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@Into_the_tunnel I don't have any advice but I'm so sorry, I just wish I could give you a hug. Can they offer sedation for you?
Thank you. I am going to ask I think it would help if a friendly face was there but we aren’t allowed anyone else in are we?

I know I shouldn’t be bleeding after 19.5 years of nothing but am more scared of the procedure than the outcome.
Thank you. I am going to ask I think it would help if a friendly face was there but we aren’t allowed anyone else in are we?

I know I shouldn’t be bleeding after 19.5 years of nothing but am more scared of the procedure than the outcome.
They should already know this, but whoever does the procedure, just make sure they know that the nurse was unable to perform your smear.

Colposcopy sounds like a really scary procedure, but it's very routine, and you WILL get through it
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They should already know this, but whoever does the procedure, just make sure they know that the nurse was unable to perform your smear.

Colposcopy sounds like a really scary procedure, but it's very routine, and you WILL get through it
Thank you.
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I just wanted to say that please be persistent with the GP or consultants if you are having any issue even with clear smear results. Not trying to say that to scare anyone at all just saying it to please be aware of your own bodies so you know when something isn’t right. Cervical cancer can also be caused due to hormonal changes, it is not always down to HPV. It maddens me that the media is so conditioned to think it’s just HPV that causes it and that if a woman gets cervical cancer it must be because they “failed” to get their smear; this is not always the case.

If I didn’t persist and go to A&E I probably wouldn’t be here right now. I know women that had clear smear results and got cervical cancer. I also know women that got cervical cancer because the lab made an error on their smear results. If you feel like something isn’t right, please don’t give up
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So I had another blood test two weeks ago and the doctor called me last night. My follicular levels are low. I’ve still not had a period since February. I am booked in for another blood test next week and will also be referred to a gynaecologist at the hospital. Hopefully this is the start of cracking down what is wrong with me. I just can’t help googling things now.... there is even mention of early menopause? I am only 24 and it’s really made me feel shit.
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I know googling is really tempting to Google these things, but try not to. It'll only make you worry more! I'm glad to hear that they're referring you to gynae. Hopefully you will get some good help!
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Hi! I had a colposcopy and subsequent LLETZ a while ago, and I’ll bang on about it forever because I hated not knowing what to expect and the gp was useless at reassuring me So this is my experience - this was about 5 years ago mind so things might be different.

Got booked in for the colposcopy after an abnormal smear. Got given a crap leaflet which didn’t really help. I found Jo’s Trust website such a good source of information, they also have a forum on there with loads of women sharing their experiences. *Please remember though it is a cancer website so you do often see the more serious sides of things, or negative outcomes. People don’t tend to post about something if it was straightforward (same with people usually only bothering to post a bad review of something etc) - so you’ll hear/see more negatives than positives online.

So I went along, and took my mum with me but she did have to wait in the waiting room. I had a female nurse chaperone next to me and then I think a male consultant and another female nurse who was helping him. They ask you to undress from the waist down and you get into a sort of chair with places to put your feet. it’s really not as bad as it sounds. It can feel a bit exposed though so I think you can ask for a paper towel you if you want.

At this point you may notice there is a colposcopy machine/camera thing. In my case it was already pointing at my bits and seeing my foof blown up on the screen was a bit weird but it was more awkward and they see so many every day.

The doctor put in the speculum just like with a smear. It wasn’t painful for me but I know some people can find it a bit horrible. My advice is don’t look at what’s happening and try and have a chat to the nurse next to you. Mine was asking me questions about my job etc, and holding my hand.

So next in my case, and I’m not sure why, the consultant said he wanted to take a slightly larger than normal biopsy which would need anaesthetic . This was the only bit that I really found quite difficult but it was more knowing what’s going on down there was making me squeamish rather than actual pain. The injection did go into my cervix, and then I guess he poked me a few times to check it had worked (it had). Then I assume he took a biopsy but I didn’t feel anything. Then it was done and I got dressed. I didn’t really have any bleeding that I can remember, maybe a couple of spots. The whole visited probably lasted about 15 minutes, the waiting beforehand is the worst.

I think it’s definitely worth having a chat to your doctor about it, I’m sure they will be happy to do anything they can to help you relax as it’s quite an invasive procedure. It’s so important to get these done and so just going for your smear is half the battle already, this is just like a slightly extended smear and so worth it to put your mind at rest good luck.

ps I also had LLETZ after that appointment but this post would go on forever! It was much the same to be honest.
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@Pixipoppy thank you so much. It’s so much better when you know exactly what to expect. Did you find the injection painful?
In all honesty I think I did feel something, I don’t remember finding it excruciating but maybe on a par with getting an injection at the dentist. It’s hard to compare pain, it was definitely less painful than a piercing but lasted a little bit longer. If you try and distract yourself and take a few deep breaths it’ll be over so quickly (they don’t necessarily do the injection to take a biopsy, I think it’s because he wanted to take a larger area than what a punch biopsy would take).
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Just butting in but I’ve had one too and mine was just like pixipoppy described. Also a few years ago. It’s not anyone’s first choice of a day out but you will be ok, I found that they were so lovely. I was crying as I’m a bit of a wimp and the nurse was holding my hand chatting away to keep me distracted. They do understand how frightening it is. I think diazepam is a really good idea. It helps when you know that other people have been through it xx
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@Pixipoppy @Gembo thank you both I find the information they give you really lacking. I’m not even actually worried about having cancer at this point, just the procedure itself and the aftermath (smears give me nightmares for weeks )
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@Pixipoppy @Gembo thank you both I find the information they give you really lacking. I’m not even actually worried about having cancer at this point, just the procedure itself and the aftermath (smears give me nightmares for weeks )
I’m really sorry that happened to you. I just wanted to say definitely give your GP a ring and they will give you diazepam for sure. Also, the nurses are lovely and will definitely be a great support to you if you do have to have the lletz procedure you can request that you get it done under GA if that would be more comfortable for you. I hope it goes well
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@Pixipoppy @Gembo thank you both I find the information they give you really lacking. I’m not even actually worried about having cancer at this point, just the procedure itself and the aftermath (smears give me nightmares for weeks )
I’ve had a colposcopy & LLETZ.


