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hola, would love to say my piece, I knew yasminge very well when we were younger. she has always been the most foul genuinely nasty bitchy girl, she’d always have the crustiest makeup, grey dirty fingernails under those foul acrylics, walked round like she was gods gift but the majority of boys called her a transvestite or Peter crouch 🤣🤣 their house was something else!! All 3 sisters are nasty bitches which is why they get on so well and don’t have a lot of actual friends. Yas would be foul to people then go running back to mummy to fix it. She’d shag her mates boyfriends, slag them off the second they left the room. Angers me so much she has this platform when some of the stuff she’s done is unthinkable!!! I don’t follow her or either sister as I couldn’t give a shit but constantlysee videos on fyp!! Bunch of tramps. And I’m done 😂
Ah welcome
Did she have a coke habit tho? X
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I still don’t know if I believe it lol. We’ve not had proof and I hate people making statements and then not giving proof
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One shoe magoo

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I’d love for her to get a straight bob (and donate it) but Edens head would spin. Then all she would have to do is pop her eyes out a bit and BOOM pissed both sisters off
Yeah that would be worth watching 😂😂😂. Never came across anyone like these sisters. Give off Sanderson Sisters vibes. 😂😂
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That video of him saying “kill my mooom” is so funny bless him 😂 she doesn’t even laugh which tells me she doesn’t even get the reference so its just wasted on her 🙄 please someone tell me they know the gonna kill my mooom” video? “Gonna kill my daaaad” anyway this comment is a waffling mess but hats off to ya Wolfy boy that tickled me 😂
Yes they really do get it. It’s been overused that’s why it’s not funny, summer time Eden had him saying it a lot and in her videos! I don’t think it’s funny at all. That boy uses the term “kill” far too much for his age.
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Yeah it guess everyone is right as she’s quick to clear stuff if they’re not true. So I suppose if this wasn’t fact she would be doing everything to clear her image
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Anyone think today’s the day to get the keys for the bridal? After watching her video it’s the only thing she has going on in her life other than taking wolf to nursery and hauls! Also why the fuck can she manage to do wolfs hair when on the break with Eden but now she’s gone back home his hair looks untidy again 🥺 poor boy.
She posted a video the other day about how she doesn’t want to be a boss babe out earning money she wants to be at home cooking so I’m not sure if the bridal shop is still going to happen.
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She's reposted a story on Insta of someone called Jay she's in a car with them . Looked on his profile and he has a wife etc so god knows who he is!
Does his wife know she likes to steal other people’s men? 🤔 She probably shouldn’t be left unsupervised with anyone’s husband/baby daddy!
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Think its this bridal shop. Reckon shes gone quiet on tiktok and tiktok shop to try and repair some damage ready to open a shop.
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VIP Member
How old is he, 3? I know sometimes kids copy swear words (my toddler dropped the shit bomb the other day!) But that's such a vulgar phrase for anyone to say and he must have heard it so much to be able to say it so easily. Then she uploads it to the internet, like she's proud and it's comical. It's disgusting
what does he even say? I can’t understand his voice haha
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No cus as a tall girly 5’11 to be exact and iv got size 8 feet this has made me feel insecure I hope no one thinks this about my feet 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m missing a toenail too hahaha
I was so conscious about being a size 8 until I turned 30 and then I realised no one actually cares. But we also aren’t cunts, Yaz and Eden are. If they were decent people we wouldn’t care about their massive canoe feet either
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