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She is an extremely basic girl who thinks she is alternative. You can see this in all aspects of her life.

I've never once seen her travel off the beaten track.

Also isn't the point of sharing something so other people can enjoy it too? She has a massive ego and is very selfish then. She's in the wrong business if she doesn't want people to follow her recommendations. You literally call yourself an influencer yet you're moaning about people being influenced by you..... Ok Jan.
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lol the other night when she said ‘LA isn’t ready for us’ then it was clips of her in an empty karaoke bar. LA is terrified.
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The filter glitching in this story where most of her nose disappears is so embarrassing 🙈😳 I can’t cope with the second hand cringe!
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Pic 1: Zoe put some clothes on, who is your audience?

Pic 2: genuinely surprised she, a trained DJ, doesn’t understand her equipment well enough to set it up?

Pic 3: nothing about that outfit says Lara Croft. 90s Lara wore brown shorts with a blue tank top, had double holsters and a brown backpack with her hair in a braid. 2010s Lara Croft wore trousers and heavy duty tank tops and wore her hair in a messy ponytail. So where is that outfit giving Lara Croft???
She’s really starting to give me ‘mutton dressed as lamb’ vibes
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Chatty Member
She’s deleted the first story now, how embarrassing 😂
Ffs 😂 Soz in advance for any trigger btw

It's like being 'omg I love being a vegan, I absolutely hate meat it's awful'


'Heres me at an abbatoir, with Ronald McDonald, wow how incredible is learning about how beef burgers are made! #ad Thanks McDonalds for the opportunity' *throws peace sign*
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It's really sad. Like I don't hold it against anyone building themselves up again after a divorce but doing it on social media where people are embarrassed for you and not engaging with your content is super cringe. It's like, who are you doing this for exactly? If it's you then stop with the endless eye fuckery and boasting and filtering.

The best revenge is a happy life, not one spent in the endless pursuit of likes and insta fame
Totally agree, I just don’t understand her need to brag it’s so cringe and transparent - her stories from last night were just so awful - bragging about djing to a room full of a listers, got to slip in she was wearing louboutins , a pic she’s taken of herself on timer in the bathroom of the ned - cringeee - also can someone please let her know that Bond girls don’t shop at shein.

Just live your life girl, post some pics and reels of your sets but quit with the bragging, name dropping, listing the designer things you own, truly successful people don’t need to brag. It’s all so desperate - if she was less superficial she’d be more relatable, if she just stopped with the bragging and name dropping she’d come off a lot cooler and laid back, it’s the need to brag brag brag and name drop lame drop every 5 seconds that makes her so so hideously unlikeable. I really think she needs to get off social medi, get a manager to book her sets and run her insta, and just enjoy her life - she’s clearly got good shit going on I just think the instagram portrayal of her life is so toxic.
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On her stories today she's been gifted stuff from Batiste and Khiels. I already use both these products that she's been gifted and have done for years. What really bugs me about influencers and influencer marketing is that I pay hard earned cash for these items because I already like them and use them and it really puts me off and annoys me when influencers get this stuff gifted for free even though it's not a new product that needs promoting? The product already has repeat customers. Not sure what my point is here really just wanted to complain somewhere and because it's Zoe today she gets the rant on her thread 🙈
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Heard George is cheating on her with a girl he works with. Not sure if she has just dealt with it or is trying to keep up appearances so she's ignoring it. He's definitely a sleaze and there's proof he was playing away, it would explain her sudden change in attitude before one of the DJ sets and she said she was having a bad time.
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The way she talks about going "off the beaten track" you'd have thought she was venturing off into the unknown when in reality she tends to just research slightly more indepthly than the average tourist and finds different tourist traps which have been trending for the last 5 years rather than the last 20.
I think she might have actually deluded herself into thinking people are copying her rather than acknowledge the fact she goes to places that are trending.
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Chatty Member
So good at explaining. I work for Nicole. Ok thanks for clearing that up.
whoever it was who gave her the gifted Botox / lip filler needs to have a word with themselves.
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I feel like she’s in a very difficult position. She isn’t quite a celebrity in the same way other bloggers are, but she also isn’t a “normal person”. She offered her life up on social media when it was going well and now it isn’t, it’s not a Kardashian situation where the cameras keep rolling and the separation becomes part of the content, she isn’t famous enough for that, there isn’t a team deciding the angle, it’s just a sad time for her because her C word of a husband was after a colleague.

She’s not the type of blogger who would bare all emotionally during the breakup, so what was she meant to do? Brave face. I’m doing alright. Even if she isn’t. That’s not a good position for anyone to be in. I feel for her, I really do. I don’t care that she has been tone deaf in the past, I don’t like it.

I’ve been mean, I’ve been horrible, I’ve been told I’m the reason they split up (I know if George didn’t do what he did then I wouldn’t be able to say it, but if I kept quiet maybe there wouldn’t be the drama). I don’t think it’s a good way to be about her right now.

I don’t want to cheer on the downward slope of someone who can be very fucking annoying but doesn’t deserve to be pushed further down the drain. A few people have said in this thread that her friends need to intervene but maybe she doesn’t have those sorts of friends right now.
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New member
She can be insufferable. She can be beggy. Out of touch and difficult to follow a lot of the time. I still feel sorry for her at the core of it all. It may not even be sorry. I feel like she needs a good impartial friend to guide her because she seems like she is clinging to every available opportunity and pretending bad things aren’t happening. I know they are. I stand by the fact that George is a slimy, horrible person and if the right person approached I would provide -many- receipts.

I contributed to this thread using a lot of things that I’ve been told and I -have- been horrible about Zoe but ultimately I do not want to contribute to a constant hate on her output because I think that is a dangerous cycle. If you’re in this thread you will agree that Zoe had a lot of potential in the early days and begun to ruin it because of the reasons at the beginning of this post. May be her fault. It may not be.

She seems lost. Someone who had a bright future with influencing early and did not do as well as her peers. Easy to hate on her because she still does better than people with none of the work but coming from a relative insider perspective, I think she is finding it difficult and I find it sticky to try and hate her for that.

Lastly we all know the filters are crazy and I know by now what Tattle is like but be nice where possible. Not only with Zoe.
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Chatty Member
wait so you’re basing this off him inviting a work colleague round to see the dogs, and she may of not even gone round?
that qualifies cheating does it?
come off it

Post the proof, your explanation is weak
Would they really so amicable and would Zoe really go round had he done something like that?
Not gonna lie if my partner was inviting a female colleague round our house while I was away and I had no knowledge of it whatsoever, then that would ring alarm bells!
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Hahaha new to the party but what’s this all about? Does she think she’s that big of a deal for media to care?
Every year she gets really obsessed with Eurovision and expects mainstream media to know who she is for some reason. I think she thinks she's Terry Wogan.
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