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I used to be scared to death. Fortunately I’m of the age when smears were done much younger than they are now. Luckily for me too as I had stage 3 pre cancerous cells. If untreated this stage can develop into cancer. I had them all removed followed by ten years of yearly smears. If the age for getting smears was what it is now, I would most likely have had cervical cancer and not known until it was possibly too late.
back then also the wait for me to be seen on the NHS was 16 weeks!! Now 4 months when you have stage 3 is a pretty long time to be left in my opinion! Luckily my parents paid privately. I was assessed in the day, the surgeon called me from his personal mobile at the night, and said this needs removing immediately and he did it the next morning. It’s annoying to think that some people might not be as lucky as I was! I’m not sure what wait times are now.
So long story but if you’re scared, don’t be. It’s over before you know it. It doesn’t hurt it’s just uncomfortable. I’d rather have a smear than my ears pierced again.
A couple of minutes of feeling exposed and uncomfortable is nothing compared to the treatment for cancer. ❤
Sorry you had to go through this, but so glad everything is okay. This is the exact reason why smears are so important. Yes they aren't comfortable but they can save your life. It's more than worth it!
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Just butting in but I’ve had one too and mine was just like pixipoppy described. Also a few years ago. It’s not anyone’s first choice of a day out but you will be ok, I found that they were so lovely. I was crying as I’m a bit of a wimp and the nurse was holding my hand chatting away to keep me distracted. They do understand how frightening it is. I think diazepam is a really good idea. It helps when you know that other people have been through it xx
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The blood tests are done by the gp and the ultrasounds were done in the hospital based on gp referral🙂 it’s just saddening that women are ignored like this, especially those of us that are young and would like to preserve our fertility! It would nice to know sooner rather than later if there’s a serious reproductive issue😵💫🤦🏻‍♀️

Hi☺ I haven’t really been offered anything else besides the pill when I was 15 and honestly I don’t fancy it. The potential side effects and the issues they can cause fertility just aren’t worth it for me, especially when I may already struggle with fertility in the future if I do have this disease🥲
I’m so sorry you’re going through this, but it is sad that they only offered you the pill and nothing more…

By the way, I just thought to let you know the pill and other contraceptive methods don’t effect future fertility, so you don’t need to worry about that, if it’s something you ever decided to take :) (I attached a study for you, but there’s a lot of research online that disproves the myth) x

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Everyone is different how they cope with it but out of all my friends and family, I only know of my sister who found it painful but I think she used to get too tense. I've never found them painful and they have got better now they use a plastic spectrum.

But it's very important you attend for your smears as I have a family member who died age 30 of cervical cancer. It was found on her first ever smear as she had put them off up until then.
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Physically and mentally intolerable. I have Vaginisimus.
ah I’m glad someone here has mentioned vaginisimus. I also have it - although mine has improved a lot over the last year and has become more manageable.
I’m not eligible for a smear test yet (give it a couple of years!) but I’m also dreading it and fear that a bad experience will make my vaginisimus a lot worse again.
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@pommynoir have you asked a medical professional about the safety of delaying it? Obviously it’s best to get it treated asap but my understanding is that cervical cancer grows very slowly. Speaking to a professional they’ll tell you straight if it’s okay to risk it or not. Your wedding is a huge and expensive event, it’s not silly that you want to enjoy that and not have the horrid side effects ruin this special time in your life!
Not yet, I just got the letter yesterday as my old neighbour text to say a letter had came from the hospital. I will call them, but there was a big cervical smear scandal a couple of years ago where women died due to being given the wrong results etc so I feel like they will say to go ahead with it.

the problem is if I smell as bad as mentioned here and Google there’s no way I can have my dress altered and have someone with their head Infront of my crotch 🤣🤣.

i will give them a call tomorrow and see what they say. Thank you all so so much!
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Lulu Goss

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Thank you for sharing. I’m in a very similar situation to yours (I’m 33 now) and it’s extremely hard for other people to understand. I get very frustrated with myself over it all.
I think it’s really hard to share stuff like this, especially if the reasoning is something very personal. It’s not like you can openly say it when smear tests occasionally come up in conversation. And although I know you can tell the nurse, I don’t want to as it’s not a conversation I want to have.

