associated with her is simply basic trolling, a big no no, if you aspire to be a troll then do it in the forum don't take it out of here!
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I hate the Caroline flack brigade, anyone who writes "be kind" is a special kind of twat. Also flack was a twat who has now been made into a Saint because she killed herself.
Ash isn't going to kill herself, she may come out with some bs that she was really down and contemplated ending it, etc to gain sympathy. Ash's "fans" are ridiculous and need to get a grip
It’s a saying now used to justify all these insta huns disgusting behaviour. They are allowed to continue being vile people, treating others like shit and being self-entitled twats, but when the tables are turned everyone comes out preaching be kind! It boils my blood!
Ash wasn’t being kind to Chelsea when she thought she was being clever and funny or when she doxxed a tattler
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That second love honey response is even more shocking. Both of those emails and going to come back to bite them in the back side.
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She’s decided to play dumb then and make out tattle are the dangerous ones 🙄 no mention of all the shit they’ve put Chelsea through or how shocked she is by the news.

Course you didn’t know Ash hun. You don’t usually mind sending people in this direction, truth hurt? Panicking a bit?
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Tbh I didn't know who Ash was until this whole saga came up on my Tiktok, and the Gayle issue aside, I'm baffled how she has managed to obtain not one but two collabs with mainstream companies. She comes across as a nasty vindictive chav who doesn't look after her kids. That alone should be reason for them to drop her, her content is disturbing.
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I really don’t like Ash at all anymore - she’s become a right nobhead. Used to be quite relatable but she’s just a pure sellout. How all this can be going on and she’s keeping quiet but came on this thread when someone called her a turkey neck and doxxed the poor lass. She’s an absolute cockwomble & I wish her nothing but the worst. Can’t wait for “influencers” to stop being a thing, it’s created a monster in Ash.
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Dating a convicted Sex Offender and lying about it, when you have two children is heinous. Surely we don't live in a world where Sex Offending is acceptable anymore? Where dating a registered sex offender and lying about it when you have children acceptable? Where a registered sex offender can go online and harasses other people in plain sight? Where a person rapes another with a dildo and then dates a dildo promoter? I defy anyone to argue these are just normal stuff that don't warrant a reaction, be it news stories or the ending of contracts, as the person at the centre of this has zero credibility after condoning all of the above and has brought the companies she represents into a very negative spotlight!

Rape isn't just like any other news story in my opinion.

I for one do not think it is acceptable and for all the rubbish non news we see daily online, I'd call this information very news worthy and career ending for a dildo influencer!
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Ewwwwww “just say you wanna lick my minge” mate I’m bi but I’d rather run my tongue along an electric cable of 400,000 volts of electricity whilst simultaneously unicycling across the Grand Canyon, sitting on bike seat made of a razor blades. While it’s raining. Thanks.
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Both TrAsh and Gail are so incredibly stupid in sharing their online behaviour as it could get them into a whole heap of trouble if the police were made aware of their online games in colliding the hide a sex offender in plain sight.

Social services will be visiting that family any day soon as I'm sure more than one concerned person has raised a "concern for welfare" call re those children.

I am also sure many people have called Harlow Safeguarding Department to discuss their very real safeguarding concerns about a mother who dates a registered sex offender and who over exposes her children online. A mother who emotionally abuses her children and regularly verbally abuses her children all whilst regularly abandoning her children and posts the evidence online.

Let's hope TrAsh isn't required to do a drugs test to prove her competence to parent. They'd only need a small hair sample to show what drugs are in her system other than prescribed "back pain" drugs.

Hopefully the children in this crazy household soon become aware just how many rights they have and how they can call Harlow social services and ask for help because if EVER there was a family who needs help it is this family.

If anyone tries to lie to these children and say social services will take them away and put them in care to scare them and stop them speaking out, I hope they are told the primary role of social services in this kind of matter is to keep them safe and to ensure all of their needs are met. Grandparents can be given temporary custody to do this.

Children do not and should not have to suffer in silence.


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"I'm an open book about my life" APART from when you secretly cheated on your longterm partner, or when you last took drugs, or when you lied about your sex offender girlfriend, or admitting you dated this sex offender before Chels!

Reverse psychology doesn't work for you Ash, stop trying to blame the people who broke the story and look at yourself and your sex offender on off girlfriends behaviour before judging anyone else's!
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Ash slept with a SEX OFFENDER, it's irrelevant who she cheated on, she's clearly desperate to move the narrative away from sleeping with a sex offender 🤬
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The other thing I think is disgusting when it comes to Ash’s part in this is that she’s so pro LGBTQ+ which I totally respect, everyone should have equal rights and have sexual orientation respected and not be treated differently but what I can’t understand with her is what Gayle did goes completely against that, she did not respect the girls sexual orientation, she did not respect the girl at all she deliberately manipulated a heterosexual girl against her knowledge and consent, this isn’t a matter of heterosexual or LGBTQ+, I would feel the same the other way around, my point is purely that Ash preaches so pro rights and equality and respect for each others bodies yet was with Gayle and has said NOTHING against it or her after what she did!!
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Surely gayle/gee has now re-offended by making fake profiles to abuse to Chelsea?
Playing devils advocate. Assuming ash is telling the truth and didn't know of her past, surely she'd now be in contact with the police, especially as she has children who were at risk. If I got with someone who asked to remain out the limelight (to a degree) and my ex is claiming that they're being messaged by them a load of abuse, for me that would be the first red flag, if I then found out about this, I'd most certainly be in contact with the police to know that myself and my children weren't put at risk and how could this have happened without her knowledge or warning. I'm sure if G enters into a relationship she should stipulate her past especially if the person she is with has children considering she's on the register now. I'm 100% certain that if she went to an ITS event, Adam and Jamie wouldn't have been aware at all about her past!
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