the Dr will discuss what’s going to happen,usually in a side room/office. A general consultation based on why you are there etc. nurses will be there, who are usually lovely! They will take you through to the treatment room - I think you usually have to do a urine sample so they can make sure your not pregnant. you’ll be asked to go and out on a gown and undress from the waist down.
you’ll come back into the treatment room and lay on the examination bed/couch - it’s got the separate leg sections with stirups etc. You’ll get comfy, and you’ll be given a modesty sheet to cover yourself with it you want to. The nurses will stand talking to you and make sure your ok! The Dr will ask you to part your legs like a smear test and use a speculum, they will then use a microscope to look at the cervix and the image comes up on a screen beside them - the camera/microscope never goes inside you/never touches you.

they will use a swab with some solutions on it to dab onto the cervix to show the abnormal areas - so the swab will go inside and touch the cervix - not sore, but just feels cold. Smells like vinegar!!!

if they want to do biopsy they will give you a small injection of local anesthetic into the cervix - this feels like a sting abd lasts for just a second or two. You probably won’t feel them take the biopsy - I had them taken from the cervix and the uterus- the only thing I could feel was when they fit the uterus biopsy it felt like mild period cramps for a minute or two.

the lletz procedure is ok - you’ll be numb, they stick a plaster to your leg to keep the wire out of the way and the Dr will use the tool to take a small area of tissue off the cervix - you probably won’t feel anything other than it can feel quite warm - but not burning hot - just a warm sensation. I will say that this procedure does have a smell element to it, it smells like the way your hair smells if you’ve ever singed it on a candle or whatever!!!

after they have done it they use a solution to help the cervix heal and stay clean, then they take the speculum out and you’ll be helped to sit up, they will make sure your feeling ok and then let you get dressed and leave.

plesase let them know if you feel able to how you feel and the reasons why you are nervous - and take any medication you feel you need to be comfortable. you are doing a great thing in taking care of your health but I appreciate it must feel difficult given your history.
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In case anyone's wondering - spoken to a GP today who won't prescribe Diazepam, apparently it's 'not done anymore' and shouldn't be asked for. So I'm not very happy about that. Debating paying for a private GP appointment and seeing if they say otherwise but not sure if it's worth it for £100 odd quid. She is prescribing me naproxen which I've not had before and said I could have co-codamol OTC with it. I've got some leftover codeine at home anyway so wondering if that would do.
Really need to stop reading horror stories online, I'm worried I'll talk myself out of it. Have barely told anyone I know because I don't want to hear the usual 'it'll save your life' 'it's not that bad.' Or the real kicker - 'it's nothing compared to birth' which I haven't done and don't intend to, so why on earth anyone thinks that's helpful I will never know! I do think the abject lack of understanding towards people who have been assaulted and so find all this much more difficult is just horrendous, and if I feel like that having what most would consider a 'legitimate reason' for fear and panic then god only knows how other women are treated (for the record my personal view is it's very invasive and so fear/worry is totally valid for everyone anyway)
Find it very interesting that LLETZ is done under general in America and we're expected to just put up with cervix injections here.
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I’m really sorry they weren’t helpful at all makes me so cross. Are you in the UK? Can you request a female nurse there to make the appointment and maybe speak to beforehand? I’m really sorry you have to go through all this

P.s be careful with naproxen esp if you have a sensitive stomach.
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I just had an appointment last week with a gynecologist for an ovarian cyst that showed up on a hip MRI ordered from my rheumatologist. (It's been hurting for months now, but the mri was to check for arthritis issues). I haven't had pelvic exams/pap smears in over 9 years due to PTSD from sexual assault. I messaged the gyn beforehand asking about sedation, like a Valium. The office said to speak with the doctor when I come in so I did. She was so dismissive of every thing I had to say and treated me like I was just a drug seeker. She refused meds so I refused any exams. It took a lot for me to even be able to show up to seek help and being treated like that just felt like a "fuck you just get over it" especially from a female dr too. I won't go back to her office and unless my pain gets worse to the point I can't handle it, I don't think I'll be going back to any gynecologist.
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Thank you, yes I am. The GP told me to speak to them at the colposcopy and make them 'aware of my issues to ensure they're gentle' - I'm actually in disbelief you even have to ask them to be 'gentle' when they're poking around your cervix?! This is making me so angry!
Oh really, I have IBS what does it do?

I'm so sorry this happened to you, it's bloody rubbish. Just not good enough care.
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That’s ridiculous, you deserve better. Makes me so angry and then they complain when people don’t want to attend these kind of appointments it can cause stomach upset. I’m assuming she is only giving it to you to take very short term though. If it’s going to be for a while defo put them over it as they would need to give you something alongside it to protect your stomach/stomach lining.

So sorry to hear this.

I had similar when I was booked for a vaginal ultrasound for ovarian pain. I couldn't take it and she was really, really rude and dismissive. In the end, another lovely registrar agreed to do a thorough ultrasound and sent me away to drink several pints of water and then come back (!) Women should NOT have to put up with this and in some cases, we simply cannot bear it and alternatives should be available.
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