On the other hand I’ve just started trying for a baby and in the back of my mind I always think it’s something I should have had done, but I just can’t.

I get frustrated with myself too but we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves x
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Hi ladies, so glad to have found this thread. I had a smear test a few months ago and it came back that I had HPV and abnormal cells. So I went for a colposcopy in June, I’ve just received a letter to say I have CIN2 cells and need a LLETZ or a cold coagulation it doesn’t say which.

has anyone had these procedures before? Are they prety ok?My appointment is in September,and I get married a month later. What are the chances I’ll be healed enough to be able to go swimming / have sex etc.

my letter says avoid these things for at least two weeks but I’m having this done in Ireland, I know the NHS are normally more cautious so wanted to hear other peoples thought.

Of course, ideally I don’t want to cancel but I’ve paid a Lot of money for this wedding and I want to feel and be 100%!
I’ve had LLETZ (also known as LEEP). Same situation as yourself, had CIN2 abnormal cells and HPV. It was ok, a bit uncomfortable but not painful. Had some cramping afterwards which I expected and was no worse than period pains. However.. the smell. I’m not sure if everyone experiences this or just some people by my god there is a horrendous smelling discharge that happens due to the procedure. I’d say it took a good 3 weeks for me to go ‘back to normal’ again but I’m sure this will differ for everyone. Luckily I worked from home at the time so didn’t need to be around people, but the smell really is terrible.

I have a long history with smears and abnormal cells though with my first being at 20 (when Scotland lowered the age for a while) and being on 3 month, 6 month and yearly recalls since. Thankfully after the LLETZ procedure I got the all clear and don’t need to have another one for 5 years when I’ll be in my mid 30s. I’d endure that smell all over again than risk it becoming anything worse. I think you’ll be ok after a month.
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The Mirena coil is still hormonal though, although in a lower dose and directly in the uterus.
Have your periods always been this heavy??

book in to see your GP, you don’t have to suffer in silence!!!
Yeah they have, I've always had heavy painful periods since a year after I started then at 14. They get better after I've had a baby then over the years just get worse and worse it's been 4 years since my last baby. I'm lucky in that they only last 3-4 days but I'm so heavy that I still leak with a moon cup and two large sanitary pads. I had a scan just before I fell pregnant last time and they said my womb lining was slightly thickened but weren't concerned about it, just warned me that it could affect fertility which it didn't.

I know I've got to book myself in, I'm a midwife and always nag everyone else to sort out their gynae health but I also get scared. I'm up to date with smears and have no issues with spotting in between. But they just push the mirena which I know is hormonal so can't take it (plus I am oddly weirded out about having something in my body).

I'd be happy for them to take the whole lot out. I don't want anymore children and it's just a pain. My eldest also is struggling with heavy periods too, if seems to be a family curse.
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Thank you so much for this, it does make me feel better. Except that I’ve my first dress fitting two days later - I don’t want to be smelly for it 🤣🤣. I’ve recently moved to the UK and will be going home to Ireland for dress fittings and for the procedure so I can’t actually rearrange the dress fitting.
I’m scared to leave it though, as we’ve two honeymoons planned, a mini moon for directly after then we have November and then travelling for the month of December so I’d have to rearrange for the new year. 6 months after the colposcopy and 9 months after the smear.

