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VIP Member
Why does she always have to buy an overpriced coffee and pose with it? Why can’t she just make one at home seeing as she’s working from home? It’s extra calories too!
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Chatty Member
I‘ve not watched her stories for ages, but she’s just like all other influencers, puts a pity post / story to get people to feel sorry for her before she shares an ad, something extravagant they’ve bought etc. So predictable and not relatable at all.
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It’s so frustrating isn’t it! I hate that she’s trying things on and then sending them back. Especially swimwear, even with the hygiene wrap it’s weird. I also think it must make her followers feels rubbish too as not everyone can afford to keep buying clothes for no real reason. You’re also right, if she had a holiday booked it would make a bit more sense.
She must do these regular clothing hauls 1. For the affiliate links and 2. To give the impression to her followers that she has more money than she actually does to be buying new clothes on a regular basis, when really she’s more than likely filming a reel or taking a photo and sending them back.
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Did anyone notice she was banging on about the brush not pulling her hair and then it did but she just carried on?
we saw you! Why are you still lying?
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Well-known member
It is disgusting and not necessary. Why can’t she just take a photo of him holding a card or something like normal people?
Everything she does is for show. She doesn’t do much work him. Just goes for coffee and cake. No sensory classes or baby classes which I find odd seeing as she feels the need to film every playtime 🙄🙄
She doesn’t have a personality either. It was slimming world. Then the wedding and now being a mum. My baby is a month older than hers and I haven’t been for my lashes or hair etc. but I don’t bang on about it like my
Life is so difficult spending every day with the baby.

It's such an unnecessary post.

That's true actually. My little one is 6 months in just over a week and we've been going to classes since she was 6 weeks old. I've not been to have my hair or anything done either but I'm breastfeeding so it's a bit more difficult.
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Well-known member
Eugh, what is it with all these “content creators” “going traditional with red decorations this year”. Always copying eachother.. does anyone actually go for something they genuinely love? Or do they just not have a brain or personality of their own?? I have had traditional Xmas decs ever since I started buying them (years) because it’s simply my taste! I don’t like anything else, never been into anything else! And now all of a sudden, everyone is going to have the same fucking decor.. just like the crusty grey house theme that hinch started, and then the beige world! It’s going to ruin it for those who genuinely love it. I hate having the same as everyone else, I love having my traditional decorations and it’s not for Instagram either! But if everyone is going to do it and force it down our throats it’s just not the same. It makes it fucking tacky! And yes, I am this pissed off about Xmas decs.. but I am sick of these absolute self important losers jumping on every band wagon ever!! Don’t have a personality of their own, get a life!
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VIP Member
Saying she can’t not acknowledge the conflict when the first attack happened 11 days ago. She’s not acknowledged it that whole time. Been too busy posting affiliate links and showing off what she’s bought. Just another typical influencer generic insta story about it.
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I actually really liked the play suits and thought they were flattering, so much so that I did a reverse image search for one of them and it was £42! Now I might be out of touch but spending that much on a last minute outfit for a day out with her mates seems a bit much for me?
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Chatty Member
I did actually use to like her but she’s just like a lot influencer’s on IG, tries to come across as relatable when she isn’t. I do find it odd that her husband isn’t on IG well, or is he? saying that if he wasn’t on, it isn’t a bad thing, each to their own and he may be on another social media platform.
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Active member
Eugh she’s started wearing Adanola! And trying to get other people to click her shitty links to buy their stuff… saying how it’s so oversized she could have gone down 1 or 2 sizes… she won’t be saying that when she’s washed it 🤣 I got a refund from them mine shrunk that much! She is a twat and was that F&F post an Ad?!
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VIP Member
To be fair my 2 year old boy lives in tracksuit sets or leggings and a hoodie. He’s a whirlwind and is on the go all the time, granted if we were going out somewhere I’d put him in something a bit nicer but most of the time he’s just in comfy clothes, He goes to nursery 3 mornings a week and the other 2 days I take him to soft play/the park/the forest
my little boy is 18 months and the same! Like you he has smarter trousers or little overalls for smarter occasions but he’s a little Duracell bunny and needs to be in comfy clothes for the amount of time he’s on the go 😂 Also personally I’ve never been a fan of jeans on little toddlers. It’s maybe because I dont like them on babies that I’ve just never transitioned into them as a toddler but they aren’t for me 😄
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Chatty Member
She's looking rough in the Ikea haul she's just posted. Really puffy in the face.

Is she still doing her Invisalign? Her teeth don't seem any different and I don't notice her wearing them in stories...
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