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What’s George even done for him to come across sleazy?
Zoe’s always been a pick me, that can account for her posts in hardly any clothing. Using her sexuality to boost her DJing when she’s only in a bodysuit on stage.
I would be more suspect of Zoe getting with other guys. Constantly away from her then husband in Ibiza, little clothing, never wearing her wedding ring while away, lots of attention while George is effectively staying at home being a glorified house/dog sitter
you seem to have it out for her so unless you know something we don’t, I can only really assume you’re here to just slag her off and aren’t happy that’s not the case for the rest of us haha.

catch up on the thread, we had an insider spill the beans he was known for cheating, it’s got to have been over 12 months ago by now but her thread moves at a snails pace.

she’s a single woman, there’s nothing inherently wrong with her partying or dressing with leaving little to the imagination. Would I personally do it? No. Do I think she’s being a typical divorcee showing off her best life and best looks in hopes he sees or at least someone mentions it to him? Absolutely. But I also think she’s better off if their marriage wasn’t a fulfilling one for either side.

I’d put money on them being separated for much longer than we realise and her only coming clean about this divorce because it was getting painfully obvious.
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why you lying tho?? Seriously, what planet is she on, nothing she has worn has been that groundbreaking?!?! She’s so odd
Saying this whilst using a photo of herself where it looks like she’s wearing a bad Halloween wig - those extensions man 😆🫠🤮

Honestly, it’s like beyond embarrassing seeing her write these things, her cringe filter is clearly broken as no normal person would write this garbage about themselves. And you know what, if for whatever reason this was true, take a little bite of some humble pie babe. No one likes to read humble brags, it’s embarrassing for you and makes you look like a deranged idiot.
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I hope she's okay. She posted something on her stories as well about not being able to post things without a filter on it and how people have been complaining about that. I really, really hope she doesn't think less of her looks because of the divorce. Hoping she has a healthy and good support system. Also hoping she will get to keep seeing the dogs, we all know how much they mean to her.
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Chatty Member
i feel bad for her if things with george have ended but this definitely screams “single & trying to get your attention” i can’t cope with the cringe

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so she’s made it very clear she thinks LA is superior to london, and has now confirmed she went on dates while she was out there and is heavily implying she’ll go back out there for a guy. 90 Day Fiancé, anyone?
Probably got ghosted for being a catfish
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Does anyone know what happened at Slam Dunk? She's portrayed an image of the equipment not working, but on twitter it looks like someone else managed to do the DJ set with that same equipment??
I wasn’t there so not sure.

But, I would say this doesn’t surprise me. I’ve seen her ‘DJ’ before and she gives off an air on social of knowing what she’s doing inside out, but seeing her do it live is often a totally different picture. When I saw her she had someone helping her the whole set - often looking at him panicked, songs had abrupt endings and others delaying in starting, she looked like she didn’t have a clue the whole way through, despite holding one headphone on her head and throwing her hands up in the air as though she was listening to an entirely different set to what we were. It was embarrassing.
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Chatty Member

Make it make sense Zoe. Imagine lying about having interest in the genre.

Rob Kellas also is such an irritating looking geezer. It's definitely giving post break up 'living my best life and look at all the boys I know, are you jealous?!' vibes, embarrassing.
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Every fucking time Zoe does this, it drives me up the wall. It'll either be purple/blue/pink/red or any nearby shade. Her haircut is the same. WHYYYY does she have to do a ~BIG REVEAL~ every single time.

Good lord.

Also this happened a few weeks back but I forgot to post here -

Did anyone see her high horse rant about how she's such a good influencer because she only talks about products or companies she loves/supports/uses, never does any sponsored content for the money etc BUT THEN makes this high horse speech 100x worse by saying something along the lines of 'I would be living in a house twice the size if I took all the brand deals I was offered' and some other similar shit. She's always talking about how 'her house is so small' and how they can't afford to do a renovation all at once etc etc etc but I'm sorry, they're young people who bought a house near (?) London, it looks big, they just renovated their kitchen fully whilst they were also abroad on Holiday during the pandemic.. they also did their whole garden decking. She acts like they're struggling to get by and living in a tiny one bedroom apartment when they are obviously pretty fucking comfy. Sure she could be living bigger and more luxurious if she was accepting every brand deal out there, as she said, but to me it came across as 'look at me being so honest boohoo giving up my potential quality of life to be honest to you guys'.

It really rubbed me the wrong way somehow. Her 'woe is me' about everything in her life gets a bit much, especially when she uses it as a way to suggest that it's all for her followers. In the end I think she's just salty she didn't rise to the ranks of some other UK influencers from the same era and is now pretending she didn't want all that because she's honest and has morals.

She's obviously richer than she acts. Especially if she has 600 pounds to spend on a Gucci bag at a sample sale 'unexpectedly'. Plus whatever she's now hiding as her 30th birthday present 'I keep things to myself' lol.
This. 100% this!

She was also able to afford a lavish wedding in LA and another in London - the girl is so oblivious to how privileged she is and it drives me absolutely insane! They clearly live a VERY comfortable lifestyle that a lot of people their age would be over to moon to have but she doesn't. stop. moaning. and. acting. like. she. deserves. more.

And yessssss - the constant egotistical *hair reveals* that just turn out to be the 200th shade of pink/coral she's had yet again, honestly bore me to absolute death.
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I like Zoe and don't wish anything bad for her at all, but it's just depressing how she tries so hard at influencing but gets nowhere. Her DJing is cool and something different (even though running around after bands that ran out of relevancy in 2010 isn't doing much for her career), she should freelance in social media content creation for up and coming brands and DJ around it.
She's much too sensitive for being a public figure and does not have the personality to make a lot of people want to follow her, when I see her ad/influencer style posts they just cringe me out.
There's no shame in bowing out, yes you were one of the first big bloggers, but it doesn't mean you have to do it forever.

Also every time she mentions California i just want to SCREAM though. "Joshua Tree is my spiritual home" babe, it's embarrassing at this point.
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And if any of them were an actual bestie, they would be telling her what she is posting is ringing alarm bells. Of course, maybe they are, we don’t know, but I don’t get the impression she has many people actually in her corner? A good friend will have difficult conversations with you, not just there to have fun with and tell you that you look amazing.
That last bikini picture with her legs open. Not to slut shame, but fucking hell - why are you posting that on the internet just because you’re newly single; what a way to attract the wrong kind of attention.
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Her post about being lonely doing Ibiza and Reading/Leeds with zero mention of her husband confirms it to me that they’ve split. Surely she’d say something like can’t wait to get home to him if they were still together
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Probably embarrassed it doesn’t fit her LA DJ persona. I’d assume she’s some kind of PA
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She's obviously been readying here. I don't understand why someone would go to a website where their may be opinions they may not agree with or like to see. Especially if they're feeling vulnerable. I get the feeling the divorce was not a mutual agreement. I hope she looks after herself.
Yeah when she asked people to not speculate, you’ve got 60k followers and a Tattle page, people speculate. Even I gossip with my mum and sisters in our WhatsApp group about people with significantly less followers! It’s human nature to be curious and nosey.

She looks really upset, and sounded it too. I think the person who came on here a while ago claiming he was a cheat was probably right.

I think she needs to ditch the filters too because it won’t make her self esteem any better. I feel sad for her that she feels so low about herself, but filtering your online face doesn’t change how you feel on the inside, that kind of hurdle can only be overcome when you face yourself and either accept yourself or make the changes you think you need to.
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I missed the bit in pulp fiction when Mia Wallace was a pending divorcee clinging onto her 20s with flammable hair extensions.
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