i know deep down this is more important but the chances are it’s probably nothing and I feel like it’s going to disrupt what I’ve had planned for the last two years, and spent a small fortune on 😭😭. (I do realise I’m probably being a spoilt brat)
Don’t worry, mine was delayed due to covid and I think it was almost a year by the time they got around to getting me in for the procedure. They’ve caught it early enough at CIN2 that delaying it a bit should be fine. I’m obviously no professional though, just speaking from experience! Without being too graphic, the smell really is terrible and I didn’t even want to nip to Tesco never mind try on wedding dresses and get married! No judgement here, just do whatever feels right for you☺
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i'm due an internal ultrasound to check if i have an ovarian cyst - i'm on progesterone only pill and havent had periods in a few years (baaad periods due to pcos so on a higher pill dose to stop them) and i'm kinda petrified. but that's probs bc i'm a 20 yr old virgin ... lol
basically has anyone had one that wasn't awful??
I had one a couple of months ago and they found a small cyst (how the little MF causes so much pain is beyond me)

It wasn't the most fun time I've ever had in the afternoon, it was a little bit uncomfortable (also have a coil) but not too bad. Just tell them you're a virgin they might be extra gentle with you.

I also had another one years ago and it was a male that did it, I just lay back and counted the ceiling tiles 🤣🤣🤣
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I have a leep at 9am tomorrow after 3 x HPV + smears and a colposcopy which showed ungraded CIN whatever that means. Can’t sleep 😓
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Hi there! I’m after a little advice and didn’t know where to ask for it until I discovered this thread.

So, about four weeks ago I started getting these pains in my lower stomach but I dismissed them as period pains because I was due on at the time. Anyway, my period didn’t come until two weeks later (very unusual for me, I’ve always had regular cycles) and my period was super heavy for the first few days (again, unusual). When I came off, the pains I was experiencing before my period came are still there only now they’ve become super uncomfortable. Sometimes when I’m sat down I can feel a sudden, sharp pain in either my left side or right side (it varies each day) but today, whilst pottering around the house I’ve been able to feel something... I can’t explain it but it just feels like a ball in my stomach?! I’m definitely not pregnant either, I did a test a few weeks ago to make sure. I know you shouldn’t google your symptoms but I have been and I’m stressing out that I’ve got ovarian cancer or something. I have contacted my GP explaining my symptoms and they will be getting back to me within the next few days. I’ve been losing so much sleep over this lately as I know a few women in my family have had breast cancer and things like PCOS, Endometriosis and Ovarian Cysts. I’ve not had any bleeding either other than the period. All I’ve experienced is this awful stomach pain.

Sorry for the long post, I hope it all made sense I’m so crap at explaining things 😂
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Thank you. I am going to ask I think it would help if a friendly face was there but we aren’t allowed anyone else in are we?

I know I shouldn’t be bleeding after 19.5 years of nothing but am more scared of the procedure than the outcome.
They should already know this, but whoever does the procedure, just make sure they know that the nurse was unable to perform your smear.

Colposcopy sounds like a really scary procedure, but it's very routine, and you WILL get through it ❤ ❤ ❤
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Thank you so much for your reply, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. It's nice to hear from somebody who has been through similar!

I've joined a few FB groups for cervical problems but I'll also definitely follow Gynae Geek - thanks for the recommendation.

It's reassuring to hear that you were told there is no link between ectropion and cancer. At my appointment where I was diagnosed, I was told "there would be no point in doing any treatment" so I didn't pursue matters but I think I probably will ask for details of what treatment would be available, as it does get me down not knowing when I will or won't bleed. Luckily I've been with my partner a long time and he's very understanding so the blood doesn't bother him but it's still embarrassing and really shouldn't be happening.

Thanks again for your message, I really appreciate it. Although I do still feel nervous I do know that I need to book my smear so I am going to try and arrange it some time next month when I have some time off work.
I just remember how anxious I felt at the time! It’s horrible and what really helped me was talking to people. You soon realise how common these issues are and that you’re not alone!

