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And she tagged her top, coat, bag, even her lipstick. Everything except the fast fashion trousers. Reading here much?!

Hi Zanna 👋

ETA: for anyone who really wants to learn about fast fashion and how the system works (not Zanna’s self serving bullshit) - check out Aja on IG. Here’s a good post: and also


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Plus: when will she stop making these posts about not being bothered about the height difference between her and her boyfriend? Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a comment about it yet she always brings it up. No one cares, hun but guess what? She gets higher engagement on those posts.

She’s so transparent

Ditto the posts about her scar and surgery and being proud of it / not ashamed to where a bikini. Yes, I get it, and good to promote body positivity but jeez stop milking it for all it's worth.
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Aww Zanny got an upgrade to business. How special for her...
I unfollowed her too, but check in to annoy myself. I've noticed she is at 287K followers, can anyone else remember if she was at 288K before? I think she was, and if she is down 1000 that makes me so happy.
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Well you can’t blame me for assuming. This is not the right place to come and defend her actions now is it. Here we have a group that finds nothing she does of actual value. Her Instagram comments section is the place for you to go and kiss her arse. I promise you 100% you won’t get blocked there 🙄
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I understand everyone is different and we all have different capabilities etc. but in her insta story workout today shes only deadlifting 30kg and she looks wrecked?? She's been working out almost every day for years surely she can lift more than that? Just makes me think she only looks strong because she has zero body fat, probably either from excessive HIIT training or not eating enough food to actually build muscle.
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It says on the site they get them from Vietnam. There are dozens of Vietnamese coconut bowls sellers on Alibaba. Don’t be fooled by their spiel ....
View attachment 69525
Literally, pennies!View attachment 69526

And don’t get fooled by Zanna’s water bottle either, they are customisable from China too in any design for a couple of quid ....
View attachment 69529
How in God's name can people be so gullible, as to believe everything that these Instagramers say.

How can these people sleep at night, if in fact they are sourcing their bowls etc from online sites like this, then flogging them at ridiculous prices to the sheeples, that think the sun shines out their arses.

I remember thinking when Steph said that they were buying these bowls etc from women in local villages, and the money would be helping them, that it all seemed a bit far fetched, if it's true then that's good, but somehow I've never believed it, now after seeing this I don't believe a word.

This doesn't sit right with me at all.
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Here’s another example at her attempts to seem more relatable and less deceptive, she’s now listing her designer, incredibly expensive handbags and shoes as “second hand”. She buys them through Vestair Collective and actually used to brag about that. It’s the height of over consumption, second hand or not. She’s becoming more of a joke by the day. She’s hiding stuff, business class flights, designer goods. She‘s just a yuppie trying to sell herself as just an ordinary relatable girl on her way to work at her private club. She’s obsessed with material objects and financial success at anybody else’s expense. Credibility down the toilet. She’s just a 🤡 #zannavandijk
You are spot on, she is just a greedy, saleswoman who has no conscience whatsoever. Her only friends which seem few and far between are exactly like her.

Gosh what a sad life really, money, and stuff will never make her happy, which she will come to realise a few years down the line.
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Lol she’s literally reviewed Christmas markets in Munich that she didn’t even go to and stuck it on her blog as original content. Seriously, why bother? Won’t be long before the California tourist board also drop her for this lazy trash.
That is fraud!!
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Thats the problem she blocks within minutes of anyone calling her out on the BS she spouts.

Yet she is so righteous, but can't and won't enter into conversation with anyone unless they are licking her arse.

We need more people to find TL and read the truth on her & all the other con artists.
Im sick of her and hope someone writes a dossier exposing her. I need her old uni flatmates who she spoke bad about in her earlier videos to come forward and expose her

she only started lifting as she used to date some gym wanker PT guy during uni, she doesnt think for herself and follows everyone
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In her latest Instagram post she is bragging about visiting 50 countries before 30. She is such a fucking hypocrite
And it's not even like she's doing it in a low emission way.. I follow a few bloggers who travel a lot but all via public buses and trains (also more affordable for the average person!). But that wouldn't fit with Zanna's schedule or her brand.
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Big brands do it as part of their CSR strategies and mission statements and because they can afford to donate a percentage of sales which would take place anyway (as per your £25k example). A straight up donation is usually made followed by a percentage of further sales going to the same place.
That’s a mix of cause-related marketing and sponsorship/donation. Any company can say ‘for every one of this specific product sold we’ll donate £x to ‘named charity’. Lush literally have the ‘charity‘ lip balm pot as an example. That’s all she’s doing; from any sales of that specific product, she’ll donate £1 of her share of the profit to a charity.

Well you can’t blame me for assuming. This is not the right place to come and defend her actions now is it. Here we have a group that finds nothing she does of actual value. Her Instagram comments section is the place for you to go and kiss her arse. I promise you 100% you won’t get blocked there 🙄
I’m not interested in kissing anyone’s arse, ta. I just think that there are plenty of things you can criticise her for but donating to charity probably isn’t one of them.
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Yep, she’s deleted this comment so here it is again for anyone who has missed it. And this on the day her beloved David Attenborough is banging on about the arrival of the moment of crisis. Nice move taking yet another long haul flight hypocrite. She’s gonna squeeze in as many as she can before the number of flights one can take per year is restricted ....
View attachment 72638
She’s disgusting!
You need to put a post on insta using #zannavandijkthehypocrite or Twitter so she cant delete 😂

Wouldnt it be great if someone met her in person at an event and had the balls to just ask her to her face about her ridiculous flying habits? What would she say when she can't just make you go away? I can't believe she has the audacity to beg for people's money to buy her plant-based guides and support her social channels about sustainability but won't just own up her to addiction to flying. I've noticed she will never post any stories whilst at an airport/on a plane anymore, she just suddenly arrives at a destination. Probably because posting those would remind people that she's flying and even her 'fans' might message her concerned but if she shows nothing then she can say people are unnecessarily calling her out if they even mention it
Wouldn’t be great if she did meet Sir David Attenborough one day and he gives her a real lecture or writes article about her
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VIP Member
We are all culpable and there's no way we can fully offset our 'share'. What we can do is not take unnecessary flights. She's deluded!


No Zanna. Nice attempt at deflecting the blame. You're not fooling anyone. How many long haul flights have you taken and are planning to take this year? You're a shameful excuse for an influencer. Stop fooling yourself!
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(Boast alert) I'm a freelance blogger and often have to write up to 15 articles A DAY. And that's with a little one at home and leading a pretty normal life, where I cant hire a cleaner, I dont get sent free crap just because I live in a echo chamber of my own praises and dont get the privilege of feeling "overwhelmed" on a daily basis. The rest of us just crack on because we have bills to pay. She has NO FECKING CLUE - what hard work is and what it's like to juggle LIFE. But hey, ignorance is bliss, right?
And I bet your articles are a lot better written than the crap she puts out (and never bothers to proof read).
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