I meant to add; the smear I had at the time was outside of my normal NHS routine smears. It was just done as a precaution and it was totally by chance I had some abnormal cells show. Last month I was invited for my usual NHS smear test and I felt anxious I would have cell changes again etc but thankfully when I received my letter, everything was clear!

and yes when you go for your Smear, the nurse may notice and mention your ectropion. I would discuss with her that the bleeding is bothersome and hopefully she will be able to refer you to look into options for having it sorted. I would at least try the chemical solution on the Cervix. I think that usually fixes the issue it’s just that mine was quite severe and needed further treatment.

the joys of being a women eh?! :)
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If there's no abnormal cells atm try not to worry, I've read that most people get HPV at some point and its quite rare that it actually does anything. I know it's easier said than done though, I'm still taking the mushroom and I hope it works because I'm absolutely sick of all these tests!
Yeah that's what I've read/heard from others I just got into a pure tizz about it. Where did you order your mushroom extract from? I hope everything resolves itself for you ❤❤ I don't even want the stupid organs down there 😫 don't want kids ever and periods make me SO depressed so can't they just like whack it out? Tad extreme maybe lol
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I’m really sorry they weren’t helpful at all 🥺 makes me so cross. Are you in the UK? Can you request a female nurse there to make the appointment and maybe speak to beforehand? I’m really sorry you have to go through all this 😞

P.s be careful with naproxen esp if you have a sensitive stomach.
Thank you, yes I am. The GP told me to speak to them at the colposcopy and make them 'aware of my issues to ensure they're gentle' - I'm actually in disbelief you even have to ask them to be 'gentle' when they're poking around your cervix?! This is making me so angry!
Oh really, I have IBS (n) what does it do?

I just had an appointment last week with a gynecologist for an ovarian cyst that showed up on a hip MRI ordered from my rheumatologist. (It's been hurting for months now, but the mri was to check for arthritis issues). I haven't had pelvic exams/pap smears in over 9 years due to PTSD from sexual assault. I messaged the gyn beforehand asking about sedation, like a Valium. The office said to speak with the doctor when I come in so I did. She was so dismissive of every thing I had to say and treated me like I was just a drug seeker. She refused meds so I refused any exams. It took a lot for me to even be able to show up to seek help and being treated like that just felt like a "fuck you just get over it" especially from a female dr too. I won't go back to her office and unless my pain gets worse to the point I can't handle it, I don't think I'll be going back to any gynecologist.
I'm so sorry this happened to you, it's bloody rubbish. Just not good enough care.
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Going on the pill is a vicious circle when it comes to this sort of thing, if you don't have a diagnosis yet I wouldn't do it. I have endo and it was ignored by doctors for years because my symptoms were 'managed' due to being on the pill. They wouldn't do a laparoscopy on me while I was on it. It wasn't until I'd been off the pill and back to fainting/being unable to move from pain when I had periods, and I was steadfast that I wanted an answer and not just fobbed off with the pill again, that anyone bothered to look into it more. If you're trying to get an answer I definitely would not go on the pill until you have one. Getting something that masks your symptoms is not an answer, and there are lots of valid reasons not to want to go on the pill - it affects the mental health of a lot of women.
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Im ok about smears fortunately, I do end up putting off actually booking it for a couple of months but the fear of not detecting something spurs me to do it in the end. It’s awkward for a few minutes then I can get on with my day. I think what helped me personally was giving birth twice. It really helped me get past that barrier of feeling embarrassed because you realise the nurses really have seen it all and they don’t care. I had a room full of people looking at and poking around my downstairs at one point during labour, after that a smear seems like small fries. I have so much sympathy for women who have fears and anxieties around smears, I’m very similar when it comes to procedures involving blood.

The one I’m struggling with now is sorting my implant out. It needs to be replaced as I’m quite a while past 3 years now. I’m just freaked out about the procedure of getting the old one out and them putting a new one in🤢 if I could be put under general for it then it would be fine but obviously that’s ott for such a small and quick procedure. I just think I’m going to faint or be sick and make it into a whole drama. Add to that the current situation, and I don’t even know if my doctors surgery is open or what the procedures are or which just makes me put it off for even longer. I know it needs to be done but it’s so daunting.
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